
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that runs on the V8 engine and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser. In this category, we present to you a bank of articles that will educate you on everything you need to learn while learning Node.js.
Best Security Practices For Node.Js Web Applications
As we are advancing into a more digital era, the most valuable article has become ‘information’ and security.
10 Best NodeJs frameworks in 2024 MEDIUM
With the rise of JavaScript for client-side scripting, there were dramatic changes brought upon the face of web development. Several years ago, it was...
Why Every Web Developer Should Learn Node.js?
The career web developer is in demand across the world — but it’s the Node.JS developers that get the most attention. So much so that, in the list of...
Introduction to Node.js EASY
Node.js is a free, cross-platform, open-source, server-side runtime environment built on JavaScript and a library for running web applications outside the client's browser.
Node.js MySQL EASY
In this article we will discuss how to connect and run MySQL in Node.js
Node.js vs Ruby on Rails
In this blog, we will learn about Node.js vs Ruby on Rails. We will first learn about their overview and will explore the comparison table.
Features Of NodeJS EASY
Top 10 Features Of NodeJS 1. Asynchronous 2. Scalable 3. Cross-Platform Compatibility 4. Single Thread Event Driven Loop
How to uninstall Node.js? EASY
In this article, you will learn the methods for uninstalling Node.js on different platforms, how to remove any residual files from the system.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Node.js EASY
In this article, we will discuss Node.js Advantages and Disadvantages. Node.js advantages are so helpful that it makes node.js one of the most popular development languages.
Async and Await in Node.js MEDIUM
In this article, you will learn about async and await in Node.js, their advantages, and practical examples to use them efficiently in your applications.
How Callbacks Work in Node.js EASY
In this article, we will learn how callbacks work in Node.js, their role in handling asynchronous operations, and how to use them effectively in JavaScript.
Body-parser Middleware in Node.js MEDIUM
In this article, you will learn about the syntax of body-parser middleware, its benefits, and how to use it step by step in your Node.js projects.
Node.js input and output - command line
In this article we will be looking at the Node.js input and output to the command line.
How To Use the Node.js REPL MEDIUM
This article discusses using the Node.js REPL, its syntax, commands, and practical examples to test, debug, and experiment with JavaScript code effectively.
Multer in Node.js MEDIUM
This article discusses Multer in Node.js, explaining its functionality for handling file uploads, setting up storage configurations, and using it with examples for seamless file handling.
CORS in Node.js MEDIUM
This article discusses CORS in Node.js, how to enable it for your application, and common configurations to handle cross-origin requests securely.
Understanding the Node Architecture EASY
In this blog, we look into the intricacies of Node Architecture - a single thread, event-based approach.
NodeJS vs ReactJS EASY
This article will explain the differences between NodeJS and ReactJS, their features, advantages, disadvantages, and provide examples for better understanding.
The package.json guide
The package.json is a central repository for tool configuration. This blog will shed light on the package.json file.
Middleware in Node.js EASY
In this article, we will discuss what middleware is, how it works, and some common use cases, complete with examples and code snippets.
Node JS Projects EASY
In this blog, explore top Node.JS project ideas for beginners, intermediate and advanced levels. Also read the explanation about Node.JS projects.
Django vs NodeJs
In this article, we have discussed the features of NodeJs vs Django. We talked about the differences between them and finally which one to choose when.
Node js Microservices EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Node js Microservices. We will understand its core concepts, its usage, and much more for better understanding.
How to Deploy NodeJs Application
In this article, we have discussed how to deploy a NodeJs application on a web server.
Introduction to Servers and Clients
Computer networks are built using servers and clients as the building blocks. This article gives a brief introduction to them.
Where does npm install the packages?
This article explains the locations where the npm packages are installed and the types of installations.
Setting up Node Server on Linux
In this blog we will learn to install the Node Server on a Linux System. We will also see how to install npm alongside node which manages node modules intelligently.
HTTP Server using Node.js
In this article, we will learn the method of building an HTTP server using Node.js.
Introduction to npm
This article explains to you about npm(Node Package Manager) and tells you how to install, update and run commands.
npm Dependencies and devDependencies
A dependency is a package in node.js. Two of their types are npm dependencies and devDependencies, which are discussed in this article.
npm local or global packages
This blog talks about cases in which we need to use npm local and global packages.
Difference between NPM and NPX MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss about NPM and NPX in detail. We will also check out their execution and the differences between the two.
Nodemon is a tool that monitors any file changes in the directory and restarts the application if needed. If any change occurs, it automatically restarts the application.
Node.js HTTP Module EASY
The Node.js HTTP module allows you to create an HTTP server that can listen to server ports and give a response back to the client. In this blog, we will discuss the HTTP Module in Node Js. in detail. we will check out its various properties, methods, and classes.
Node.js file stats and paths
This article begins its discussion by introducing stats in node.js and paths in node.js. How uniquely they can be used in our developing program and how they part their ways.
Blocking and Non-Blocking in Node.js MEDIUM
This blog will discuss the concept of Blocking and Non-blocking in Node.js.
How to use Class in Node.js MEDIUM
The following blog discusses how to use a class in Node JS using JavaScript prototype and ES6 along with their advantages and limitations with the help of some examples.
Creating and Exporting Modules in Node.js EASY
This blog will discuss the topic of how to create and export modules in node js.
Managing NPM Versions and Packages
This blog explains how to manage npm versions of packages.
Routing in Node.js MEDIUM
Routing in Node.js refers to the process of defining how an application responds to client requests to specific endpoints (URIs) and HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.).
Node.js module wrapper function
Node.js does not run the code directly but first wraps it inside a function before execution. This function is referred to as the Node.js module wrapper.
Creating a Server in Node.js EASY
Node.js is a runtime environment for executing JavaScript code. We will learn how to create a server in Node.js with examples and provide a clear explanation.
The events module in Node.js
In this blog, you will learn about the Node.js events module and how it works. You will also learn about the EventEmitter class provided by the event module.
The Node.js Event emitter EASY
In Node.js, the EventEmitter class is a key part of the events module and is used to handle asynchronous events. In this article, we will learn about Node.js Event emitter in detail.
The Node.js os module
The Node.js os module offers a few useful functions for interacting with the operating system along with some utilities.
Author Ranjul
Streams and Buffer in Node.Js MEDIUM
This article briefly covers what Streams and Buffers are in NodeJs. Stream is an abstract interface used for streaming data, and a  buffer represents a chunk of memory allocated on our computer.
Buffer in Node.js EASY
Node.js Buffer is a memory area used to handle raw binary data, allowing direct manipulation of bytes for efficient I/O operations.
Stream Pipes in NodeJs
This article briefly summarizes the uses of Stream.Pipe() method in NodeJs for effortlessly passing our data streams around using descriptive examples.
Template engines in Node.js
This article started its discussion with pug, then looked forward to accessing variables, looping over arrays, rendering pug templates in Express, how to add partials, introduction to handlebars, EJS.
Read/write JSON Files with Node.js
JSON files are a convenient way to store data between server restarts when using Node. In this blog, you will learn to read and write JSON files using Node.js.
Reading and writing files with node.js
This article covers various API usage for reading and writing files in node.js. Further, it includes ways to append to files and streams and some frequently asked questions.
GET HTTP Request Body Data using Node Js
This article covers about what is HTTP request body data of the GET module using the Node.Js. We have defined the same using examples for better understanding.
Making HTTP requests with Node.js
This article is concerned with the various methods we can use to make HTTP requests using NodeJs, along with that we have covered why we even need these HTTP requests.
Uninstalling npm Packages
We install npm packages to use them in our project, but we may also need to uninstall them. This article discusses how to uninstall npm packages.
The "package.json" guide
The package.json is a central repository for tool configuration. This blog will shed light on the package.json file.
HTTP Request Body Data of Get using Node.js MEDIUM
This article covers about what is HTTP request body data of the GET module using the Node.Js. We have defined the same using examples for better understanding.
Authenticate Users With Node ExpressJS and Passport.js
In this blog, we will see how we can authenticate users with Passport.js and then build a simple login application for better understanding.
How to Read Environment Variables from Node.js
In this article, we will have a look at how we can read environment variables from Node.js
Node.js with WebAssembly
WebAssembly is a high-performance language but is it a good backend language? Let’s find out. Today, you will learn how to use WebAssembly inside Node.js.
NPX : Node.js Package Runner
This blog guides us through the various aspects of NPX, the NodeJS package runner.
Learn how to log an object in Node.js
console.log() in a JavaScript program that runs in the browser creates an entry in the Browser Console. Let us learn how to log objects in Node.js.
Event Loop in Node.js EASY
Learn about the Event Loop in Node.js, and how it handles asynchronous operations and improves performance in JavaScript applications.
Node.js with TypeScript
TypeScript is a well-established language used by many companies, open-source projects, tools, and frameworks. Let us explore TypeScript in the Node.js world.
Multithreading in Nodejs EASY
In this article, we will study multithreading in nodejs using worker threads.


