History of AR in the Education Industry
Digital technologies are continuously transforming the field of Education. Based on a Gallup survey, 65 percent of public school teachers in the U.S. use digital tools every day. Thirteen percent use them a few days each week, and 85 percent expect that they will be helpful in the future. Schools and educators are looking for new ways to incorporate digital solutions into classroom experiences as the demand for educational technologies grows.
Augmented reality and virtual reality (AR/VR) offer excellent potential for edtech innovation since both enable users to interact with digitally rendered content in physical and virtual spaces. By removing barriers from physical play, improving collaboration and hands-on learning, and providing individualized teaching approaches, these technologies provide enhanced learning opportunities at all levels, from K-12(Kindergarten to 12th grade) to medical schools.
Recent uses of AR in Education
A variety of disciplines are using augmented reality in classrooms today. Here are a few applications that illustrate the range of possibilities:
- Students can practice a variety of birth-related tasks with the HoloLens childbirth simulator.
- The Pokémon Go phenomenon can be used to develop spatial skills or improve English language learning (Godwin-Jones, 2016).
- Using AR to train welders in the preparation of materials can save time and reduce material consumption and accidents during training.
- As augmented reality becomes more and more integrated into our everyday lives, we are expanding its definition as technology becomes more available.
Use cases of AR in Education
AR for K-12 education system
In Field Trips
In an environment outside of school, students can participate in AR experiences for a fun lesson. Combining an AR experience with a field trip allows students to integrate what they learn with what they see.
Unseen Visions
Students can explore historical events they would normally read about in a textbook through this platform. They can learn new words in a fun, stress-free environment and create their communities and presentations.
AR for Higher Education
Students can interact, learn, and improve their skills through virtual and augmented reality through hands-on experiences.
Distance learning
Imagine a platform that allows professors to organize their online workshops using augmented reality. There are several distance learning development platforms available, including CoSpaces and 3DBear. Tutors can offer virtual workspaces, tours, and training sessions with these AR apps.
Classroom teaching
By combining gamification and virtual images with traditional textbooks, augmented reality can turn a regular class or lecture into a highly engaging learning experience.
Developing practical skills
In a wide range of fields, augmented reality can improve practical skills. Consider these examples:
→ Anatomy: With AR, it is easier to examine the human body.
→ Surgery: The AR app enables students to practice on cadavers before risking real patients.
→ Music: AR also makes it possible to learn how to play an instrument. Engineering: AR also makes engineering designs visible and intractable.
→ Science: Another interesting application of AR is the visualization and mastery of complex scientific concepts.
AR For Educators
It enhances fast learning by implementing objects on the screen that can be given various types of information with AR. Some tourist applications use this feature to display information when the camera is pointed at historic buildings or entertainment venues. Educators can also use it. It is possible to display additional information next to objects recognized using object recognition or text recognition.
- Teachers can use an augmented reality app that enhances the learning process to boost student interest by asking students to download it. Through hi-end technologies like augmented reality, educational content can be made richer and more engaging, ultimately leading to better-prepared professionals.
Future of AR in the Education Industry
Technology like augmented reality is one of the key components to the future of education because it will benefit learners, educators, institutions, and content publishers. It can enhance the learning process and make it more enjoyable, fun, and efficient. It can motivate students to learn, especially if augmented reality is incorporated.
Furthermore, it can introduce new teaching methods and enhance classroom interaction. It can, however, enhance student learning and retention. Traditional learning methods can be changed and improved by augmented reality, especially since it can address the issue of humans' diminishing attention span, which has been a growing problem over the years.
However, the use of AR alone does not address all the problems with conventional educational methods. To provide a better learning experience to students/end users, publishers and schools need to identify any potential disruptors and find ways to secure a competitive advantage.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the main difference between AR and VR?
AR and VR both use the same hardware technologies, and have many things in common, such as computer-generated virtual scenes, objects, and interactive elements. A major difference between VR and AR is that VR replaces the real world while AR complements it.
What are the benefits of using AR in the classroom?
Enhancing learning by utilizing augmented reality can increase engagement with coursework, improve collaboration between students, and motivate them. Augmented reality can provide these benefits if it is effectively incorporated into the classroom.
Mention some AR apps for Education
→ Human Anatomy Atlas 2021
→ Holo-Human
→ VR Frog Dissection
→ GeoGebra Augmented Reality
→ Expeditions
This blog has seen how AR in the Education Industry works with its brief history and some use cases.
We hope that this blog has helped you enhance your knowledge about AR in Education Industry and if you would like to learn more, check out our articles on the link. And if you have a passion for AR and VR, visit this article on Snake Snack Game.
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