Last updated: Oct 28, 2021


Aptitude questions primarily contain concepts on topics like data interpretation, probability, coding-decoding, work and time, permutations and combinations, work and time, height and distance, calender, partnership etc. Aptitude is a very essential requisite to clear competitive exams such as CAT MAT SSC UPSC; bank, defense and railway exams and require understanding of both deep knowledge of the concept and knowing the quickest method to solve such problems. Since this is a vast field with diverse topics, that form the bulk of some of the most important exams, we will dive right in to learn the most efficient ways of solving all aptitude based questions.
Tips & Strategy to Crack Aptitude Test Online For Free
This article incorporates information on tips and strategies to crack any aptitude test and online course to prepare for the aptitude exam.

Basic Mathematics

Basic mathematics includes topics like algebra, arithematic, statistics, probability, geometry etc. Such concepts form the foundation for understanding more complex topics, and can be learned efficiently with regular practice. Basic mathematics problems can be learned easily with some guidance, which you can always find here at Coding Ninjas.
Ratio and Proportions
In this blog, we will discuss an important topic which is asked in the aptitude tests of almost all big-tech companies i.e ratio and proportions.
Author Deeksha
Averages EASY
In this article, we will understand the concept of averages in detail. We will also look at the different types of questions asked on this topic.
This article will take you around percentages and will clear your doubts for this topic as much as possible.
Python Program to Find LCM EASY
In this article, we will check out the LCM python program to find the LCM of two or more integers using a variety of different techniques in Python.
Speed, Distance and Time
This blog discusses Speed, Distance, and Time, popular concepts, and problems. Read further to learn more.
Mensuration(2D & 3D)
In this blog, we will discuss the problem of Mensuration and the approach to solving the problem on 2D and 3D Mensuration.
Longest arithmetic progression
This article covers the approach to finding the length of the longest arithmetic progression with its C++ code.
Author Spider
Simple and Compound Interest
In this blog, we will cover the fundamental concepts, formulas and some sample problems for a better understanding of Simple Interest and Compound Interest
Author Spider
In this article, we’ll take you through the concepts of probability and their applications used in solving problems.
Author Alisha
Finding HCF and LCM is one of the important topics of Aptitude and frequently asked in the initial stages of interviews and competitive examinations.
Sum of all proper divisors of a natural number
In this blog, we will learn how to calculate the number of divisors and the sum of divisors of a number. Read to know more.

Logical Ability

This category contains articles that discuss concepts which test a person's logical ability.
Order and Ranking
We'll go through the essential concepts of order and ranking reasoning in this post, as well as solved examples, tips & tricks, and more. Read the article thoroughly to dispel any doubts you may have.
In this blog, we will discuss aptitude problems related to clocks and their solution approaches.
Error Detection and Correction
This blog talks about error detection and correction questions asked in the aptitude section.
Embedded Images
In this blog, we discussed embedded images and approaches towards solving. Practicing embedded images questions helps to clear your aptitude exams.
Coding-Decoding EASY
In this blog, we will discuss the concept of coding and decoding, its various kinds and questions related to the same.
Mixture And Alligation
This article will introduce Mixture And Alligation and discuss approaches to use them in various logical problems.
Seating Arrangements
In this blog, we will discuss Seating arrangement topic in detail along with some problems. Seating arrangement is an important category of problem asked in the reasoning section.
Calendars EASY
This article is going to take you around the Calendars topic of the aptitude section.