Introduction 📝
Amazon Nimble Studio is an Amazon Web Services (AWS) service that creates the infrastructure required to run a cloud-based studio for generating visual effects (VFX), animation, and interactive content. Nimble Studio offers virtual workstations, cloud rendering, and shared storage to content makers, allowing them to scale resources to meet rising content demand swiftly.
Production studios may use Nimble Studio to safely utilize a global workforce in the cloud, lowering the expenses of additional physical infrastructure and technical labor. By using cutting-edge AWS security, your admins can keep your important studio resources safe while enabling your employees to access the tools they require, such as scalable high-speed storage, licensing, and near-limitless rendering. Now let's understand some concepts and terminology for Amazon Nimble Studio.
Concept and terminology for Amazon Nimble Studio 🌼
You can use the core ideas and terminology in this guide to help you grasp Amazon Nimble Studio and get started with it.
Amazon EC2 instance
A cloud instance is a virtual server. The Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that you selected when you launched the instance is replicated in its configuration. You must first launch an instance before you can join a streaming session with your virtual workstation. From the Nimble Studio portal, you can accomplish this.
Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
The data needed to launch an instance is provided via an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). You must run StudioBuilder and deploy your cloud studio before you can use the AMI to start an Amazon EC2 instance. All of the packages required for the deployment are present in an AMI.
AWS Managed Microsoft AD
The AWS Cloud's fully managed Active Directory is called AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory (AWS Managed Microsoft AD).
The AWS Managed Microsoft AD service is used by StudioBuilder to construct an Active Directory environment while building your cloud studio. Once it has been installed, you can link your new AWS Managed Microsoft AD to the AWS IAM Identity Center, which replaced AWS Single Sign-On (IAM Identity Center).
AWS managed policies
A standalone policy that is developed and managed by AWS is known as an AWS-managed policy. An independent policy is one that has its own Amazon Resource Name (ARN), which contains the name of the policy. One AWS managed policy is arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/IAMReadOnlyAccess.
AWS Management Console
A wide range of service consoles for managing AWS services is accessible through the AWS Management Console, a web application.
Each service also comes with a console of its own. These consoles provide a large selection of cloud computing tools. For instance, you can create a license server and update or add new software to your Linux worker Amazon Machine Image within the EC2 panel (AMI). Even a service that assists with billing and cost control is available.

AWS IAM Identity Center
An AWS tool called IAM Identity Center makes it simple to manage access to many AWS accounts and business apps from a single location. You may give users single sign-on access to all of their assigned accounts and applications using the IAM Identity Center. In AWS Organizations, you can also manage user permissions and multi-account access from a single location for all of your accounts.
AWS Systems Manager Session Manager
Session Manager is a fully managed AWS Systems Manager tool that enables you to manage your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances and virtual machines (VMs) through an interactive one-click browser-based shell or through the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
You can launch AWS resources into a defined virtual network using Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). This virtual network has the advantages of using the scalable infrastructure of AWS while closely resembling a conventional network that you would operate in your own data center. During deployment, Amazon Nimble Studio gives you access to a default VPC.
Launch profile
Access to studio elements like computing farms, shared file systems, managed file systems, licensing server settings, instance kinds, and Amazon Machine Images is controlled by a launch profile (AMIs).
Launch profiles are created by studio managers in the Nimble Studio console. From the Nimble Studio site, artists can launch an instance by using their launch profiles. How a user can start a streaming session is determined by their launch profile. Studio administrators can utilize any launch profile by default.
You can choose your home AWS Region from a selection of six offered by Nimble Studio. Users near their home Region will benefit from quicker speeds and better functionality. See Amazon Nimble Studio Availability Zones for more details.
Streaming image
A resource within Nimble Studio called a "streaming image" stands in for an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) and is designed specifically to function with virtual workstations. Users can connect to their workstations using a NICE DCV client and a streaming image.