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The checkbox control turns on (true) or off (false) an option. Each checkbox has a label that describes what the checkbox performs. A checkbox's status can be modified by clicking on it. In this article, we shall be exhaustively learning about AWT CheckBox and several examples to understand it more effortlessly.
To make a checkbox, use the Checkbox class. It's used to turn a feature on (true) or off (false). A Checkbox's status changes as you click it, from "on" to "off" or "off" to "on."
public class Checkbox extends Component implements ItemSelectable, Accessible
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A Checkbox Class is included in AWT in Java. It's used when there's only one choice, true or false. When the checkbox is ticked, it is in the "on" (true) state; otherwise, it is in the "off" state (false).
How to group multiple checkboxes in AWT in Java?
It's used to organize a group of Checkboxes. Only one box may be checked at a time when checkboxes are combined. This example generates a checkbox group for grouping numerous checkboxes into a single unit. It is useful when choosing a single option from a list of multiples.
What is AWT classed in Java?
TextField, Label, TextArea, RadioButton, CheckBox, Choice, List, and other AWT API classes are available in java.awt package.
In this article, we have extensively discussed the AWT Checkbox. We have briefly introduced the topic along with its methods and constructors. We also have discussed a few codes with their output and solution, which explains the purpose of this blog.
If you want to explore more about AWT, visit here.