Limitations for Augmented Images
You will be able to determine if augmented images are appropriate for your app if you understand the limitations of augmented images.
- A maximum of 1000 reference images can be stored in augmented images.
- Arcore can't track more than 20 images simultaneously.
- It is also impossible for Arcore to track multiple instances of the same Image.
- An ideal physical environment would be 15 x 15 centimeters and flat.
- Images that are moving cannot be tracked by ARcore but can be tracked again when they stop moving.
What is ARCore?
ARcore is a company that offers an augmented images-a database that contains reference images that, when viewed by the device's camera, produce augmented images when in the user's environment. This allows you to create anchor points on top of the images that are being tracked by the AR code.
Google has developed ARCore, while Apple has developed ARkit. Both companies have been heavily investing in Augmented Reality. Individual developers can now harness the power of AR through these technologies, which was unthinkable only a few years ago.
To integrate virtual content with the real world, ARCore uses three leading technologies:
Motion Tracking: It helps the phone determine its position in the world.
Environmental understanding: It provides your phone with the ability to identify all types of surfaces and their sizes, whether vertical, horizontal, or angled.
Light Estimation: The phone can estimate the environment's current lighting conditions by using this feature.
A database of images can be created offline, or images can be added in real-time as they are captured. A pose will be assigned to each of these images once ARCore detects the images in an area and the boundaries around the Image.
Requirements for a good image
- The camera frame must be filled with at least 25% for initial detection.
- Keep the camera in a clear view. It should not be seen if the camera is moving too fast or partially obscured, or viewing from a highly oblique angle.
- A minimum of 300 x 300 pixels is required for the size of the Image.
- PNG or JPEG images can be provided as reference images.
- It does not utilize color information. Grayscale and color equivalents can be used as reference images or on the fly by users.
- Images that are compressed heavily may interfere with feature extraction.
- Detection and tracking will be compromised if an image has many geometric features or few features.
- Repeated patterns also pose a problem when trying to detect and track images.
- To determine the quality of each Image, use the ARCore SDK's Arcoreimg tool. Scores above 75 are recommended.
Creating java class for Augmented Image
In order to modify some properties of the default fragment, we need a custom fragment. To begin, create a class named "AugmentedImage" to extend the ArFragment and implement the getSession method.
package com.example.augmentedimages;
public class AugmentedImage extends ArFragment {
protected Config getSessionConfiguration(Session session) {
return super.getSessionConfiguration(session);
//create an config object
Config config=new Config(session);

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package com.example.augmentedimages;
import android.os.Bundle;
import java.util.Collection;
//to check if our image bitmap is being tracked
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements Scene.OnUpdateListener{
private AugmentedImage ai;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
ai = (AugmentedImage) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
//setting the scene to OnUpdate
public void setupDatabase(Config config, Session session){
//create a bitmap for the image
Bitmap imap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),;
//creating augmented image database
AugmentedImageDatabase aid = new AugmentedImageDatabase(session);
//adding bitmap of the image to the database using addImage() method
//adding database to Configuration

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Setting up Database
Now call the setupDatabase method into
// calling the method from
((MainActivity) getActivity().setupDatabase(config, session));
//to check if our image bitmap is being tracked
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements Scene.OnUpdateListener{
//setting the scene to OnUpdate

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In create the onUpdate method
public void onUpdate(FrameTime frameTime) {
//to create a frame everytime there is a new scene
Frame frame = ai.getArSceneView().getArFrame();
//collecting all the tracked images
Collection<AugmentedImage> i=frame.getUpdatedTrackables(AugmentedImage.class);
//To go through every image to know if the image is being tracked.
for(AugmentedImage image: i){
//to check if the image is tracked
if(image.getTrackingState()== TrackingState.TRACKING){
//if this is the image then proceed further
//creating an anchor at the center of the image
Anchor anchor = image.createAnchor(image.getCenterPose());
//creating a new method for 3D Model

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Creating 3d Model
Now call the setupDatabase method into
Then inside, create a createModel method that constructs a renderable from a Uri provided. The rendered renderable is passed into a method that adds a node to the scene by attaching it to a node and placing it onto the scene.
And after constructing an AnchorNode from an anchor, a renderable is attached to another node, which is added to the AnchorNode, and the AnchorNode is added to the scene.
private void createModel(Anchor anchor) {
ModelRenderable.builder().setSource(this, Uri.parse("cat.sfb")).build().thenAccept(modelRenderable -> placeModel(modelRenderable, anchor));
private void placeModel(ModelRenderable modelRenderable, Anchor anchor) {
//creating an anchor node
AnchorNode anchorNode = new AnchorNode(anchor);
//placing this model to the scene by calling arFragment

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Run your app to see how it works. ARCore will detect the feature points and add your 3D Model to the reference image when it detects the actual Image. The app uses ARCore by Google and Sceneform SDK to create our first Augmented Images app.
Also See, Image Sampling
Frequently Asked Questions
What are AR images?
By adding digital content to a live camera feed, augmented reality appears as though the virtual content is part of the physical world around you. 1. For example, this might include transforming your face into a giraffe or overlaying digital directions on real-world streets.
When does AR work on a phone?
Digital content is merged with the natural world through augmented reality. There are no headsets, goggles, or other extra gear required with this game compared to virtual reality (VR). The only thing you need is an AR app and the camera on your device.
What is the process of tracking AR images?
2D images can be detected, tracked, and augmented using Image Tracking. Multiple targets, also known as multiple targets, provide the ability to track multiple images simultaneously. It can recognize up to 1000 images offline, and there are thousands of target images hosted in the cloud.
Is AR an app-dependent technology?
It has become impossible due to ground-breaking AR technology. Augmented reality experiences do not require an app to be created or enjoyed. Embraced by marketers and consumers alike, web-based augmented reality is the hottest new thing on the block.
In this blog, we have seen how Augmented Images can be created using the ARcore, introduced by Google.
We hope that this blog has helped you enhance your knowledge about Augmented Images and if you would like to learn more, check out our articles on the link. And if you have a passion for AR and VR, visit this article on Snake Snack Game.
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