One of the first VR projects was developed in the 1960s for a US military combat system. Since then, virtual reality has been simulating real-life experiences, and now, it has enabled us to launch our virtual avatars in the virtual world and interact with others like in the real world. One of the main advantages of Virtual reality is the ability to immerse users in a virtual yet safe world.
VR Training in the Military
Developments in AR and VR are having a significant impact on military training. AR and VR developers are developing technology to bring warfare concepts into reality. These tools are heavily helpful in reducing the cost of preparing soldiers. The places where most training ranges don't offer opportunities to train in the environment, this is where VR comes into play. Some of the key features of VR training are listed below.
Best Experience
It offers training exercises that are too rare, too expensive, or too dangerous to be done in real life. This can be used to teach awareness, build skills, and provide valuable experiences to help when real life requires it. It can enhance cognitive ability
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Real-Time Analysis
With AR/VR technology, instructors can get real-time information on their trainees' performance in a simulated scenario, allowing them to pass on quick, detailed feedback to each trainee. This helps trainees identify and explore their personal strengths and weaknesses and work on their weaknesses a lot better.
Scalable Training
It is very crucial to build capacity for practical training at an enormous scale which the military requires. This is also where AR/VR helps in large-scale training. It enables the military to train the soldiers at an accelerated pace.
Operational And Situational Awareness
Augmented reality is giving the commanders an opportunity by providing tools for better monitoring of operational space, time, and forces, and this helps them exploit situational awareness.
Medical Applications
VR can be helpful in treating PTSD, helping the new recruiters adapt quickly without any anxiety to military life. Medics can also be benefited as they can quickly analyze the situation without much injury.