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What is C++?
What is Asio?
Asio Serial ports
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Asio?
What is error control? 
Why do we need flow control?
Asio is written in which language?
Is C++ a fast programming language?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Asio-Serial Ports

Author Teesha Goyal
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Hey Ninja! Welcome to another article on Asio. When you start learning about C++ and start programming, you may wonder how certain functions like input, output, and networking are performed using programming languages. For C++, such functions can be performed using the Asio library. 


This article will discuss Asio. We will discuss serial ports in Asio, and we will also discuss some important classes related to serial ports in Asio. 

Let’s first discuss C++ and Asio. 

What is C++?

C++ is an open-source, high-level, general-purpose programming language. It is a popular and widely used programming language. It supports both functional and object-oriented programming principles. It is widely used because of its speed. It is faster than most other high-level programming languages like Java and Python. 

What is C++?

C++ is famous for its simplicity. It is a simple and straightforward yet powerful programming language generally used for developing operating systems, gaming applications, web browsers, embedded systems, compilers, and database management systems. It is one of the oldest languages and an extension of the C programming language. 

It consists of various libraries and frameworks that make the usage of C++ easier. Various libraries have specific functionalities; one such library is Asio. Let us now understand Asio. 

What is Asio?

Asio is a cross-platform, open-source C++ library. It is an underrated C++ library designed for input, output, and networking purposes. Asio stands for asynchronous input-output. Christopher M. Kohlhoff developed Asio in 2003. It is released under Boost Software License. Multiple platforms support Asio, including Windows, Linux, macOS, and FreeBSD.

Multiple projects have used Asio, including the WebSocket framework, Osiris, CodeShop, JukeFly, and Web toolkit. There are two variants of Asio involving the Boost.Asio and non-boost Asio. Boost is another library of C++. 

Asio Serial ports

When discussing computers and input-output, it is important to mention serial ports. Serial ports are used to connect the input-output devices to a computer. The Asio library in C++ provides us the functionality to specify what to do with the i/o devices connected via serial ports. 

Asio Serial ports

The Asio library contains various classes for manipulating and creating serial ports. You can use the various free functions available in Asio. Some of these functions are read(), write(), read_until(), async_read(), async_write(), or async_read_until(). 

You can open a serial port using the below command. 

serial_port port(my_io_context, name);

serial_port is an alias or typedef of basic serial usage. 

typedef basic_serial_port serial_port;

The basic_serial_port is a wrapper or abstraction of all the serial port functionality. It contains various functions that you can use to create and manipulate serial ports. 

Some of the functions of serial_port are:

assign(), async_read_some(), async_write_some(), close(), open(), write_some(), set_option(), etc. 

The serial_port_base class in Asio is used as a base for basic_serial_port. It provides a common place to specify the serial port options. 

The serial_port_base class is used to set five main serial port options, they are: 

  • baud_rate
  • character_size
  • flow_control
  • parity
  • stop_bits

We will discuss each of these options in brief now. 

serial_port_base important member functions


The baut_rate class of the serial_port_base is used to set the baud rate. The speed at which data is sent through a communication medium is known as the baud rate. 

The important member functions of this class are: 

  • baud_rate() - constructor of this class, sets the rate to 0.  
  • load()
  • store()
  • value()


The character_size class in Asio provides us with the functionality to change the character size for any serial port. You can increase or decrease the character size as per your needs. 

The important member functions of this class are 

  • character_size() - constructor of this class sets the size as 8.
  • load()
  • store()
  • value()


This class sets or changes the flow control for a serial port in Asio. The flow control is defined as the amount of data transferred through a serial port. It includes both the input and the output data. 

Some devices cannot process as fast as the computers they are connected to, so in such cases, you need to define an appropriate flow control factor to ensure that the data is not lost. 

The important member functions of this class are 

  • flow_control() - constructor of this class.  
  • load()
  • store()
  • value()


The parity class is used to change the parity for any serial port in Asio. Parity is a method of checking transmission errors. You are taking input and giving output, so there is a chance of error. You can use the parity class for this purpose. 

The important member functions of this class are 

  • parity() - constructor of this class.
  • load()
  • store()
  • value()


The stop_bits class in serial_port_base of Asio is used to change or set the number of stop bits. The stop bits specify the end of the frame being transferred by the serial port. Using this class method, you can set the value of the number of stop bits. 

The important member functions of this class are given below.

  • stop_bits() - the constructor of this class, which sets the number of stop bits as one.
  • load()
  • store()
  • value()

Also read about, Abstract Data Types in C++ and Application of Oops

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Asio?

Asio is a cross-platform, open-source C++ library. It is an underrated C++ library designed for input, output, and networking purposes. Asio stands for asynchronous input-output. Christopher M. Kohlhoff developed Asio in 2003.

What is error control? 

When data is transmitted, it is necessary to check for errors; this is called error control. There are various ways of checking errors in received data. Some methods are checksums and parity. 

Why do we need flow control?

Some devices cannot process as fast as the computers they are connected to, so in such cases, you need to define an appropriate flow control factor to ensure that the data is not lost. 

Asio is written in which language?

Asio is written in C++ as it supports objected oriented programming. It has various classes to perform certain functions specific to i/o and networking. 

Is C++ a fast programming language?

C++ is a fast programming language compared to other high-level languages like Java and Python. 


This article discussed the Asio library of C++. We have discussed serial ports in Asio, and we have also discussed the important classes to set the basic options for serial ports in Asio.

To learn more about C++ and programming, visit the below articles. 

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