Express.js, or simply Express, is a back end web application framework for Node.js, released as free and open-source software under the MIT License. In this category, we present to you a bank of articles that will educate you on everything you need to learn while learning Express.
Introduction to Express
In this blog, we will discuss the installation process of Express to our system, keeping the point in our mind that we have node.js already installed in our system.
Setting up Express.js
In this article, we will be discussing how to set up and start working with Express js. Further, we will also be learning about some of the frequently asked questions.
Authentication and Authorization in Express MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss the concepts of authentication and authorization in Express, JSON Web Token, and the complete code of the project.
Websockets with Express MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn about web sockets with the express, why to use it and how to implement websockets with express.
Creating MVC Architecture for Restful API ExpressJs MEDIUM
This article guides how to create a RESTful API using Express.js by implementing the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture using an example.
Author Shiva
CRUD in Express MEDIUM
This article will guide you in developing a CRUD application in Express. We will discuss step-by-step procedures for developing CRUD in Express.
CRUD in MYSQL with Express JS MEDIUM
This Express.js and MySQL Tutorial will guide you to create an application using Express.js and perform CRUD operations with MySQL to store and process data.
Handling Form Submission Express JS EASY
This article on handling form submission Express JS will discuss handling form submission in detail along with get and post methods.
Overriding the Express API
Express is a web application server framework used by developers to develop web applications. In this blog, we are discussing overriding the Express API.
Deploying an Express Application
 This article will learn what Express Application is and how to Deploy Express application.
Author Arya27
Express Router
Routing is an essential concept in web development. This blog crisply explains an Express Router and the various terminologies important for developers regarding the same.
Reverse Proxy for Express MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss about Reverse Proxy for Express and Implementation.
How to add error 404 in Dynamic website using express
In this article, we will discuss handling bad requests to a server. We will learn how to set up an error page that will show up when the requested URL is not found.
res.render() Function in Express EASY
The function used to render an HTML view and to send the rendered HTML data to the client is known as the res.render() function.
Custom Middleware in ExpressJS MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn about custom middleware in ExpressJS. We will learn about different aspects related to Custom middleware in ExpressJS.
Using Template Engine with Express
A template engine enables you to use static template files in your application. In this blog we will see how to use the Template engine with Express.
Serving Static Files in Express EASY
In this article, we explored how you can be Serving Static Files in Express. Static files are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and other resources.
Author Shiva
Express Error Handling
Express is a flexible Node.js framework popularly used for building APIs and web applications. In this blog, we will discuss error handling in Express.
Debugging Express
In this article, we will learn about debugging express, its commands, and uses.
Debugging and Logging in Express MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn about debugging and logging in express and implement the functionality.
ExpressJS Scaffolding
This article covers the concept of ExpressJS Scaffolding and its implementation.
File upload with multer
This blog will see what Multer is and how we can upload files with Multer in node.js and express. We will go through it with sample code, including installation and usage.


A database is information that is set up for easy access, management, and updating. Computer databases typically store aggregations of data records or files that contain information, such as sales transactions, customer data, financials, and product information. Databases are used for storing, maintaining, and accessing any sort of data. They collect information on people, places, or things. That information is gathered in one place so that it can be observed and analyzed. Databases can be thought of as an organized collection of information.
What is Database?
A database is a collection of data or information stored in a computer system. It is controlled by a Database Management System.
Relational and non-relational Database
In this article, we will go through the relational and non-relational databases.
ACID Properties and Transactions in Database
To maintain the integrity of the data, there are four properties in DBMS, known as the ACID properties.
Elasticsearch vs Splunk EASY
In this article, we will discuss Elasticsearch and Splunk. We will also discuss their features and companies that are using these further.
Database View EASY
In this blog, we will learn about database view. We will understand its core concepts, usage, advantages and disadvantages, and much more for a better understanding.
Purpose of Database System EASY
In this blog, we will learn about the Purpose of Database Systems. We will understand its core concepts, its usage, and much more for better understanding.
CAP theorem
This article covers what the CAP theorem entails and how it is designed.
Author Alisha
Buffer Management in DBMS EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Buffer Management in DBMS. We will understand its core concepts, its usage, types, and much more for better understanding.
CAP theorem | Part-2
This blog will discuss the topic of the CAP theorem along with its types, examples, advantages and disadvantages.
Indexing in Database
In this article, we’ll cover the crucial topic often asked in interviews of DBMS(Database Management System), i.e., Indexing in Database.
Distributed Database Architecture in DBMS EASY
A Distributed Database System is a database spread across multiple locations, allowing it to operate beyond a single computer system.
Surrogate key in DBMS EASY
A surrogate key in DBMS is a unique identifier created for efficient data management, simplifying database operations. Read on to know more about the surrogate key.
Difference between Clustered and Non Clustered Index EASY
This article will teach us about the difference between Clustered and Non Clustered Index. We will learn some related concepts to these Indexes.
Your Guide to the ORM
In this article, you will learn about Object Relational Mapping(ORM), its uses, some ORM frameworks, etc.


