Table of contents
Easily trigger Lambda functions from simple devices.
Secure connectivity
Easy to manage supported devices
Use AWS Lambda to define device actions.
Organise and monitor your devices
Mobile experience
Usage and Status reports
What are Lambda functions used for?
What are reports used for in AWS IoT 1-Click?
How can we organise the IoT devices?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

AWS IoT 1-Click

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AWS IoT 1-Click service allows basic devices to call AWS Lambda functions to do a task. Supported AWS IoT 1-Click devices make it simple to notify technical support, track assets, and resupply goods or services. Supported AWS IoT 1-Click devices are ready to use right out of the box, eliminating the need for custom firmware or secure connectivity configuration. You may quickly construct device groups and correlate them with a Lambda function that, when activated, performs your desired action. The pre-built reports can also be used to monitor device health and activity.

Source: Google Play


Easily trigger Lambda functions from simple devices.

Lambda functions can be used to execute and trigger business logic written in languages such as Java, Python, and C#, as well as to activate operations in the AWS cloud or on-premises based on events or actions set up. AWS Lambda functions can be triggered by devices that enable AWS IoT 1-Click. It also comes with a collection of predefined Lambda functions that may be used to perform simple tasks like sending an email or SMS.

Secure connectivity

Devices that enable AWS IoT 1-Click are ready to use straight out of the box. To securely connect to the AWS cloud, IoT devices are pre-provisioned with certificates at the time of manufacture. This means you won't have to worry about creating, installing, or managing certificates on your devices.

Easy to manage supported devices

You may organise IoT devices by function, location, or any other criteria using the AWS IoT 1-Click console or the iOS or Android mobile app. This makes managing supported IoT devices a breeze. These device groups can then be linked to a Lambda function that, when activated, performs your intended actions or events. AWS IoT 1-Click also delivers reports to help you keep track of your device's health, usage, and activities. You can use the AWS IoT 1-Click console, the iOS or Android mobile app, or Amazon CloudWatch to retrieve a pre-built report or create a custom report.


Use AWS Lambda to define device actions.

AWS Lambda is a cloud-based programming environment that allows you to do a variety of things. Without touching the device's firmware, you may correlate device events with Lambda functions and incorporate them into your enterprise workflows. Your Lambda functions can use Java, Python, C#, and other comparable languages to implement simple business logic. Workflows can also be started in a variety of additional locations, including on-premise.

Organise and monitor your devices

You can organise your devices into groups based on your needs and link actions and contextual data to them. A "Project" is the name given to such a group within AWS IoT 1-Click. You can also use our Devices component to create actions and track health on a per-device basis. You can also create custom reports utilising information broadcast to Amazon CloudWatch by using the service's predefined reports of device activity.

Developers can leverage AWS IoT 1-Click APIs with their devices and projects. In the documentation, you can learn more about AWS IoT 1-Click.

Mobile experience

The Internet of Things (IoT) devices must be controlled and physically installed in your surroundings. The AWS IoT 1-Click Mobile apps connect the AWS Cloud and physical devices by allowing quick on-site placement of devices in a physical location. For instance, you can take a new device out of the box, update or add the device's location attribute in your iOS or Android 1-Click mobile app in a matter of seconds, and you're ready to go.

In the iOS or Google Play stores, look for the AWS IoT 1-Click app.

Usage and Status reports

With AWS IoT 1-Click, customers may generate reports that explain the usage and status of their installed devices. Predefined reports for device activity, such as the number of clicks, and device health, such as remaining battery life on battery-operated devices, as well as custom reports generated with Amazon CloudWatch, are available.


The AWS IoT 1-Click workflow is as follows:

  • First, select from a list of devices that are compatible.
  • To initiate activities, associate AWS Lambda functions with devices. We can use one of our own Lambda functions or one of the service's predefined functions.
  • To enable your devices, physically deploy them and use the AWS IoT 1-Click console, AWS IoT 1-Click mobile app, or AWS IoT 1-Click API.
  • Using the ready-to-use AWS IoT 1-service, you may get information about the status and usage of your devices.
  • Click on reports or create your own.


What are Lambda functions used for?

Lambda functions can be used to execute and trigger business logic written in languages such as Java, Python, and C#, as well as to activate operations in the AWS cloud or on-premises based on events or actions set up.

What are reports used for in AWS IoT 1-Click?

The pre-built reports are used to monitor device health and activity.

How can we organise the IoT devices?

We can organise IoT devices by function, location, or any other criteria using the AWS IoT 1-Click console or the iOS or Android mobile app.


In this article, we have extensively discussed AWS IoT 1-Click, its benefits, features and working. We hope that this blog has helped you enhance your knowledge regarding AWS IoT 1-Click. If you want to learn more, check out our articles on Code studio.

Check out this article - Components Of IOT , What is arduino uno

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