Table of contents
What is a Stack?
Stack Representation
Stack Operations
Applications of Stack in Data Structure
1. Function Calls-
2. Backtracking-
3. Undo/Redo Operations-
4. Web browser history-
5. Reverse the Data-
6. Parenthesis checking-
7. Expression Evaluation-
Advantages of Stack
1. Efficient use of the RAM
2. Applied to Compiler Design
3. Quick access period
4. Simple to implement
Disadvantages of Stack
1. Restricted Capacity
2. No arbitrary access
3. Not appropriate for some uses
4. Limitations of the recursive function call
5. Underflow and overflow in a stack
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the application of stack in real-time?
What are the applications of stack memory? 
What is a real-life example of a stack?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Application of Stack in Data Structure

Author mayank dham
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A stack is an abstract Data structure that is often used in most programming languages and utilized as a collection of components. In the actual world, a stack only permits activities at one end. In this article, we will discuss the stack, its applications, and its advantages and disadvantages.

Application of Stack

What is a Stack?

Modern computers frequently employ a linear data structure called a stack, in which an element may only be added or removed from one end, i.e., the top of the Stack. It is used in all programs where data must be saved and retrieved later.

We must maintain a reference to the top of the Stack, which is the last piece to be inserted, in order to create a stack since we can only access the components on its top.

Stack Representation

A stack is a linear data structure that follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle. This means that the last element added to the stack is the first one to be removed. It is an ordered collection of elements where insertion and removal of items occur at the same end, traditionally referred to as the "top." A stack can be visualised as a vertical structure with elements stacked on top of each other, resembling a stack of plates.

Think of a stack as a collection of items stacked one on top of the other, much like a stack of books where you add or remove books from the top.

Array Implementation

In an array-based implementation, you have an array where you maintain a variable called "top" that points to the index of the top element in the stack. When you push an element, you increment the "top" index and place the new element at that index.

Linked List Implementation

In a linked list-based implementation, each element of the stack is a node in the linked list. When you push an element, you create a new node, point it to the current top node, and update the top pointer to the new node.

Stack Operations

A stack is essentially a container that supports two main operations: push and pop.

Push Operation

The push operation involves adding an element to the top of the stack. Imagine a stack of plates where you place a new plate on top of the stack.

Pop Operation

The pop operation involves removing the top element from the stack. Think of it as taking the top plate from a stack of plates.

Peek Operation

The peek operation allows you to look at the top element without removing it. It's like looking at the top plate without taking it off the stack.
Both array and linked list implementations support the peek operation by accessing the element at the "top" index or the data in the top node, respectively.

Applications of Stack in Data Structure

1. Function Calls-

The state of the program is placed into the Stack when a function is invoked. The preceding function's execution is continued after the process returns by popping the state off the Stack.

2. Backtracking-

Stacks can be used for backtracking or to verify if an expression's parentheses match. Stacks are used by the backtracking method to maintain track of the stages of the solution process. The old state is removed from the Stack when the algorithm goes backwards after pushing the current state onto it.

3. Undo/Redo Operations-

Many apps' undo-redo functionality employs stacks to remember the prior operations. A new action is added to the Stack each time it is completed. The top member of the Stack is popped to undo the action, and the original procedure is then carried out.

4. Web browser history-

Stacks are used by web browsers to record the websites you visit. When you click the back button, the previous URL is removed from the Stack and is added to the Stack each time you visit a new page.

5. Reverse the Data-

We must reorganize the data so that the first and final items are switched; the second and second-last elements are exchanged, and so on for all subsequent elements if we want to reverse a particular collection of data.

For example: If we have string codingNinja, then on reversing, it will become ajniNgnidoc.

6. Parenthesis checking-

To determine if brackets are balanced or not, a stack data structure is utilized. An opening parenthesis is popped off the Stack as a closing parenthesis is added onto it. The brackets are balanced if the Stack is empty at the conclusion of the expression.

7. Expression Evaluation-

Expressions written in infix, postfix, and prefix notations are evaluated using a stack data structure. The Stack is used to hold operators and operands, and the top pieces of the Stack are used to carry out operations.

Advantages of Stack

1. Efficient use of the RAM

In comparison to other data structures, Stack makes better use of memory since it occupies a continuous block of memory.

2. Applied to Compiler Design

For parsing and programming language syntax analysis, stack data structures are utilized in compiler design.

3. Quick access period

When items are added to and removed from the top of the Stack, stack data structures offer quick access times for adding and deleting elements.

4. Simple to implement

Stack data structures are simple to comprehend and build, and they may be easily implemented using arrays or linked lists.

Disadvantages of Stack

1. Restricted Capacity

As it can only retain a certain amount of components, stack data structures have a restricted storage capacity. If the Stack is already full, adding more pieces might cause a stack overflow and cause data loss.

2. No arbitrary access

Stack data structures do not allow random access to their elements. Instead, they only allow adding and removing elements from the top of the stack. To access a middle-of-the-stack element, all the elements above it must be removed.

3. Not appropriate for some uses

Applications like searching or sorting algorithms that need to access components in the centre of the Stack are not suitable for stack data structures.

4. Limitations of the recursive function call

Recursive function calls are supported by the stack data structure, but too many of them might cause a stack overflow, which can cause the application to crash.

5. Underflow and overflow in a stack

The Stack data structure may experience stack overflow if an excessive number of components are placed onto it, and it may experience stack underflow if a disproportionate number of pieces are removed from it.

Also read - Data Structure MCQ

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the application of stack in real-time?

In real-time applications, stacks are used for managing function calls, memory allocation, expression evaluation, task scheduling, and more. They follow the Last-In-First-Out principle and are crucial for tasks like managing program flow, maintaining history, and implementing undo functionality.

What are the applications of stack memory? 

Stack memory is like a special shelf for temporary things in a computer. It's used in many ways to keep track of what's happening. When you run a program, stack memory helps remember where you are and what you're doing. It's also used for storing small bits of information that programs need quickly. Think of it as a handy note-taking spot that helps the computer work smoothly.

What is a real-life example of a stack?

Imagine you're making a tower with different-sized blocks. You start by placing the biggest block at the bottom, then add smaller blocks on top of each other. When you want to take a block off, you start from the top and work your way down. This tower is like a stack in real life.


In this article, we have discussed various things about the stack such as the application of stack, its representation, operations as well as advantages and disadvantages.

To learn more, check out these articles:

If you want to learn more about stack and want to practice some questions which require you to take your basic knowledge on these topics a notch higher, then you can visit our Guided Path for Stack on Coding Ninjas Studio.  

You can also consider our Mern Stack Course to give your career an edge over others.

Until then, All the best for your future endeavours, and Keep Coding.

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