MongoDB is an open-source document-oriented database. ... MongoDB is not based on the table-like relational database structure but provides an altogether different mechanism for storage and retrieval of data, that's why known as NoSQL database. Here, the term 'NoSQL' means 'non-relational'.
Introduction to MongoDB | Part 2
This blog covers the introductory concept of MongoDB, a NoSQL database, in detail.
MongoDB Aggregate EASY
MongoDB Aggregate is the process of merging data from several documents and collections to summarise the data we found.
Setting up MongoDB
This blog takes you through the MongoDB setup procedure.
Working with MongoDB $elemMatch EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Working with MongoDB $elemMatch. We will understand its syntax, and later in the blog, go through some practical examples of MongoDB $elemMatch.
How to Analyse and Monitor MongoDB Logs? EASY
In this article, we will learn How to Analyse and Monitor MongoDB Logs and slo understand the steps for enabling the logs.
Author akscrv
How to Deploy MongoDB on Heroku EASY
In this article, we will learn how to deploy an application on the Heroku platform with the MongoDB database.
Deploy, Run, and Install MongoDB on Kubernetes MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss how we can deploy, run and install MongoDB on Kubernetes. We will explain each step in detail further in the article.
MongoDB operators
In this article, we will be learning different types of MongoDB operators. We will learn to implement all sorts of MongoDB operators.
MongoDB Ops Manager MEDIUM
In this article, we will look at MongoDB Ops Manager, its features, steps of installation, MongoDB backups with Ops Manager, and automation configuration status.
$push Operator in MongoDB EASY
In this article, we will learn about the $push Operator in MongoDB.
MongoDB Commands EASY
This article will discuss some of the key MongoDB commands, their syntax, and how they function, with examples that you can run and practice.
MongoDB Query Documents
This blog covers the usage of the various MongoDB query documents methods.
Upsert in MongoDB EASY
In this article, we will discuss updating the documents, what is upsert with its syntax, and the implementation of the upsert option in MongoDB.
MongoDB Projections MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss Projections, Basic Projections in MongoDB, Operators in MongoDB Projection, and some frequently asked questions.
MongoDB MapReduce EASY
The article covers the concept of MongoDB MapReduce, its syntax and parameter description, a working example, and some frequently asked questions.
MongoDB as a Docker Container
In this blog, we will learn MongoDB as a Docker Container. We will learn about docker and its advantages. In the end, we will discus setting Up MongoDB in a Docker Container.
MongoDB Cluster MEDIUM
This article will discuss MongoDB Cluster, its implementation, and the benefits it offers.
Author akscrv
Create Database, Collections and Documents in MongoDB | Part 2
In this article, we will learn how to create MongoDB documents, databases and collections.
MongoDB $pull Operator EASY
This article teaches about MongoDB $pull Operator. We also discuss MongoDB and its features in detail.
Difference Between MongoDB and PostgreSQL EASY
MongoDB is a NoSQL, document-based database, ideal for unstructured data, while PostgreSQL is a relational database offering strong ACID compliance and complex queries.
MongoDB vs Redis MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss what MongoDB and Redis are, their features, their applications, their distinctions, and some frequently asked questions.
MongoDB vs Cassandra EASY
This article will discuss the topic of MongoDB vs Cassandra in detail, including their definitions, pros and cons and MongoDB vs Cassandra in tabular form.
MongoDB Tutorial
MongoDB is a document database. It helps to store data in a type of JSON format called BSON.
Multimedia Database EASY
This article discusses the Multimedia Database along with their types and different use cases in detail. It also covers some faqs based on the same.
Regex in Mongodb EASY
This blog will discuss Regex in MongoDB with examples having suitable code implementation and examples and some frequently asked questions.
Spring Data in MongoDB HARD
In this blog, we will discuss Spring Data in MongoDB and explore the implementation of Spring Data in MongoDB and also their Benefits.
Pagination in MongoDB MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss Pagination in MongoDB and explore various techniques for optimizing large data retrieval and improving user experience.
Multikey Indexes EASY
This article covers the concept of multikey indexes in MongoDB and its implementation.
NoSQLBooster for MongoDB EASY
In this article, we will discuss NoSQLBooster for MongoDB. We will also explore the features of MongoDB and NoSQLBooster for MongoDB.
MongoDB Delete document
This blog covers the concept of MongoDB delete documents.
Best Practices for Securing MongoDB
In this blog, we will discuss why we need to improve security, features of MongoDB, and Best Practices for Securing MongoDB.
MongoDB Change Streams MEDIUM
This article discusses what MongoDB Change Streams are, why we need them, their features, and their uses.
Cosmos DB Vs. MongoDB
In this article, we will learn about the comparison between Cosmos DB and MongoDB in a detailed format.
This blog will discuss MongoDB vs. MYSQL in a detailed manner, along with some features of both mondoDB and MySQL.
This article will compare MongoDB vs SQL, highlighting their differences in data models, schema design, query language, performance, and security.
MongoDB vs Couchbase EASY
This article will discuss the topic of MongoDB vs Couchbase in detail, including their definitions, pros and cons and MongoDB vs Couchbase in tabular form.
SQL to MongoDB Mapping
This blog explains the differences and nuances between SQL and MongoDB.
MongoDB vs Elasticsearch
In this blog, we will discuss MongoDB vs. Elasticsearch and explore various use cases of MongoDB and Elasticsearch.
Mongoose for MongoDB | A guide
A complete introduction to Mongoose for MongoDB, as well as how these technologies fit with your application.
MongoDB Backup and Restoration MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss various commands and tools to back up and restore the data in the MongoDB database.
WriteConcern MongoDB EASY
This article is about WriteConcern MongoDB. This includes understanding writing operations, implicit default WriteConcerns and levels, with additional info.
Author Shiva
In this blog, we will discuss the collection, indexes, sharding, limitations, adding files, etc., in MongoDB GridFS.
This blog will discuss MongoDB JSON and how JSON works with MongoDB with proper syntax.
MongoDB Migration MEDIUM
This blog will discuss MongoDB Migration and how to migrate the database.
MongoDB Distinct Method EASY
This article is about the MongoDB distinct method, which is a feature in MongoDB’s toolbox which helps developers easily fetch values from a specific field.
Author Shiva


Mongoose is an Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB and Node. js. It manages relationships between data, provides schema validation, and is used to translate between objects in code and the representation of those objects in MongoDB.
Mongoose models
This article covers the introduction of Mongoose models, then we have seen the first model compilation, constructing documents, querying, deleting, updating, and finally how we can change streams.
Read the documents using Mongoose
This article describes how we read articles using Mongoose, and we have briefly covered the three primary ways to get the data in a database.
Update The Documents Using Mongoose
This article discusses Mongoose as an Object Data Modelling (ODM) library for MongoDB with different ways to update a document.
Delete the documents using Mongoose
This article briefly summarizes the variety of options to delete the Document using Mongoose. The only prerequisite is to have some basic knowledge about Mongoose and NodeJS
Delete the documents using Mongoose
This blog will discuss various options to delete the document using Mongoose library.
findByIdAndUpdate() Function in Mongoose MEDIUM
In this article, we’ll be covering one of the most used mongoose libraries functions i.e, findByIdAndUpdate() for updating data in a MongoDB database. We’ll learn how to implement this function to perform update operations in a database from the ground up.


Django is a high-level web framework in Python, that allows fast and robust development of complex database-driven websites. Django enables hassle-free web development which allows us to focus on writing business logic for our website without reinventing the wheel. In this blog series, we have covered the basics to advanced Django concepts covering Django templates, forms, views, models, authentication, ajax requests.
Best Books to Learn Django for Beginners and Advanced
Django creators have described it as “a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It takes care o...


