Last updated: Mar 22, 2023

API Testing Extensions

We have talked about the tools that are used for api testing but what if I don't want to go through the task of downloading and installing the api testing tools and want a quick work? Here, comes extensions, such as thunder client, HTTP Client etc. These extensions are very helpful that they are now replacing these tools as well. We can download these extensions on our normal day to day used IDEs like VS Code, Eclipse etc. Their performance and usage is simpler than the tools. We will be discussing such extensions for popular IDEs.
How to Perform API Testing in Various IDE? EASY
This article describes how we can perform API testing in various IDE.
Test Provider Extension for VS Code EASY
In this article, we talk about Visual Studio Code, test provider extension for VS Code, and how we can perform API testing in VS Code.
Thunder client a Solution for Postman in VS code
This article discusses the Thunder client i.e., a solution for Postman in VS code. We will discuss how we can use it.
NB JUnit and Jelly Tools in Apache Netbeans EASY
In this article, we will learn about the JUnit and Jelly tools in Apache Netbeans and do unit testing.
HTTP Client in PyCharm and IntelliJ
This blog explains the details of HTTP Client in PyCharm and IntelliJ along with the details of creating HTTP request files, Creating an HTTP request scratch file, Moving an HTTP request, Compose HTseveral , and Convert cURL to the HTTP request in PyCharm and IntelliJ.
Rest Client in VS Code, PyCharm and IntelliJ
We will discuss the steps to use the rest clients in VS Code, PyCharm, and IntelliJ.
Author Vikash
What are the various tools used in IntelliJ Idea and Android Studio for Testing? EASY
This article incorporates the various tools used in IntelliJ Idea and Android Studio for Testing.
TestNG in Eclipse MEDIUM
This article gives a detailed overview of TestNG in Eclipse along with the primary key features of Eclipse.
Author Komal
MoreUnit in Eclipse EASY
This article gives a detailed overview of Moreunit in Eclipse along with the primary key features of Eclipse.
Author Komal
Infinitest in Eclipse EASY
This article gives a detailed overview of  Infinitest in Eclipse along with the primary key features of Eclipse.
Author Komal
Junit-Tools in Eclipse
This blog explains the details of Junit-Tools in Eclipse in which we talk about Installation and testing using Junit Tools in Eclipse.
PlumberTableau Extensions in R-studio
This blog explains the details of PlumberTableau Extensions in R-studio
HTTP requester and unit Testing in sublime text
This blog explains the details of HTTP requester and unit Testing in sublime text.