Do you intend to attend the interviews for the DevOps Engineer position at prestigious MNCs and startups? You'll learn a lot from this blog about answering Apache Tomcat interview questions.
This blog will cover the most significant and likely Apache Tomcat interview questions. Let’s start going!
Beginners Level Apache Tomcat Interview Questions
This section will discuss the fundamentals of Apache Tomcat interview questions to establish a solid base.
1.What is Apache Tomcat?
Ans: The Apache Tomcat is developed by Apache Software Foundation, which is essentially a Web server and servlet system. It supports the HTTP protocol; a user can access a Java application and establish a connection to the server from any location using the provided URL.
2. What is Tomcat?
Ans: Tomcat is a Java servlet container and a web server from the Apache Foundation. Both by itself and in conjunction with web servers, it is usable. Its most recent iterations contain static content and are as fast as http. It employs the request message exchange pattern to deal with web servers and pages.
3. Why do we require Apache Tomcat?
Ans: Java Web Applications must be run on the host and server-based systems using Apache Tomcat. It is used to run running servlets and JSP.
4. What is the name of Tomcat's built-in Web Container?
Ans: The built-in web container for Tomcat is called Catalina, and it can be found in the bin directory. All HTTP requests are loaded using Catalina, which can also create GET () and POST () method objects.
5. How do you clean the Tomcat server's cache?
Ans: You only need to delete the folder associated with the web application whose cache you want to clear to clear the Apache Tomcat server cache.
6. What is Tomcat Cluster?
Ans: Tomcat cluster is used to manage large applications. The Apache Tomcat cluster is used to more effectively balance load and manage most traffic.
7. What does Tomcat's default port mean to you?
Ans: Tomcat's assigned port by default is 8080. Well, it can be modified by editing the server.xml file located in the conf folder of the Tomcat installation directory. It can be made to save changes by changing the property to the desired port connector port="8080" and restarting the server afterward.
8. What do Tomcat-users.XML configuration files mean to you?
Ans: The entire Tomcat user base is defined in the Tomcat-users.XML configuration files. It can be found in Tomcat's server root, in the conf folder.
9. Which configuration file is used by Apache Tomcat and is essential?
Ans: httpd.conf is a crucial configuration file used by Apache Tomcat.
10. What is a connector in Tomcat?
Ans: The Apache project's connectors are an integral part of the project and offer web server plug-ins for connecting web services with Tomcat and all other back-ends.
11. What is Jasper in Tomcat?
Ans: Jasper is the moniker of the Tomcat JSP engine. It transmits the JSP files so they can be converted into servlet-like Java code. It constantly recompiles JSP files using the running time, which constantly recognizes all changes.