Flask is a Python-based lightweight web application framework. It provides features like routing and page rendering in a very simple and easy-to-use way. Flask is also called python microframework as features like authentication, forms validation aren't present directly but we can still build web apps without worrying about low-level issues like protocols and thread management. Here we will learn about all basics of flasks, routing and how to create dynamic routes, how to use templates to render web pages, how to use cookies, authentication in the flask, and some other advanced features.
Flask Introduction And Overview
In this blog, we will learn about the basics of Python WebFramework - Flask, Uses of Flask, and Features of Flask framework.
Flask Environment And First Application
In this blog, we will learn about the Flask environment, the installation of Flask in our system, and the creation of our first Flask application.
App Routing In Flask
In this blog, we will learn how to create an App Route in Flask, different methods to add routes to the flask application, and a few code examples.
Variable Rules In Flask
In this blog, we will learn how to create dynamic routes in Flask using Variable Rules with the help of code examples.
Flask URL Building
This article will contain a brief overview of URL Building using Flask. We will further discuss how to build URLs using Flask and the different uses of URL building.
HTTP Methods in Flask
HTTP stands for hypertext transfer protocol, and it is the foundation of data transfer on the internet. All web frameworks, including Flask, must have many HTTP methods for data transfer.
Templates in Flask
This blog discusses Templates in Flask, their uses, and practical examples.
Static File Handling in Flask
Static files that facilitate Web display, such as javascript files or CSS files, are frequently required by web applications.
JSON Response Flask API
In this blog, we will learn how to create a REST API that returns a simple JSON object with the help of Flask.
Flask Request Object
This blog discusses Flask Request Objects, their uses, and a practical example of query arguments.
Author Parth
Sending form data in a Flask Application to a template
This article discusses handling form data in a Flask application. We will populate the received data to another template as well.
Handling Cookies in Flask
This article discusses the handling of cookies in flask applications. Cookies in Flask are present in the response object and are parsed and used accordingly.
User Authentication OAuth in Flask
This blog is about User Authentication using OAuth in Flask. Let's understand it.
Redirect and Error handling in Flask
This blog covers the concept of redirect and error handling in the flask application.
Message flashing in Flask
This blog discusses the practical and theoretical implementation of Message flashing in Flask.
File Uploading in Flask
This blog discusses the theoretical and practical implementations of file uploading in Flask.
Flask Extensions
The blog discusses Flask Extensions. We will learn about the different types of extensions.
Flask Mail
This article introduces you to Flask and how to send mail using Flask and its extensions with a detailed code.
Flask WTForms
This article introduces you to WTForms in Flask, WTForms handling, validation, and submission with the detailed code and explanation.
This article introduces you to flask SQLite, how to connect it to a database using queries and CRUD application with a detailed description and code.
Flask Sijax
In this blog, we'll be learning Flask Sijax, its installation, configuration, and how to build an application using Sijax.
Flask Deployment
This blog will cover the topic of deployment and flask app deployment on different servers. Furthermore, we will see how to deploy the flask app on localhost, Heroku, and apache.
Flask FastCGI
This article will contain a brief overview of FastCGI in Python using Flask. We will further discuss how to implement FastCGI using Flask and the different applications of FastCGI.
In this blog, we will learn how to build a RESTful CRUD API with Flask by creating a Product Management web application.


ASP.NET is an open-source web framework for building web apps and services with .NET and C# hence, is a cross-platform framework. .NET is a platform that contains tools, programming languages, and libraries for building applications. You can develop web apps, develop REST APIs and create microservices. It provides features like high performance, container support, asynchronous programming, web sockets which enables a rich development experience. Here we will learn about web forms, web pages, MVC architecture, core.
Introduction to ASP.Net MEDIUM
ASP.NET is a framework for web applications and this framework is used to build dynamic and interactive web applications.
This blog will teach you about, its feature, and why we should use ASP.Net. Furthermore, we will see different development styles of ASP.Net for creating a web application.
State Management in ASP.NET EASY
In this article, we will discuss what state management is, its types, and techniques in ASP.NET, complete with examples and explanations.
ASP.NET Life Cycle
The ASP.NET Page Life Cycle consists of several stages that a page goes through during its processing on the server, before it is sent to the client (browser).
In ASP.NET MVC, routing is a mechanism for mapping incoming requests to specific controller actions. It helps in defining how URLs are interpreted and how requests are handled in the application
ASP.NET First App
ASP.NET provides developers with an authentication system that includes a database, libraries, templates for managing logins, external authentication to Google, Facebook, etc.

Spring Boot

Spring is a java framework for application development that enables dependency injections, inversion control, and other advanced features like RESTful services, MVC patterns, creating loosely coupled microservices. We will be learning about Spring framework in detail and how to create a project in spring boot and Spring MVC, also about Spring boot AOP, integrating spring boot into the database.
Spring Boot Features
This article covers the top 7 spring boot features in detail. Check out the most important spring boot features with faqs.
Author Shiva
Spring Bean Life Cycle MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn about Spring Bean Life Cycle. We will understand its core concepts, different ways to implement the Life Cycle of a Bean, and much more for better understanding.
Spring @autowired Annotation EASY
In this article, we'll learn how to use @Autowired, its different types, & how to set it up in Spring projects.
Scheduler in Spring Boot EASY
This article discuss the concept of a scheduler in Spring Boot, how to configure and use it for task scheduling, along with practical examples and code snippets.
Spring vs Spring Boot MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn Spring vs Spring Boot. We will learn its features, advantages and key differences between spring and spring boot.
@Component annotation in Spring Boot EASY
This article will explain the @Component annotation, its functions, and related concepts like stereotype annotations, @ComponentScan, and limitations.
Global Exception Handling in Spring Boot EASY
In this article, we will learn about global exception handling in Spring Boot, its importance, and how to implement it to manage errors efficiently.
Data Transfer Objects (DTO) in Spring Boot MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss DTOs, why they are used in Spring Boot applications & how to create them. We will also look at examples to understand their implementation.
Implement JWT authentication in a Spring Boot EASY
In this article, we will learn how to implement JWT authentication in Spring Boot, including generating tokens, validating them, and securing REST APIs.
Feign Client in Spring Boot MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss how Feign Client works, how to use it in a Spring Boot application, and guides to implement it.
@Value Annotation in Spring Boot EASY
In this article, we will discuss how to use @Value in Spring Boot, its different functionalities, and practical examples to understand its implementation.
Transaction Management in Spring Boot EASY
In this article, we will learn the concept of transaction management in Spring Boot. We will understand why it is crucial, & learn how to configure & implement it effectively in your applications.
RestController Annotation in Spring Boot MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss the @RestController annotation in Spring Boot. Using it, we will be able to create and test RESTful APIs.
Query in Spring Boot EASY
This article will discuss the different types of queries in Spring Boot, focusing on JPQL, Native Queries, and their practical implementations.
Spring Boot @RequestMapping MEDIUM
@RequestMapping is a versatile annotation used in Spring MVC to map HTTP requests to specific handler methods in a controller class. In this article, we will discuss @RequestMapping.
Exception Handling in Spring Boot MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss exception handling in Spring Boot, covering topics such as setting up error handlers, handling exceptions, overriding default exception handling, implementing custom exceptions, & understanding the importance of proper exception handling in Spring Boot applications.
Logback in Spring Boot EASY
This blog will discuss Logback in Spring Boot along with its importance, configuration, profiles, best practices and some frequently asked questions.

Web Services

Hello Ninjas, do you know that A web service is a collection of open protocols and standards used for exchanging data between applications or systems? Software applications written in various programming languages and running on various platforms can use web services to exchange data over computer networks like the Internet in a manner similar to inter-process communication on a single computer. This interoperability is due to the use of open standards. Let’s explore more about Web Services.

