Table of contents
ASP.NET Server Controls
Different types of ASP.NET Server Controls
Properties of ASP.NET Server Controls
Methods of ASP.NET Server Controls
Key Takeaways
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

ASP.NET Server Controls

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Active Server Pages (ASP) and Active Server Pages (ASP.NET) are server-side technologies for displaying interactive web pages.

ASP.NET offers developers a wide range of options in a large, diverse ecosystem of libraries and tools. Developers can also design custom libraries that can be shared with any.NET platform application.

ASP.NET also contains an authentication system for developers, which includes a database, libraries, templates for handling logins, external authentication to Google, Facebook, and other services, and more.

In this article, We will learn about the ASP.NET Web forms and the server controls available in it. We will also different properties and methods available in ASP.NET Server controls.

ASP.NET Server Controls

The built-in ASP.NET server controls in the ASP.NET page framework are designed to provide a more organized programming approach for the Web. The following features are available with these ASP.NET controls:

  • Automated state management.
  • Object values can be accessed without using the Request object.
  • Ability to react to events in the server-side code to construct more structured apps.
  • The most typical method for creating web page user interfaces.
  • The output is automatically adjusted based on the browser's capabilities.

The ASP.NET page framework also allows you to construct user controls and custom controls in addition to the built-in elements. Custom controls and user controls can augment and extend current controls, resulting in a far more comprehensive user interface.

Different types of ASP.NET Server Controls

Web forms controls are provided by ASP.NET and are used to construct HTML(Text MarkUp Language) components. These controls are divided into two categories: server-based and client-based. The server controls for web forms are listed in the table below.

Control Name Applicable Events Description
TextBox TextChanged It's used in the form to generate a text entry.
Label None It's used to make text appear on an HTML page.
LinkButton Click, Command It's used to make a button that appears to be a hyperlink.
Button Click, Command It is used to create a button.
Hyperlink None It's used to make a hyperlink control that reacts to a mouse click.
ImageButton Click It is used to create an imagesButton. Here, an image works as a Button.
ListBox SelectedIndexCnhaged It's used to make a ListBox control that's similar to the HTML control.
DropDownList SelectedIndexChanged It's what you'll need to make a dropdown list control.
DataList CancelCommand, EditCommand, DeleteCommand, ItemCommand, SelectedIndexChanged, UpdateCommand, ItemCreated, ItemDataBound It's used to make a non-tabular datalist for displaying information.
DataGrid CancelCommand, EditCommand, DeleteCommand, ItemCommand, SelectedIndexChanged, PageIndexChanged, SortCommand, UpdateCommand, ItemCreated, ItemDataBound It was once used to make a data-display grid. With this control, we can easily conduct paging, sorting, and formatting.
CheckBoxList SelectedIndexChanged It's used to make a collection of checkboxes that work together.
CheckBox CheckChanged It is used to create checkbox.
RadioButtonList SelectedIndexChanged It's used to put together a collection of radio button controls that all work together.
RadioButton CheckChanged It is used to create radio button.
Panel None It is used to create a panel that works as a container.
Image None It's used to display images on the page.
Calendar SelectionChanged, VisibleMonthChanged, DayRender It is employed in the creation of a calendar. We can change the default date, go forward and backwards in time, and so on.
PlaceHolder None It's used to set the control's placeholder.
Table None It is used to create the table.
AdRotator AdCreated It enables us to specify a list of advertisements to be displayed. The user re-displays the page each time.
Literal None It works similarly to a label in that it shows a literal, but it also lets us generate new literals and place them into this control at runtime.
XML None It's used to show XML(Extensible Markup Language) documents in an HTML document.


Properties of ASP.NET Server Controls

All of the attributes, events, and methods of the WebControl class are inherited by ASP.NET server controls having a visual aspect.

The System class is derived from the WebControl class, as are certain other server controls that aren't visually shown.

Web.UI.Control is a control class. For instance, the PlaceHolder or XML controls.

ASP.Net server controls inherit all properties, events, and methods of the WebControl and Systemontrols.

Web.UI.Control is a control class.

The inherited characteristics common to all server controls are listed in the table below.

