Last updated: Aug 2, 2022


When they said ‘Two steps forward, one step back, they were talking about backtracking. In backtracking, we try out various outcomes possible for one configuration. Once we are done with one configuration we backtrack to explore other configurations. The last time when you got stuck on one of the optional questions in an exam and tried to attempt the other one, you were actually backtracking. Another well-known application of a backtracking problem is the permutations of an array.
Backtracking The Knight’s Tour Problem MEDIUM
This article discusses the approach and solution of one of the most important questions of Backtracking: Knight's tour problem topic i.e. The Knight's Tour, along with its code implementation in C++.
Min-Max Algorithm EASY
In this blog, we’ll explore the famous Min-Max Algorithm.
8 Queen Problem Using Backtracking HARD
The eight queens problem is the problem of placing eight chess queens on an n*n chessboard so that no two queens threaten each other.
Difference Between Backtracking and Branch and Bound EASY
In this article, we will learn about the concepts of backtracking & branch and bound, understand how they work, and compare their differences based on various parameters.
Introduction To Backtracking EASY
In this article, we discussed what backtracking is and the differences between brute force and recursion.
Generate Parentheses MEDIUM
In this article, we’ll learn how to generate all the combinations of well-formed parentheses.
Sudoku Solver MEDIUM
This is a two-part article covering the Sudoku Solver problem, asked in various competitions.
Word Break Problem using Backtracking MEDIUM
This article will discuss the word break problem using backtracking
This article will discuss the Tug of war and learn about the concept behind the approach used to solve the tug of war problem.
Permutations MEDIUM
The blog discusses in detail generating all different possible permutations of numbers in a list. We’ll discuss many approaches and their implementation in Java to solve the problem and the time and space complexity for each method.
Author Zenith
Additive Number MEDIUM
This blog will discuss how we can solve one of the most asked problems in recursion, i.e., Additive Number.
Subsets EASY
This article will discuss the “subsets problem” in which we have to generate all the subsets of a given array of unique elements and a backtracking-based method to solve the problem.
Author Riya
Subsets (ii) MEDIUM
This article will discuss the “subsets (ii) problem” in which we have to generate all the non-empty unique subsets of a given array containing duplicate elements and a BitMasking approach for solving the problem.
Author Riya
1 upvote
Permutations of given String MEDIUM
Let’s find the permutation of a string using this article. Permutations are strings that contain the same characters but in a different order. Learn how to find all permutations of a string using a simple algorithm.
Minimize swaps of pairs of characters required such that no two adjacent characters in the string are the same EASY
This blog will discuss the problems in Backtracking, i.e., Minimize swaps of pairs of characters required such that no two adjacent characters in the string are the same.
Count All Prime Numbers that Can be Formed using Digits of a Given Number
In this article, we will solve a problem Count All Prime Numbers that Can be Formed using Digits of a Given Number using recursion and backtracking.
Generate all possible strings formed by replacing letters with given respective symbols
This article will discuss to generate all possible strings formed by replacing letters with given respective symbols and the approach to solve this problem.
Recursion and Backtracking Algorithm With Practice Problem EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Recursion and Backtracking Algorithm With Practice Problems.