Java Swing

Java Swing is a part of Java Foundation Classes (JFC) which was designed for enabling large-scale enterprise development of Java applications. Swing in Java is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) toolkit that includes the GUI components. Swing provides a rich set of widgets and packages to make sophisticated GUI components for Java applications. Swing is a part of Java Foundation Classes(JFC), which is an API for Java GUI programming that provide GUI.

Java Server Faces

JavaServer Faces (JSF) is the Java standard technology for building component-based, event-oriented web interfaces. Like JavaServer Pages (JSP), JSF allows access to server-side data and logic. Unlike JSP, which is essentially an HTML page imbued with server-side capabilities, JSF is an XML document that represents formal components in a logical tree. JSF components are backed by Java objects, which are independent of the HTML and have the full range of Java abilities, including accessing remote APIs and databases. Let’s learn more about JSF.
In this blog, you will learn about Ajax in JSF and its attributes.
JDBC Integration in JSF
In this article, we will discuss JSF JDBC connectivity.
JSF Spring Integration HARD
In this article, we will study the integration of JSF with the Spring framework.


Hibernate is a Java framework that simplifies the development of Java applications to interact with the database. It is an open-source, lightweight, Object Relational Mapping tool. Hibernate implements the specifications of Java Persistence API for data persistence. Let’s learn more about hibernate-Hibernate Architecture, Life Cycle, Environment setup, Sessions and Hibernate Annotations.
Hibernate Transaction Management EASY
This blog covers the concept of hibernate Transaction Management.We will understand hibernate transaction management, transaction interface, and various methods used in transaction management.
Hibernate Query Language MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn about Hibernate Query Language, in detail. Hibernate Query Language is like Structured Query Language which uses Hibernate Framework of Java.
Hibernate Named Query MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn about Hibernate Named Query, in detail. Hibernate Named Query is like any other query with some specific traits. Follow the blog below to learn more.
Hibernate vs JPA MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn about Hibernate vs JPA. We will understand each concept in detail and later look at the difference table for better understanding.
Hibernate Batch Processing MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn about Hibernate Batch Processing, in detail. We will use an example to illustrate the notion of Hibernate Batch Processing for readers to understand this better
Hibernate Interceptors MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss the hibernate interceptors, their implementation, types of registering interceptors, and the hibernate interceptors' methods. Along with an employee class example.


JavaFX is a Java library used to develop Desktop applications as well as Rich Internet Applications. The applications built in JavaFX can run on multiple platforms including Web, Mobile, and Desktops.JavaFX is intended to replace swing in Java applications as a GUI framework. However, It provides more functionalities than swing.JavaFX provides its own components and doesn't depend upon the operating system. It is lightweight and hardware accelerated. It supports various operating systems including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. So what are you waiting for let's get started?
In this blog, you'll learn about JavaFXText.


Hello Ninjas, Let’s get started with Vaadin. It is an open-source web development framework. It comes with inbuilt support for Java scripts and AJAX. You can also include external features into it using the Google Web toolkit. Vaadin is a time-saver for developers as it renders rich content in the browser without the help of any markup files. All markups and supporting files will be generated at runtime with the help of the Vaadin framework. Vaadin uses Java as a programming language and supports server-side and client-side development.


Hello Ninjas, do you guys know that Struts in Java is an open-source framework that is made by Apache? Apache provides a free source to download Struts for users. Struts is used to create web applications based on servlet and JSP. Struts depend on the MVC (Model View Controller) framework. Struts application is a genuine web application. It simplifies the development and maintenance of web applications by providing predefined functionality. It is based on a front controller, which means it has a controller in front of it which decides on which model request has to come or go. Struts in Java are very helpful for us as MVC is a guideline followed by all technologies in today’s world. There is no better option to simplify web applications other than MVC.
Struts 2 Action EASY
This article will discuss Struts 2 Action in detail with the help of some examples.
Struts 2 Database Access MEDIUM
This blog explains the details of Struts 2 Database and its implementation.
Struts 2 Type Conversion MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss Struts 2 type conversion. We will jump on to the knowledge of converting data types as per the program requirements in this topic of Struts 2 Type Conversion.
Struts 2-The Ajax Tags EASY
In this article, we will learn about the ajax tags in the struts 2.
Struts 2 Form Tags MEDIUM
Struts 2 uses the form tags to deal with forms. This article explains the usage of the form tags in detail.
Struts2 Localization, Internationalization (i18n) MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss struts2 localization and internationalization in detail with examples.
Struts 2 Annotations MEDIUM
In this blog, you will study different types of annotations.
Struts 2 Annotations Types EASY
This blog will discuss Struts 2 annotation types and some necessary annotations in detail.
Struts 2 Themes & Templates EASY
This article discusses themes in struts 2 and how to create a new one.


Hello Ninjas, Let’s learn about Java Framework-Play. Play is a high-productivity web application framework for programming languages whose code is compiled and run on the JVM, mainly Java and Scala. It integrates the components and APIs we need for modern web application development. So what are you waiting for let's explore the Play Framework and figure out how we can create a web application with it.

Google Web Toolkit

GWT is a development toolkit that enables developers to develop internet applications. GWT emphasizes reusable approaches to common web-app tasks such as bookmarking, UI abstraction, cross-browser portability, etc. The Google Web Toolkit is a toolkit to develop Ajax web applications with Java. The programmer writes Java code and this code is translated into HTML and Javascript via the GWT compiler. The compiler creates browser-specific HTML and JavaScript to support all the major browsers correctly.


Hello Ninjas, do you know that Dropwizard is an open-source Java framework for the rapid development of REST APIs? Dropwizard is a kind of ecosystem that contains all the dependencies (such as Jersey, Jackson, or jetty) bundled into a single package or can be added as a separate module. If you are not using dropwizard, you will end up collecting all dependencies yourself and it often results in class loading issues due to version mismatches between various java libraries. Dropwizard solves this problem for you and pulls together stable, mature libraries into a simple, lightweight package that lets you focus on getting things done. Let’s learn about Dropwizard without wasting further time.
Introduction to Dropwizard
Dropwizard is an alternative to Flask in Java to develop REST APIs. This article gives an introduction to dropwizard.
Dropwizard - Setting Up Using Maven HARD
Maven is an automation tool used primarily in Java projects. This article discusses setting up Dropwizard using Maven.
Dropwizard Dependency Injection MEDIUM
This article will briefly discuss Dropwizard Dependency Injection.
Dropwizard Client MEDIUM
This article will briefly discuss Dropwizard Client.
Dropwizard JDBI3 MEDIUM
This blog will study Dropwizard JDBI3. It is a module that directly relates to JDBI.
Dropwizard Migrations MEDIUM
This article will briefly discuss Dropwizard Migration. Along with that we have discussed how to add, define and test migration bundles.
Dropwizard Hibernate EASY
This article incorporates the hibernate in dropwizard in detail.
Dropwizard Authentication MEDIUM
This article incorporates information about dropwizard authentication and its method.
Dropwizard Forms MEDIUM
This article will briefly discuss Dropwizard Forms. Further discussed how to add and test bundles.
Dropwizard Views EASY
In this blog, we will cover Dropwizard views, templates, dependencies and the basics of Dropwizard.
Dropwizard Example EASY
This article will briefly discuss Dropwizard Example. We also discussed the pre-conditions, and the process to start the application.
Dropwizard Configuration Reference MEDIUM
This article discusses dropwizard and the configuration reference steps with code implementation.
Dropwizard Internals MEDIUM
In this article, we will see the basics of dropwizard and then dropwizard internals with code implementation.