Property Description
Attributes Attributes are a set of arbitrary attributes (for rendering purposes only) that do not correlate to the control's properties.
AccessKey When this key is combined with the Alt key, the attention is moved to the control.
BindingContainer The control includes the data binding for this control.
BackColor Background colour.
BorderStyle Border style.
BorderColor Border colour.
CausesValidation Indicates if it causes validation.
BorderWidth Border width.
ClientID Control ID(Identity) for HTML markup.
ChildControlCreated It indicates whether or not the child controls of the server control have been generated.
Controls Controls are a collection of all the controls that make up the control.
Context The server control's linked HttpContext object.
CssClass CSS(Cascading Style Sheet) class
ControlStyle The style of the Web server control.
DataKeysContainer If the naming container implements IDataKeysControl, this method returns a reference to it.
DataItemContainer If the named container implements IDataItemContainer, this method returns a reference to it.
DisabledCssClass When the control is disabled, DisabledCssClass gets or sets the CSS class applied to the displayed HTML element.
DesignMode It specifies whether or not the control is applied to a design surface.
EnableTheming Indicates whether theming applies to the control.
Enabled Indicates whether the control is grayed out.
Events Returns a list of the control's event handler delegates.
EnableViewState EnableViewState indicates whether the control's view state is preserved.
Forecolor Foreground colour.
Font Font.
HasChildViewState HasChildViewState determines whether the child controls of the current server control have any saved view-state settings.
HasAttributes Indicates whether the control has attributes set.
ID Identifier for the control.
Height Height in pixels or %.
IsEnabled Returns a value that indicates whether or not the control is active.
IsChildControlStateCleared IsChildControlStateCleared determines whether or not the controls included within this control have a control state.
IsViewStateEnabled It specifies whether this control's view state is enabled.
IsTrackingViewState It specifies whether or not the server control saves changes to its view state.
Page A page containing the control.
LoadViewStateById It shows whether the control uses ID instead of an index to load its view state.
RenderingCompatibility It indicates which version of ASP.NET the rendered HTML will work with.
Parent Parent control.
SkinID SkinID is used to get or set the skin that will be applied to the control.
Site When rendered on a design surface, this is the container that houses the current control.
TabIndex Gets or sets the Web server control's tab index.
Style Returns a list of text characteristics that will be presented as a style attribute on the Web server control's outer tag.
TagName Gets the name of the control tag.
TagKey The HtmlTextWriterTag value, which corresponds to this Web server control, is returned by TagKey.
TemplateSourceDirectory The virtual directory of the page or control containing this control is returned by TemplateSourceDirectory.
TemplateControl The template that contains this control.
UniqueID Unique identifier.
ToolTip When the mouse pointer lingers over the webserver control, ToolTip gets or sets the text displayed.
ViewStateIgnoreCase It tells you if the StateBag object is case-insensitive.
ViewState Gets a dictionary of state information for saving and restoring a server control's view state across numerous requests for the same page.
Visible It tells you if a server control is visible or not.
ViewStateMode Gets or sets the control's view-state mode.
Width The width of the Web server control is retrieved or set using the Width property.


Methods of ASP.NET Server Controls

The methods of the server controls are listed in the table below.

