Last updated: Feb 25, 2022


An array is a data structure containing a number of data values or finite ordered collection of homogenous data, stored in contiguous memory locations.
Arrays EASY
This blog is about what arrays are, how we can declare and initialize them, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of using arrays.
Arrays in C Programming EASY
In this article, we will cover arrays in C programming, syntax, their declaration, initialization, advantages, and disadvantages.
How do you Initialize an Array in C MEDIUM
Array initialization in C involves various methods like initializer lists, nested arrays, loops, and character arrays, which improve readability and flexibility in programming.
One Dimensional Array in C EASY
One-dimensional arrays are used to store collections of similar data types. This comprehensive article provides an overview of one-dimensional arrays in C, Learn how to declare, initialize, and access array elements.
Multidimensional Array in C (Two-Dimensional Array) EASY
Learn about multidimensional arrays in C, specifically two-dimensional arrays (2D arrays), through comprehensive declaration and initialization examples in this article.
3 Dimensional Array in C EASY
In this article, we'll discuss the basics of working with 3D arrays in C, like how to declare them, initialize their values, access and update elements, convert between 2D and 3D arrays, and dynamically allocate memory for them.
Passing Arrays to Function in C EASY
This article will discuss the three ways of passing arrays to functions in C/C++ in detail including the important points to be remembered.
Array of Pointers in C EASY
In this article, we will learn about the syntax for creating an array of pointers, see examples of arrays of pointers to characters and other types, understand their applications, and discuss their disadvantages.
Types of Array in C EASY
Discover the diverse types of array in C programming, from basic arrays to multidimensional arrays, with insights into their functionalities and applications.
Difference Between Single Quoted and Double Quoted Char Array in C EASY
This article will discuss all the necessary points associated with the differences between the single quoted array and the double quoted arrays in Java. We will also look at sample codes of both double quoted arrays and single quoted arrays.
Difference between Arrays and Pointers MEDIUM
This blog covers the concepts of paging, swapping, and the difference between arrays and pointers.
Dynamically Allocate a 2D Array in C EASY
This blog discusses the theoretical and practical implementation of how to dynamically allocate a 2D array in C.
How to pass a 2D array as a parameter in C? EASY
This article introduces you to the concept of parameters and gives a detailed explanation of how to pass a 2D array as a parameter to functions.
Accessing an array out of bounds in C/C++ EASY
This article will discuss the consequences of Accessing an array out of bounds in C/C++.
Pass an Array by Value EASY
The blog discusses the theoretical and practical implementation of passing an array by value in C.