Python is one of the most used Languages. Think about anything, you can do with python. It has various libraries and frameworks that help us in developing one thing or another. One such open-source framework is web2py. Web2py is a web application framework that allows web developers to program dynamic web content using python. It is free and used for agile development which involves database-driven web applications. We will be introducing the web2py, its concepts, and its fundamentals here. 


Python web framework which is lightweight and fast. Bottle is a WSGI web framework. It is effortless as it is distributed in a single-file module and has no dependencies other than the Python Standard library. This article will uncover various modules and concepts related to Bottle. And you to the journey across the other end where you will find yourself completely understanding the bottle.
Introduction to Bottle Framework EASY
In this article, we will learn about the bottle framework, why we should use it, and some different features of it.
Installing the bottle-web-framework-python EASY
In this article, we will see the installation of bottle-web-framework.
Should I Use Bottle Framework for Web Development?
This article will discuss the importance of using the Bottle Framework for Web Development and cover the different types of python frameworks.
Hello Bottle!!! EASY
In this article, we will learn how to print ‘Hello World’ using the bottle framework.
Request Routing in Bottle Web Framework EASY
This article will teach us how to request routing in the bottle web framework.
Generating Content in Bottle framework EASY
In this article, we will be discussing about generating the content in the bottle framework.
Request Data in Bottle Web Framework MEDIUM
In this blog, we will be discussing the Bottle web framework and Request Data in Bottle Web Framework including cookies and HTML.
Templates in Bottle Web Framework EASY
In this blog, we will be covering the topic of Templates in Bottle Web Framework. We will be going over the basic concepts of templates and how to use them in a web framework.
Plugins in Bottle Framework EASY
In this article, we will be discussing about the different plugins in the bottle framework.
Development in Bottle Framework EASY
In this article, we will learn about the development in the bottle framework.
Creating First Web Application Using Bottle Framework EASY
In this article, you will create your first web application using bottle.
Joke App using Bottle Framework EASY
This article will discuss how to create a simple app using the bottle framework.
Developing with Bottle Framework- Part 1 EASY
In this blog, we will learn how to install and utilize the Bottle Framework in Python for building various web applications.
Developing with Bottle Framework - Part 2 MEDIUM
In this article, we will continue with the ‘Developing with Bottle Framework’ series and learn how to plot a graph displaying cohort analysis.
Building Simple Web Applications Using Bottle Framework, SQLAlchemy and Twitter API MEDIUM
In this blog, we will show you how to build a simple web application using the bottle framework and SQLAlchemy.
Building rest API with Bottle Framework EASY
The bottle is a python micro-framework by which you can build the rest API in minutes. It is distributed as a single file module and has only Python S...
Bottle Class in Bottle Web Framework EASY
In this blog, the discussion will be on Bottle Class in Bottle Web Framework. We will be discussing the parameters of Bottle Class in Bottle Web Framework and how to create and maintain a simple personal web application.
Request Object in Bottle Web Framework
In this blog, we will be covering the creation and maintenance of a simple personal web application using the Bottle Web Framework by Request Object in Bottle Web Framework.
Configuration Basics in the Bottle Web Framework MEDIUM
This article will discuss the configuration basics in the bottle web framework.
TO-DO Application using bottle framework - Python tutorial MEDIUM
This article will discuss how to create a to-do application using the bottle framework.
Primer to Asynchronous Applications Bottle framework Python MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss the topic Primer to Asynchronous Applications, in Python.
How to Deal with Common Use Cases in Bottle Framework - Python MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss how to deal with common use cases in the bottle framework with the help of code snippets and examples.


Object Oriented, python based framework used in web development. CherryPy is just like its name sweet and sour i-e hard and easy. The main reason behind the making of the cherryPy is to give a rapid development solution for web applications. Now, this is achieved by using HTTP Protocols at the lower level. It is quite a popular framework. In this article, we will be giving you an insight into what is cherrypy. Taking you from Basic levels to advanced levels. We will be also explaining how to code in cherrypy with the help of various tutorials. All you need to do is practice along with lessons.


