Table of contents
Azure Private DNS
Azure DNS Private Resolver
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Azure DNS?
What is the Azure Private DNS?
What is Azure?
What is Cloud?
What is DNS?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Azure DNS

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The Azure DNS is used to provide the name resolution for the DNS Domains using the Azure infrastructure. DNS stands for Domain Name System. Users can manage the domains using the Azure Service credentials, tools, and APIs by using the Azure DNS. Although users can not directly buy a domain name using Azure, they can use third-party domain providers. This blog will discuss the benefits of using the Azure DNS. We will also look at Azure Private DNS and Azure Private DNS Resolver.


The Azure DNS is a very potent tool. Some of the features of using it are,

  • Reliability and Performance: DNS is a very reliable tool, providing high performance. All the queries associated with Azure DNS are instantly answered by the nearest DNS server providing high availability and performance for the domain.
  • Security: Azure DNS is based on the Azure Resource Manager and provides many security features such as Activity Logs, Azure Role-Based Access Control(Azure RBAC), and Resource Locking. 
  • Easy To use: Azure DNS is very easy and convenient to use. It provides a one-stop solution for all your basic DNS needs. Azure DNS comes integrated with the Azure portal. Thus you can use the same credential, tools, and APIs. Users can easily manage the domains using the Azure portal or the Azure PowerShell.
  • Customizable Virtual Networks: Users can conveniently customize their virtual networks with private domains using the Azure DNS. Users can use their own domain names in the private virtual network. 
  • Alias Records: Azure DNS also provides the users with alias records. An alias record is used to point a domain name to a hostname of an IP address. Users can also use the alias records to refer to the Azure Resources, such as the Azure traffic manager profile, the Azure Content Delivery Network(CDN) endpoint, or the Azure public IP address. 

Azure Private DNS

The Azure Private DNS is used to provide the DNS services for a virtual network. Azure Private DNS saves the hassle of creating a custom Azure DNS solution. Users can also use custom domain names using Azure Private DNS instead of the Azure-provided names during deployment. Let us look at some of the benefits of using the Azure Private DNS.


Azure Private DNS is widely used for virtual networks. Some of the benefits of using Azure Private DNS are,

  • Azure Private DNS removes the need to create custom Azure DNS solutions by providing DNS services for virtual networks.
  • Azure Private DNS supports all kinds of DNS record types such as A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, SOA, PTR, SRV, and TXT.
  • In Azure Private DNS, private DNS zones may be shared among virtual networks, which is not the case in Azure-provided hosts.
  • Azure Private Network automatically maintains a record of your hostname in the specified virtual network. 
  • Azure Private DNS contains tools and APIs similar to Azure DNS to reduce the learning curve.
  • The Azure Private DNS is available in all the Azure regions. 


Now that we have discussed the benefits of Azure Private DNS let us also look at a few limitations of it,

  • In Azure Private DNS, reverse DNS can only work for private IP space in the virtual network.
  • A virtual network can only be linked with a single private zone.
  • Azure Private DNS does not support conditional forwarding. 
  • internal.cloudapp.ip is returned as the default for all virtual machines when a reverse DNS is executed for a private IP space in the virtual network. 

Azure DNS Private Resolver

Azure DNS Private Resolver is a fairly new service. It is used to enable us to query an on-premise environment from an Azure DNS private zone and vice versa. Users do not have to deploy VM-based servers using Azure DNS Private Resolver. 

When a user creates an Azure DNS Private Resolver inside a virtual network, it creates multiple inbound endpoints, which are used as the destination for all the DNS queries. After this, the outbound endpoints process the queries according to the configurations. Users do not need to alter any DNS client settings on the virtual machine to enable Azure DNS Private Resolver.


Some of the benefits of using Azure DNS Private Resolver are,

  • Azure DNS Private Resolver is fully managed by Azure and has high availability.
  • Azure DNS Private Resolver is very cost-efficient, and it runs at a fraction of the price of other IaaS solutions.
  • It is highly scalable, providing high performance at each endpoint.
  • Azure DNS Private Resolver provides private access to all our private DNS Zones.
  • Azure DNS Private Resolver is DevOps Friendly. 


Azure DNS Private Resolver is available in the following Azure Regions,

  • Australia East
  • West Europe
  • North Europe
  • UK South
  • South Central US
  • North Central US
  • West Central US
  • Central US EUAP
  • East US 2 EUAP
  • East US
  • East US 2
  • West US


Some of the restrictions of using Azure DNS Private Resolver are,

  • Virtual Network Restrictions: The biggest limitation of using the Azure DNS Private Resolver is that a DNS resolver can only enable us to query a virtual network in the same region as the DNS Resolver. 
    A virtual network can not have multiple DNS resolvers in Azure DNS Private Resolver.
  • Outbound Endpoint Restrictions: Users can not delete an outbound endpoint unless we delete the DNS forwarding ruleset and the virtual network links under the endpoint.
  • Ruleset Restrictions: In Azure DNS Private Resolver, a ruleset can not have more than 25 rules in the Public Review. Also, we can not link rulesets across different subscriptions in the Public Review.
  • Subnet Restrictions: A subnet can be of a maximum /24 address space, and it should be a minimum /28 address space. Users can not share a subnet between different DNS resolver endpoints. 
  • Other Restrictions: As of now, Azure DNS Private Resolver does not support IPv6-enabled subnets.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Azure DNS?

The Azure DNS is used to provide the name resolution for the DNS Domains using the Azure infrastructure. DNS stands for Domain Name System. Users can manage the domains using the Azure Service credentials, tools, and APIs by using the Azure DNS.

What is the Azure Private DNS?

The Azure Private DNS is used to provide the DNS services for a virtual network. Azure Private DNS saves the hassle of creating a custom Azure DNS solution.

What is Azure?

Azure is one of the largest Cloud Services provided by Microsoft. Azure is generally used for application management. Azure provides the clients with Platform as a Service(PaaS), Software as a Service(SaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS).

What is Cloud?

Cloud is nothing but the servers that are accessed over the internet. It also consists of the software and the database used to run these servers.

What is DNS?

DNS stands for Domain Name System. Domain Name System is a service that is used to convert a hostname to an IP address. DNS is an application layer protocol that helps the clients and the servers communicate.


This blog covered all the necessary points about Azure DNS. We further looked at the features of the Azure DNS. We also looked at Azure Private DNS and Azure DNS Private Resolver.

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