Table of contents
Features of AWS Proton
Automated deployments
Customer-managed environments
Flexible definitions
Multi-account support
Self-service interface
Streamlined Upgrades
Tagging capabilities
Template management
Preview of AWS Proton
What exactly does AWS do?
Does AWS require coding?
What is AWS Proton?
What is the use of AWS Proton?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

AWS Proton

Author Harsh
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Imagine having hundreds of microservices that are constantly changing their infrastructure resources and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) settings, managing all these microservices is not an easy task. So, in order to make it a bit easier, AWS Proton provides platform teams with the tools they need to manage complexity and enforce consistent standards, while also making it simple for developers to publish code using containers and serverless technologies.

In this article, we will learn about AWS Proton, the different features that are available, and how it works.

Features of AWS Proton

Below is the list of all the features provided by AWS Proton. We will discuss each of them one by one.

  • Automated deployments
  • Customer-managed environments
  • Flexible definitions
  • Multi-account support
  • Self-service interface
  • Streamlined upgrades
  • Tagging capabilities
  • Template management

Automated deployments

Platform teams may easily develop application stacks using AWS Proton. This includes the CI/CD pipeline, which allows developers to request the instant deployment of an application via the application programming interface (API), command-line interface (CLI), or user interface (UI).

Customer-managed environments

You can migrate your existing shared resources to AWS Proton without having to start from scratch. For developers, this is transparent, as they can deploy to a customer-managed environment in the same manner they do to a normal environment.

Flexible definitions

Users can create service templates that include or do not include a pipeline. AWS Proton allows teams more control over how they define, provision, and deploy their services. Platform teams can use AWS Proton's central administration capabilities to ensure that all deployments are up to date, and developers just need to submit the essential inputs for their service.

Multi-account support

Multi-account infrastructures are supported by AWS Proton,which allows platform operators to set up their architecture securely across numerous AWS accounts. AWS Proton also allows you to manage all of your multi-account setups and services from a single account.

Self-service interface

Users can customize the interface according to their needs using the AWS Management Console or CLI. The AWS Proton interface walks you through the process of establishing and deploying shared resources as service environments. Proton also provides end-to-end provisioning support, including the ability to use AWS CloudFormation to install infrastructure like computing, database, and many other resources in a straightforward, declarative manner.

Streamlined Upgrades

Versioning of infrastructure templates is supported by AWS Proton and developers can use this to update out-of-date deployments.

Tagging capabilities

Create tagging and access control for any AWS Proton resource, including templates, environments, and services, using tag-based access control. By propagating tags added to a parent resource down to any of its child resources, you may streamline and maintain consistency in your tagging process. AWS Proton also automatically assigns unique identifiers to all provisioned resources, allowing you to identify all provisioned resources that originate from an AWS Proton-specific template or environment.

Template management

AWS Proton is used by platform teams to generate a stack that is delivered to their developers as a reusable version-controlled template. These stacks are created in a simple, declarative way using infrastructure as code, and include everything needed to provision, deploy, and manage a service, such as computation, networking, code pipeline, security, and monitoring resources.

Preview of AWS Proton

AWS Proton will work with popular CI/CD pipelines and observability tools like CodePipeline and CloudWatch. It also offers curated templates that adhere to AWS best practices for common use cases like web services running on AWS Fargate or stream processing apps built on AWS Lambda.

Infrastructure teams can use the AWS Management Console to visualise and manage the list of service templates.

List of templates (Source: AWS)

AWS Proton also gathers information about the application's deployment status, such as the latest date it was successfully deployed. When a template is updated, AWS Proton finds any existing apps that are using the old version and allows infrastructure teams to upgrade them to the most recent definition, while monitoring application health during the upgrade so that it can be reverted back if problems arise.

Service template with versions (Source: AWS)

After defining the service template, developers can use self-service to pick and deploy services. AWS Proton will manage cloud resource provisioning, code deployment, and health monitoring, while also offering visibility into the state of all deployed apps and their pipelines.

List of Deployed Services (Source: AWS)


What exactly does AWS do?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud platform offered by AWS provides servers, storage, networking, remote computing, email, mobile development, and security

Does AWS require coding?

No coding is required to get started with Amazon AWS, most of the task can be done without writing any code.

What is AWS Proton?

It is an Automated Management for Container and Serverless Deployments and it is used to manage and update infrastructure without impacting developer productivity.

What is the use of AWS Proton?

AWS Proton can be used by platform engineering teams to connect and coordinate all of the tools required for infrastructure provisioning, code deployments, monitoring, and updates.


In this article, we have extensively discussed what exactly is AWS Proton, the detailed explanation of the features that it provides, and how it works. 

We hope that this blog has helped you enhance your knowledge regarding Amazon AWS Proton and if you would like to learn more, check out our articles on our website

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