Development is what computer engineers are known for. Just as the world is advancing new, web development software is being introduced. Each one of them is better than the previous ones. One such software is Sinatra, It is a free and open source web application library that is domain-specific and language. Sinatra is written in Ruby. Just like nitro, and ruby on rails, Sinatra is another such web application development alternative. It works on the Rack web server interface. In this section, we will be looking forward to what is Sinatra and its various features and basics. We will also explain how to develop a Sinatra Application.
What is Sinatra? EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Sinatra Framework.
Getting started with Sinatra EASY
This article will demonstrate how to get started with Sinatra. We will discuss the installation steps and set up to start working with Sinatra.
Routes in Sinatra EASY
This blog will discuss Routes in Sinatra.
Conditions in Sinatra MEDIUM
In this blog, we'll learn the fundamentals of Conditions in Sinatra.
Return Values in Sinatra EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Return values in Sinatra.
Static Files and templates in Sinatra EASY
In this blog, we'll learn the fundamentals of Static Files and templates in Sinatra.
What Are Helpers And Filters in Sinatra EASY
In this article, we will discuss the helpers and filters in Sinatra. We will also look at a few code snippets of helpers and filters in Sinatra.
Cache Control in Sinatra MEDIUM
In this article, we'll talk about Cache Control in Sinatra and go through some advantages of cache.
Author akscrv
Sending Files in Sinatra MEDIUM
This article will discuss how to send files in Sinatra. We will illustrate the concept with the help of an example.
Accessing the Request Object in Sinatra EASY
In this article, we are going to learn how to access the request object in Sinatra.
Working with Date and Time in Sinatra EASY
In this article, we are going to learn how to deal with date and time in Sinatra.
Configuration in Sinatra EASY
We will understand the Configuration in Sinatra and multiple settings.
Available Settings in Sinatra MEDIUM
We will understand the available setting in Sinatra.
Environments in Sinatra MEDIUM
We will understand the Environment in Sinatra, Understand the Elastic Beanstalk environment and deploying our application and last Error handling.
Error Handling in Sinatra EASY
In this article, we'll talk about Error Handling in Sinatra.
Testing in Sinatra MEDIUM
In this article, we'll talk about Testing in Sinatra and also see the differences between classic and modular style.
Author akscrv
Libraries and Middleware to work with in Sinatra EASY
In this article, we will see what Libraries and Middleware is and how we can make them work in Sinatra.
Scopes and Binding in Sinatra EASY
This article will discuss scopes and binding in Sinatra. We will illustrate the concept of scopes and bindings with examples.
Command Line Working in Sinatra MEDIUM
In this article, we'll talk about using the Command Line in Sinatra and demonstrate how to run a sample Sinatra application as a Ruby script.
Author akscrv
The Bleeding Edge in Sinatra EASY
This article explains Sinatra's Padrino applications and its bleeding edge.
Overview of Basic Application in Sinatra EASY
In this article, we are going to learn basic application implementation in Sinatra.
Creating a Basic Project in Sinatra EASY
This article will create a basic web application project using Sinatra from scratch.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a web-app full-stack framework, which uses the MVC pattern for creating web pages and web services, database-driven apps. Data is shared in the form of JSON and XML between services. It provides tools to create scalable frontend and backend web applications. Ruby on Rails provides features like rendering HTML templates, CRUD operations in Databases, E-mails, live pages, WebSockets, scheduling jobs, and solid web security, we will be learning about all of them in this tutorial.
Introduction to Ruby on Rails
In this article, we’ll be going through the basics of Ruby on Rails. We will learn the prerequisites of rails and why we need ruby on rails in our web application. We’ll also set up our first rails server.
Installation and Setup - Ruby on Rails
In this article, we will see the installation of ruby and its setup on different operating systems.
Directory Structure
This article discusses a Directory Structure and its purpose. We talk about why it is a good idea to use it on a project and how it makes the life of a developer and user easier.
Active Records
In this blog, we will learn about Active Records in Rails, its basics, how to create one, translation of Domain Model into SQL, and Association between Models.
Ruby on Rails- Migrations
In this article, we will learn about Migrations in Ruby on Rails, creating them, running them, editing their code, etc.
Ruby on Rails - Controller
In this blog, we will learn about what a controller is, Implementing the (list, show, new, create, edit, update, delete, Display) Method.
This article discusses Routes and how they are essential. We talk about why we use it and how it makes the life of a developer and user easier by delivering content across a network.
Ruby on Rails- Views
In this blog, we will learn about views in ruby on rails, how to create them using different methods like list, new, edit, delete, show_subjects, and show method.
Ruby on Rails - Layout
In this article, we will discuss layouts, adding style sheets, the relation between templates and design, and many more.
Ruby on Rails- Scaffolding
In this blog, we will learn about Scaffolding, its feature, nested Scaffolding, an example to create, and much more.
Rails Concerns EASY
In this blog, we will learn about rails concerns. We will understand the implementation and advanced topics in Rails Concerns.
Ruby on Rails- Ajax
In this blog, we will learn about AJAX, its implementation, its example by creating an application, and much more.
File uploading with Ruby on Rails
This blog will cover the topic of file uploading with Ruby on Rails. We will learn how to create the model for file uploading. Furthermore, we will see class methods and instance methods of files.
Send emails with Ruby on Rails
This blog will cover the topic of Action Mailer with its configuration in ruby on rails. Furthermore, we will see how to generate a Mailer and Call the Mailer.
Deployment in Ruby On Rails
In this blog, we will be having a detailed discussion on how to deploy applications to a cloud platform
CSS Bundling in Ruby on Rails
This article taught us about CSS Bundling in Ruby on Rails, its installation, tooling options, and the reason behind using it.
JS Bundling in Ruby on Rails EASY
The article discusses JS bundling in Rails and the options we use. We also read why and when to use JS Bundling.
Mailers in Ruby on Rails MEDIUM
The article covers Mailers in Ruby on Rails. We read how we can implement Mailers in Ruby on Rails.
Author dawdye
Advanced Concepts of Ruby on Rails
In this blog, we will be having a detailed discussion on Advanced concepts of Ruby on Rails including resources, management of routes, its redirection and design patterns.
Using Pundit Gem for Authorization in Rails MEDIUM
In this article, we'll look at Pundit in Rails, steps to set up Pundit, Pundit policy scopes, and using Pundit Gem for Authorization in Rails.
WebSockets and Actioncable in Ruby on Rails MEDIUM
In this blog, you will learn about WebSockets and ActionCable in ruby on rails and how it brings support to real-time applications in an effortless manner.


