Table of contents
About Newgen
Why Choose Newgen?
About the Role
Salary and Perks of Application Engineer at Newgen
Skills and Experience Required 
Responsibilities of Application Engineer at Newgen
Preparation Strategy 
Career Map for an Application Engineer
Resources For Preparation
Interview Resources
Technical Resources
Miscellaneous Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
What an application engineer does?
Is application engineering a good career?
What is the salary of an Application Engineer?
Is an application engineer a sales engineer?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Application Engineer at Newgen

Author Tisha Chhabra
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In this article, we are going to discuss the roles and responsibilities of an Application Engineer at Newgen and provide you with a complete roadmap for this job. We will also learn about the perks of joining as an Application Engineer at Newgen and the resources required to be prepared for assessments and interviews.

application engineer at newgen

We have covered all things that you need to know about the Application Engineer at Newgen. Read the full article below and know about it.

About Newgen


Newgen provides a unified digital transformation platform with content services, communications management capabilities, and native process automation. Newgen was founded in 1992 and is based in India. It is led by Virender Jeet and has expanded to over 60 countries worldwide. Its services are used in finance, Healthcare, Communications, and Government.

Why Choose Newgen?

Newgen has a great working environment in various fields with fantastic progressing potential. Newgen is your home away from home. The policies and practices that Newgen abides by are meant to create a learning and empowering working environment.

About the Role

Here we will discuss the Role of an Application Engineer at Newgen. Application Engineer works as a bridge between the customers and the organization’s engineering team. The Application Engineers are there to improve the complete functioning of their client’s software.

Application Engineer has different Roles and Responsibilities as mentioned below:

  • They create new software architectures
  • They work on/within an existing software
  • Optimize certain technologies by engineering the hardware components
  • They provide technical support and expertise to the clients,
  • Other tasks include maintaining hardware, testing applications, leading demonstrations, and responding to customers.

Salary and Perks of Application Engineer at Newgen

Salary of an Application Engineer at Newgen is below:

Average Annual Salary ₹ 4,60,500 per year 
Estimated Take-Home Salary ₹32,000 - ₹ 35,000/month


Perks of an Application Engineer at Newgen are below:

  • Team Outings
  • Cafeteria
  • Health Insurance
  • Free Transport
  • Work From Home
  • Soft Skill Training
  • International Relocation
  • Job Training

Skills and Experience Required 

Skills required to become an Application Engineer at Newgen are:

a. Technical support: Being an application engineer, you must have strong technical support skills to make quick responses for customer service issues. 

b. Interpersonal skills: Application engineers have to use interpersonal skills to communicate easily with their clients and team members. Having strong interpersonal skills and communication skills helps to understand each other.

c. Attention to detail: Application engineers must use their attention to detail to perform different tasks. Some of them include service calls for their client's systems.

d. Teamwork skills: Teamwork is a very important skill for an Application Engineer as they need to work in a team. 

Responsibilities of Application Engineer at Newgen

  • They have to provide technical support to the client as needed.
  • Integrating new technologies to optimize the applications.
  • demonstrating prototypes and contributing to sales presentations.
  • Perform debugging procedures and diagnostic tests.
  • Generate new ideas for the innovation of software.
  • Be updated with the advancements of technology in application engineering.

Preparation Strategy 

preparation strategy


a. Develop Application Engineering skills. 

To become an application engineer at Newgen, you have to earn some skills that are required to become an application engineer and crack the interview.

b. Develop your technical skills

You need to work on your technical skills and make it strong. Learn about different concepts in engineering and programming Languages.

c. Create Portfolio

Try to create some applications on your own and work on small projects that need the skills of an application engineer.

d. Certificate

Gain some certifications that will help you to learn about the role and it will help to get the job fast.

Career Map for an Application Engineer

Senior System Engineer: Next path after becoming an Application is Senior System Engineer.

Lead System Engineer: After working as a Senior System Engineer, you will become a Lead system engineer which handles the team of system engineers.

Engineering Manager: After working for a long time, you can become an Engineering Manager who manages all the project tasks.

Director of Engineering: Director of Engineering is the head of this profile and handles the managers and the management of all projects.

Resources For Preparation


You can also check out the links below to prepare for your interviews. 

Interview Resources

You can refer to the below resources to prepare for your interviews:

Test Series: You can refer to the test series to learn and practice different mock tests for different companies.

Problems: You can check out different types of problems asked in different company interviews.

Problem Lists: This will help you to know about different problems asked in a company and prepare them.

Interview Bundles: Check this to get a complete bundle to prepare for your interview.

Interview Puzzles: You can refer to this to learn and know all about Interview Puzzles.

Interview Questions: Check this to learn about different Interview questions and how to answer them.

Must Read:  Wordpress Interview Questions

Technical Resources

You can refer to the below resources to learn programming and related concepts:

Data Structure and Algorithm: You can refer to this to learn all about the data structure and algorithms.

Competitive Programming: You can refer to this to learn all about competitive programming.

C Programming: You can refer to this to learn all about C programming.

C#: You can refer to this to learn all about C programming.

Python Programming: You can refer to this to learn all about Python programming.

Competitive Programming Course: Refer to this to learn all about competitive programming with this course.

Python and DSA Course: Refer to this to learn all about Python DSA with this course.

Java DSA Course: Refer to this to learn all about Java DSA with this course.

Miscellaneous Resources

IT Certifications: You can check this to learn about different IT certifications and learn information about them.

Contests: You can refer to this and take part in the contest.

Guided Paths: You can refer to this to learn different programming languages with certifications.

Aptitude: You can refer to this to learn and know about aptitude preparation.

Diversified Section- a complete section to dig into the pool of variegated technical articles.

Software Engineering A complete guide to software engineering.

You can also check Java articles, preparation guides, aptitude preparation articles, and guided paths for data-structures-algorithmsbasics-of-java, and competitive programming.

You must watch the video given below, which will help you to reach Newgen:-

Frequently Asked Questions

What an application engineer does?

The basic role of an Application Engineer is to improve and design the software. They perform evaluations with clients to understand the goals of each project and implement them.

Is application engineering a good career?

Yes, a career as an applications engineer is good to go.

What is the salary of an Application Engineer?

Application Engineer salary in India with less than 1 year of experience to 7 years ranges from ₹ 3.2 Lakhs to ₹ 13 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 4.6 Lakhs.

Is an application engineer a sales engineer?

It is also known as sales engineers, sales applications engineers make applications for the sales departments and provide technical support and product information.


In this article, we discussed the role of the Application Engineer at Newgen. We have learned about the roles and responsibilities, the salary of an Application Engineer, and the Skills required to become an Application Engineer at Newgen.

We hope this blog title was helpful. You can also refer to other similar articles.

Refer to our guided paths on Coding Ninjas Studio to learn more about DSA, Competitive Programming, JavaScript, System Design, etc. Enroll in our courses and refer to the mock test and problems available. Take a look at the interview experiences and interview bundle for placement preparations.

Happy Learning Ninja!

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