Table of contents
Create Traffic Manager
Create a New Resource Group
Create a New Traffic Manager Profile
Creating Web Application Service Plans
Creating a Web Application
Adding Traffic Manager Endpoints
Clean Up Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Traffic Manager?
What is the Azure Traffic Manager?
What is Azure?
What is Cloud?
What is DNS?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Azure Traffic Manager

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Traffic Managers are responsible for directing the customer traffic. Developers can direct the traffic across several different locations, such as Azure web applications or multiple cloud services. Traffic Managers can also provide health monitoring for each endpoint. Azure Traffic Manager uses DNS-based traffic managers.  This blog will discuss the benefits of using the Azure Traffic Manager. We will also learn to configure Azure Traffic Manager using the Azure PowerShell.


Azure Traffic Manager is a very potent tool that is used to redirect customer traffic. Let us look at some of the features of Azure Traffic Manager,

  • Increase the availability of the application: Traffic Managers drastically increase the availability of the application by providing endpoint health monitoring. Traffic Managers also provide automatic failover in case an endpoint is down.
  • Increasing the performance of the application: Traffic Managers can help improve the performance of the application by directing the traffic to an endpoint having the least latency or the least amount of traffic.
  • Combining hybrid applications: Azure Traffic Manager supports third-party endpoints. This allows the Traffic Manager to be used along with hybrid clouds and on-premise deployments.
  • Service maintenance without any downtime: Traffic Managers can redirect the traffic to an alternative endpoint while the endpoint is under maintenance, thus cutting down on the downtime.
  • Distributing the traffic for complex deployments: Developers can use nested Traffic Managers to combine various traffic-routing methods to create more flexible and sophisticated rules to handle more complex projects.

Create Traffic Manager

Create a New Resource Group

We can easily create a new resource group by typing the following command in our Azure PowerShell,

$location = "CentralIndia"
New-AzResourceGroup -Name CodingNinjas -Location $location

Create a New Traffic Manager Profile

Now, we will create a new traffic manager profile for the above-created resource,


New-AzTrafficManagerProfile `
-Name $trafficmanagername `
-ResourceGroupName CodingNinjas `
-TrafficRoutingMethod Priority `
-MonitorPath '/' `
-MonitorProtocol "HTTP" `
-RelativeDnsName $trafficmanagername `
-Ttl 30 `
-MonitorPort 80

Creating Web Application Service Plans

In this example, we will create two endpoints at two different locations. For instance, let us create one endpoint in Central India and another in East Asia.

# Variables

# Create an App Service plan
New-AzAppservicePlan -Name "endPointCentralIndia" -ResourceGroupName CodingNinjas -Location $Location1 -Tier Standard

New-AzAppservicePlan -Name "endPointEastAsia" -ResourceGroupName CodingNinjas -Location $Location2 -Tier Standard

Creating a Web Application

Now we will create the instances for the above-created web application service plans,

$App1ResourceId=(New-AzWebApp -Name webAppCentralIndia -ResourceGroupName CodingNinjas -Location $Location1 -AppServicePlan "endPointCentralIndia").Id

$App2ResourceId=(New-AzWebApp -Name myWebAppEastAsia -ResourceGroupName CodingNinjas -Location $Location2 -AppServicePlan "endPointEastAsia").Id

Adding Traffic Manager Endpoints

Now that we have created the web applications, we can add them as the endpoints for Traffic Manager,

New-AzTrafficManagerEndpoint -Name "IntialEndpoint" `
-ResourceGroupName CodingNinjas `
-ProfileName "$trafficmanagername" `
-Type AzureEndpoints `
-TargetResourceId $App1ResourceId `
-EndpointStatus "Enabled"

New-AzTrafficManagerEndpoint -Name "SecondaryEndpoint" `
-ResourceGroupName CodingNinjas `
-ProfileName "$trafficmanagername" `
-Type AzureEndpoints `
-TargetResourceId $App2ResourceId `
-EndpointStatus "Enabled"

Clean Up Resources

You can efficiently clean up the traffic manager by simply deleting the created resource using the following command,

Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name CodingNinjas

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Traffic Manager?

Traffic Managers are responsible for directing the customer traffic. Developers can direct the traffic across several different locations, such as Azure web applications or multiple cloud services. Traffic Managers can also provide health monitoring for each endpoint.

What is the Azure Traffic Manager?

Azure Traffic Manager is used to manage customer traffic based on Domain Name System. Azure Traffic Manager provides increased application availability and enhances the performance of the application.

What is Azure?

Azure is one of the largest Cloud Services provided by Microsoft. Azure is generally used for application management. Azure provides the clients with Platform as a Service(PaaS), Software as a Service(SaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS).

What is Cloud?

Cloud is nothing but the servers that are accessed over the internet. It also consists of the software and the database used to run these servers.

What is DNS?

DNS stands for Domain Name System. Domain Name System is a service that is used to convert a hostname to an IP address. DNS is an application layer protocol that helps the clients and the servers communicate.


This blog covered all the necessary points about Azure Traffic Manager. We further looked at the features of the Azure Traffic Manager. We also learned to set up Azure  Traffic Manager using Azure PowerShell.

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