PHP is an HTML-enabled server-side programming language. It handles dynamic content, databases, session monitoring, and creating full e-commerce sites. MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, Oracle, Informix, and Microsoft SQL Server are just a few of the databases it supports. We will learn about PHP basics, PHP forms, PHP advanced concepts like cookies, sessions, handling forms, exceptions, and JSON data.
Best PHP Certifications EASY
Although most developers are self-taught, obtaining a PHP certification can be beneficial for your career in certain ways as it formalises your knowle...
1 upvote
10 Best PHP Books for Web Developers MEDIUM
PHP is a never-dying programming language. If you’re looking to amp-up your PHP skills and in a dilemma to choose the best book, you are reading the r...
14 Reasons Why Laravel Is The Best PHP Framework
Laravel is an open-source framework which makes certain that the code is being viewed and reviewed by multiple developers. -This ensures that the bugs...
PHP vs Node.Js EASY
Let’s understand how PHP vs NodeJS started its battle. In the olden times, the partnership between JavaScript and PHP was simple. While JavaScript han...
What is PHP? EASY
PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. It is a dynamically interpreted scripting language for building interactive websites on the server.
Require and Include in PHP EASY
In this article, we will discuss the require() & include() functions in PHP in detail, their syntax, examples, & the important differences between them.
PHP Current DateTime EASY
This article will cover various ways to display and manage date and time in PHP with clear explanations, examples, and tips.
This article discusses echo statements in PHP along with examples and a comparison chart with print statements in PHP.
What are Traits in PHP? EASY
In this article, we will learn about traits in PHP, their purpose, syntax, and how they help in reusing code and resolving multiple inheritance issues.
PHP MySQL Insert Query EASY
In this article, we will learn about PHP MySQL insert query, its syntax, usage, and how to store data into a database with practical examples.
PHP Namespaces EASY
In this article, you will learn how to define and use namespaces effectively to improve code organization and avoid naming conflicts in PHP projects.
PHP Constants EASY
In this article, we will discuss what PHP constants are, why they are important, and how to use them effectively.
Features of PHP EASY
This article explores the essential features of PHP, explaining how each contributes to its power and ease of use.
How to Run PHP File EASY
In this article, we will discuss what PHP is, the steps to run PHP programs, and important details about PHP case sensitivity.
In this article, we will learn about cURL in PHP, its functionality, how to make HTTP requests, and use it to interact with APIs efficiently.
Introduction to PHP File Upload EASY
In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of uploading files using PHP, from configuring the PHP environment to writing the necessary code for uploading and validating files.
Built-in Functions in PHP MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn about built-in functions in PHP, their types, usage, and how they simplify coding tasks with practical examples.
PHP json_decode() Function MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn about the syntax of the json_decode() function, its parameters, and how to handle errors effectively when decoding JSON data.
Abstract Classes in PHP EASY
In this article, we will discuss PHP abstract classes, why they are used, and how to implement them with examples.
PHP: MySQL Database EASY
In this article, we will discuss the basics of MySQL, how to connect it with PHP, and the essential concepts you need to get started.
PHP strtotime() Function EASY
In this article, we will discussPHP strtotime() Function its syntax, parameters, examples, advanced usage with time zones, and practical implementation.
In this article, we will discuss how to use AJAX with PHP to create a dynamic web application, complete with examples and explanations.
How to generate Random Numbers in PHP? EASY
In this article, we will learn how to generate random numbers in PHP using built-in functions and methods for various purposes like security or testing.
PHP Global Variable EASY
In this article, we will learn about PHP global variables, learn their syntax, declaration, and usage with the help of examples.
In this blog, we will learn about the PHP For Loop and explore implementation with examples. Join us as we dive into the syntax and practical applications of for loops in PHP.
PHP Switch Statement EASY
In this article, we will discuss what a switch statement is, how it works, its syntax, and see examples to understand it better.
PHP mail() Function EASY
In this article, we will discuss everything about the PHP mail() function, how to use it, and its different applications such as sending HTML emails or adding attachments.
Function overloading in PHP MEDIUM
This article will explain function overloading in PHP, its properties, rules, and different types, along with examples and explanations.
Inheritance in PHP EASY
In this article, we will discuss its syntax, practical examples, and key features.
PHP json encode() Function EASY
In this article, we will discuss how json_encode() works, its syntax, parameters, return values, and examples to help you understand it better.
Polymorphism in PHP EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Polymorphism in PHP. We will understand its core concepts, its usage, and much more for better understanding.
PHP substr() Function EASY
In this article, we will cover the syntax, parameters, and return type of the substr() function, along with examples to help you understand its usage better.
PHP Database Connection EASY
We will discuss the steps involved in establishing a PHP database connection, how to write PHP code for it, and common troubleshooting tips.
PHP try-catch MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn about PHP try-catch, how it works, and how to use it to handle errors easily in your code.
PHP urlencode() Function MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn about the urlencode() function in PHP, how it encodes URL components, and when to use it to ensure safe data transmission in URLs.
Python Comment Line EASY
This article will discuss what comments are, their types, advantages, and best practices.
PHP Date() Function EASY
The PHP date() function formats a timestamp into a readable date and time string based on a specified format. Default is the current date and time.
PHP String htmlspecialchars() Function EASY
In this article, we will understand the definition, usage, syntax, parameter values, technical details & different examples of the htmlspecialchars() function in PHP.
PHP Design Patterns EASY
In this article, we will discuss design patterns in the context of PHP development in detail.
PHP isempty() Function EASY
In this article, we'll learn what the empty() function does, how to use it with code examples, & some important things to remember about this function.
PHP str_split() Function EASY
In this article, we will discuss different methods to split strings in PHP with examples to understand their implementation properly.
PHP strlen() Function EASY
In this article, we will discuss the strlen() function, its syntax, parameters, return value, & practical examples to help you understand how to effectively.
What are PHP Magic Methods EASY
In this article, we will learn about PHP magic methods, special functions that allow you to intercept certain actions in objects, like property access, method calls, and more.
PHP | MySQL Select Query EASY
In this article, you will learn how to implement the SELECT query in PHP using three different methods: Procedural, Object-Oriented, and PDO.
In this blog, we will learn about php isset. We will understand its core concepts and syntax and learn about parameters and much more for better understanding.
PHP strpos() Function EASY
This article will discuss the strpos() function, its syntax, parameters, return values, and provide easy-to-understand examples with code.
How to Display Errors in PHP? EASY
Use error_reporting(E_ALL); and ini_set('display_errors', 1); in your PHP file to enable and display all errors for debugging purposes.
PHP array_column() Function EASY
In this article, we will understand how array_column() works, its syntax, parameters, return type, and how to use it effectively with examples.
PHP string Concatenation EASY
We'll learn the different methods available for concatenating strings, like the basic concatenation operator & the concatenation assignment operator with proper examples,
In this article, we will learn the different types of if-else statements in PHP, including their syntax, working and examples to bring better understanding.
PHP array_diff_assoc() Function EASY
In this article, we will cover the PHP array_diff_assoc() Function. The array_diff_assoc() shines for its ability to provide comprehensive comparisons.
Implode and Explode in PHP MEDIUM
In this article, see and learn how these functions work, their syntax, parameters, & return types.
PHP Array Functions EASY
Learn PHP array functions with a step-by-step installation guide. Explore a complete list of array functions in PHP with detailed explanations of common ones.
PHP array_diff_uassoc() function EASY
In this article, we will cover the PHP array_diff_uassoc() function. This function serves the purpose of comparing arrays, specifically focusing on keys and values based on a user-defined function.
Concept of Array Merge in PHP EASY
This article discusses the array_merge() function in PHP, explaining its definition, syntax, practical usage, and examples to help you merge arrays efficiently.
Sorting Arrays in PHP EASY
This article discusses different ways to sort arrays in PHP, including ascending, descending, and custom order sorting. We will learn on how to use functions like sort(), rsort(), and usort() with examples.
PHP Multidimensional Array EASY
In this blog, we will learn about PHP Multidimensional Array. We will understand its core concepts, syntax, examples, and much more for better understanding.
PHP array_slice() Function EASY
In this article, we will discuss the array_slice function in detail, like its syntax, parameters, return value, & different examples to learn this function properly.
PHP str_contains() Function EASY
In this article, we'll discuss the str_contains() function in detail, like its properties, syntax, & parameters, with proper examples to show its use.
Difference Between Session and Cookies in PHP MEDIUM
In PHP, sessions and cookies are two essential mechanisms for managing state and persisting data across multiple requests. But there is Difference Between Sessions and Cookies. Rean on to lean more!
PHP mailer EASY
In this blog, we will learn about PHP mailer. We will start with the PHP mailer setup and send the first email through the PHP mailer. Later in the blog, we will learn how to troubleshoot with a PHP mailer.
PHP addslashes() Function EASY
This article is dedicated to understanding the addslashes() function in PHP, its working mechanism, and its real-world usage.
PHP Recursive Function EASY
In this blog, we will learn about PHP Recursive Function. We will learn about PHP Recursive Function through various examples.
PHP Foreach Loop EASY
Learn PHP Foreach Loop with syntax, examples, and flowchart. Easily traverse arrays or objects in Foreach PHP and efficiently perform actions on each element.
While Loop in PHP EASY
In this blog, we will learn about PHP while loop. We will understand this through various examples.
PHP array diff_ukey() Function EASY
In this article, we will cover the PHP array diff_ukey() Function. The method is incredibly handy when you need to work with arrays that have different keys.
CRUD Operations in PHP and MySQL EASY
In this article, we will discuss CRUD operations and how we can perform CRUD using PHP and MySQL.
PHP Variables Scope EASY
Explore the PHP variables scope with this article. Learn about global, local, static, and super-global variables and how they affect your PHP code.
PHP Indexed Arrays EASY
PHP indexed arrays are arrays where the keys are automatically assigned numeric indexes starting from 0, used to store and access values sequentially.


An application programming interface (API) is a connection between computers or between computer programs. It is a type of software interface, offering a service to other pieces of software. A document or standard that describes how to build or use such a connection or interface is called an API specification. A computer system that meets this standard is said to implement or expose an API. The term API may refer either to the specification or to the implementation.
What are Web Services?
In this blog, we are going to discuss Web Services
Differences between Web Services and Web APIs
This article will discuss the major differences between web services and APIs in complete detail.
How do API calls work?
Making API Calls is something you do most frequently in web development. In this article, we will discuss how exactly API calls work.
Real-world APIs
In this blog, we will discuss some real-world APIs, their examples and how they work in detail.
Creating a simple API with nodeJS and Express
This blog will guide you through the process of building an API using NodeJS and ExpressJS.
Author Jay
This article will cover the basics of SOAP API and descriptive details about SOAP Messages. We have covered the anatomy of the SOAP messages, and the concept of WS-Security.
What is API Integration? MEDIUM
In this article, we'll discuss the basics of API integration, its benefits, and real-world use cases across industries.
Learn about REST APIs(Representational State Transfer), a standardized web service interface enabling seamless communication between client and server applications using HTTP methods.
Postman Authorizing Requests EASY
Postman is a Powerful API tool that provides a user-friendly interface for sending HTTP requests and receiving responses.