Last updated: Mar 31, 2022

Android Advance

Learn advanced features of Android App Development, how different architecture works, learn about database connections, working with APIs, services. These features add exceptional capabilities to our Android apps and make them more usable and practical. We will also learn to implement features like audio capturing, camera options, and other advanced stuff.
7 Easy Steps to Learn Android App Development MEDIUM
Over the last few years, there have been numerous advents in the development industry. Many arguments have been over, development being more important...
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Android Model View Controller
In this blog, we’ll learn about Model View Controller Architecture and then understand it with an example and learn its advantages and disadvantages.
Android MVP(Model View Presenter) Architecture EASY
In this blog, you will learn about the Android MVP (Model View Presenter) Architecture and will see an example application that implements this model.
MVVM (Model View ViewModel) Architecture Pattern in Android EASY
MVVM architecture is a Model-View-ViewModel architecture that is responsible for removing tightly bound components from each other.
Absolute Layout in Android with Example EASY
The absolute layout is a layout that allows you to specify the exact placement of its children(widgets) with x/y coordinates. Absolute layouts are less flexible and more challenging to manage than layouts that do not use absolute placement.
Google Maps APIs in Android EASY
In this blog, you will learn about the Google map API to create and how to make requests using API to get the location.
Android Drag and Drop Feature EASY
In this blog, we will discuss the Android drag and drop feature, and also we will discuss the various behind-the-scenes code of the working Virtual Device.
Notifications in Android EASY
In this blog, we will learn about notification features in android and how we can create our custom notifications.
Sending Emails In Android
In this article, we'll be learning about Email Sending and its implementation in the Android app.
Sending SMS in Android EASY
In this article, we'll be learning about how to send SMS on Android.
Android Phone Calls EASY
In this blog, you will learn about Android Phone Calls. We will see how we can make a phone call using an android application.
Android Camera EASY
In this blog, you will learn about using Camera features in an Android application and will see an example application that implements the same.
Animations in Android EASY
In this blog, you will learn about Animations in Android. We will see how to create and use Animations in an android application.
Audio Capture In Android EASY
In this article, we'll be learning about how Audio is captured on Android.
Audio Manager in Android EASY
In this article, we'll be learning about the Audio Manager and its need in Android.
Android AutoComplete Feature EASY
In this blog, you will learn about the AutoComplete feature in Android. We will see how to create and use AutoComplete in an android application.