Method Description
AddedControl When a child control is added to the control object's Controls collection, this method is called.
AddAttributesToRender AddAttributesToRender adds HTML attributes and styles to the specified HtmlTextWriterTag for rendering.
ApplyStyleSheetSkin ApplyStyleSheetSkin applies the control's style settings from the page style sheet.
AddParsedSubObject Notifies the server control that an element, either XML or HTML, has been parsed and adds it to the control collection of the server control.
ClearChildControlState Deletes the server control's child controls' control-state information.
ClearCachedClientID Infrastructure. Sets the cached ClientID value to null.
ClearChildViewState Deletes the view-state information for all the server control's child controls.
ClearChildState Deletes the view-state and control-state information for all the server control's child controls.
CreateControlCollection Creates a new ControlCollection object to hold the child controls.
CreateChildControls Used in creating child controls.
DataBind Binds a data source to the server control and all of its child controls with DataBind.
CreateControlStyle Creates the style object, which is used to implement all properties related to style.
DataBindChildren Binds a data source to the child controls of the server control.
DataBind(Boolean) With the option to raise the DataBinding event, DataBind(Boolean) binds a data source to the server control and all of its child controls.
EnsureChildControls If the server control has child controls, this value is true. If it doesn't, child controls are created..
Dispose Dispose of allows a server control to finish cleaning up before being released from memory.
Equals(Object) Equals(Object) checks whether the specified object and the current object are the same.
EnsureID EnsureID generates a unique identification for controls that don't have one.
FindControl(String) FindControl(String) looks for a server control with the supplied id parameter in the current naming container.
Finalize Allows an object to try to liberate resources and do other cleanup activities before trash collection takes it away.
Focus Sets input focus to a control.
FindControl(String, Int32) Searches the ongoing naming container for a server control with the specified id and an integer.
GetType Gets the type of the current instance.
GetDesignModeState Gets design-time data for a control.
HasControls HasControls checks to see if the server control has any children.
GetUniqueIDRelativeTo GetUniqueIDRelativeTo returns the prefixed component of the provided control's UniqueID property.
IsLiteralContent IsLiteralContent checks whether the server control only has literal content.
HasEvents Indicates if the control or any child controls have events registered.
LoadViewState Restores view-state information.
LoadControlState Restores control-state information.
MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow clone of the ongoing object with MemberwiseClone.
MapPathSecure Returns the physical path to which an absolute or relative virtual path corresponds.
OnBubbleEvent OnBubbleEvent determines whether the server control's event is transmitted up the UI server control hierarchy on the page.
MergeStyle MergeStyle copies any non-blank elements of the provided style to the web control, but it does not overwrite any of the control's existing style elements.
OnInit Raises the Init event.
OnDataBinding Raises the data binding event.
OnPreRender Raises the PreRender event.
OnLoad Raises the Load event.
OpenFile OpenFile gets a stream that is used to read a file.
OnUnload Raises the Unload event.
Render Renders the control to the HTML writer chosen.
RemovedControl When a child control is deleted from the control object's controls collection, this method is called.
RenderChildren The contents of the children of a server control are written to a specified HtmlTextWriter object, which renders the contents on the client.
RenderBeginTag It renders the HTML opening tag of the control of the specified writer.
RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter) RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter) writes server control content to a HtmlTextWriter object and, if tracing is enabled, stores tracing information about the control.
RenderContents RenderContents writes the control's contents to the chosen writer.
ResolveAdapter The control adapter in charge of rendering the specified control is returned.
RenderEndTag RenderEndTag writes the control's HTML closing tag to the chosen writer.
SaveViewState SaveViewState saves any changes made to the state since the TrackViewState function was called.
SaveControlState SaveControlState saves any changes to the server control state that have occurred since the page was last pushed to the server.
ToString Returns a string that represents the ongoing object when called ToString.
SetDesignModeState Sets design-time data for a control.
TrackViewState TrackViewState instructs the control to keep track of changes to its view state so that the object's view state property can be updated.



  1. What is ASP.NET?
    Active Server Pages (ASP) and Active Server Pages (ASP.NET) are server-side technologies for displaying interactive web pages. ASP.NET offers developers a wide range of options in a large, diverse ecosystem of libraries and tools.
  2. What is a web form?
    Visual Studio comes with ASP.NET Web Forms, which is part of the ASP.NET web application platform. ASP.NET Web Pages, ASP.NET MVC, and ASP.NET Single Page Apps are the other three programming paradigms you can use to construct ASP.NET web applications.
  3. What are ASP.NET server controls of the form?
    ASP.NET provides web forms controls, which are used to create HTML components. These controls are categorised as server-based and client-based.
    There are various server controls available for the web forms in ASP.NET such as Label, Checkbox, Text Box, Radio Button, and many more.
  4. How do we handle the submit request from the web form?
    The handling of the submit request is based on the trigger mechanism of the code behind the file, which triggers when the submit button is clicked on the web forms.
  5. How do we run the user registration form?
    To run the web form, we just right click and select the view in the browser option in the code editor, to run the user registration form.

Key Takeaways

In this article, We learned about the ASP.NET Web forms and the server controls available in it. We learned about the different types of ASP.NET Server controls. We also learned the properties and methods of the ASP.NET server controls.

Apart from this, you can also expand your knowledge by referring to these articles on Features Of ASP Net and ASP Full Form.

For more information about backend development, get into the entire Backend web development course.

Happy Learning!


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