Table of contents
Configuring the AWS Management Console
Working with Widgets
Configuring unified settings
Choosing a Region
Adding and Removing Favourites
Changing Password
Markdown in AWS
Paragraphs, Line Spacing and Horizontal Lines
Text Formatting
Frequently Asked Questions
What is AWS Management Console?
Do AWS Management Console also available as a mobile application?
Can we customize our Console Home?
How can we add a second-level heading format?
What will happen if we don’t update our default region?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

AWS Management Console

Author Ankit Kumar
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The AWS Management Console is a web application that includes and references a collection of service consoles for managing AWS services. This service console offers a wide range of tools for could computing and provides information about your account.

This article will discuss AWS Management Console, configuring the console, markdown in AWS and at the end, we will discuss some frequently asked questions.

After signing in, you will see a console home page, which provides information and access to console service all in one place to perform AWS related tasks. And the best part is you can customize the homepage by rearranging, adding, and removing the widgets.

AWS Management Console is a complete web service but can also be experienced as an app. The iOS and Android apps are easily available in App Store and Google Playstore.

Let us discuss how to configure the console.

Configuring the AWS Management Console

This topic includes steps for configuring your AWS Management Console and using the Unified Settings page to specify settings that apply to all service consoles.

Working with Widgets

Widgets on the new AWS Console Home provide essential information about your AWS infrastructure and enable shortcuts to your services. You may personalize your experience by adding, deleting, rearranging, and altering the size of widgets. If you don't want to utilize widgets, you may go back to the classic AWS Console Home experience.

Configuring unified settings

The AWS Management Console allows you to customize settings and defaults such as display language and region. All service consoles will be affected by these modifications.

To access Unified Settings:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Choose your account name from the navigation bar.
  3. Click Settings to open the Unified Settings page



  1. Select the setting options like default language, default region, favorite display bar toggles etc., according to your preference.
  2. After choosing all the setting options required, click Save.

Choosing a Region

You may select an AWS Region for numerous services to specify where your resources are maintained. AWS regions are collections of AWS resources in the same geographic area. In the setting option, which is the Unified Setting page, go to the Localization and Region and select your default region.


Note: If you don't choose a default region, the most recent Region you visited will be your default region.

Adding and Removing Favourites

You may save service consoles to a Favorites list to make it easier to access frequently used services.

To add service to the Favourite list:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Choose Service in the navigation bar.
  3. Pause on the name of the service you want to add to your favourites in either the Recently visited list or the All services section.
  4. Select the service name with the star to the left of it.


Repeat the steps if you want to add more services.


To remove service from the Favourite list:

  1. Choose Service in the navigation bar.
  2. Remove the star next to the name of the service from your Favorites list.
    Let us now see how to change the password in the next section.

Changing Password

To change your Password, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Choose your account name from the navigation bar.
  3. Select Security Credentials.
  4. Enter your current password in the textbox and your new password in the required box.
  5. Select Save Changes.


This is how you configure some important settings. Let us see some markdown formatting in the console.

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Markdown in AWS

Some AWS Management Console services, such as Amazon CloudWatch, allowing you to utilise Markdown in some areas. The types of Markdown formatting allowed in the console are described in this topic.

Paragraphs, Line Spacing and Horizontal Lines

A blank line separates each paragraph. Add a new line with a non-break space ( ) and then a blank line to ensure that the blank line between the paragraphs renders when converted to HTML. Repeat these lines to insert many blank lines one after the other, as shown in the example below:



To make a horizontal boundary that divides the paragraph, add a new line with a triple hyphen in a row (- - -).

Paragraph before - - -
- - -
Paragraph after - - -


Add a line with three backticks (') to make a monospace text block. Enter the text that will be displayed in monospace type. Then, with three backticks, create another new line. When displayed, the text in the following example will be formatted to monospace type:

This text is in monospace.


Use the hashtag (#) to make headers. A top-level heading is indicated by a single pound symbol and a space. A second-level heading is formed by two hashtags, while a third-level heading is formed by three hashtags. A top-level, second-level, and third-level heading are shown in the following examples:

# Top-Level
## Second-Level
### Third-Level

Text Formatting

Surround text with a single underscore (_) or asterisk (*) on each side to make it italic.

* Text appears in Italic *


To make text bold, surround it on all sides with double underscores or asterisks.

** Text appears in Bold **


Strikethrough text is created by surrounding it with two tildes (~~) on either side.

~~ Text appears in Strikethrough ~~


To create a text hyperlink, surround the link_text with square brackets ([]), then type the complete URL in parentheses (()), For example:

Choose [link_text](


To format the list as a bulleted list, add a separate line that begins with an asterisk (*) and a space. 

Bulleted List:
*  First line
*  Second line
*  Third line


To format the list as a numbered list, add a separate line that begins with a number, a dot (.) and a space. 

Numbered List:
1. First line
2. Second line
3. Third line


We have come so long learning about AWS Management Console. Now time to discuss some frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is AWS Management Console?

It is a web service that includes a number of services for managing AWS services.

Do AWS Management Console also available as a mobile application?

Yes. AWS Management Console is a web service and also an application. It is present in iOS and Android both and can be downloaded and installed from their respective stores.

Can we customize our Console Home?

Yes, we can customize our console home by adding, removing, rearranging and resizing the widgets.

How can we add a second-level heading format?

We can simply add the double hashtag (##) before the text to format it into a second-level heading.

What will happen if we don’t update our default region?

If we don’t update our default region, the AWS Console will automatically update the region with the most recent region.


In this article, we have extensively discussed the concept of AWS Management Console. Then we discussed some configurations in Console-like Working with Widgets, Unified Settings, Region, Changing passwords etc. And after we discussed markdown in AWS. And at the end, we answered some frequently asked questions related to the topic. 

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