Table of contents
Data Management
Creating Manageable Data Structures
Web & Content Management
Managing Big Data
What is Big Data?
Big Data Analytics
Working on Big Data Analytics
Types of Big Data Analytics
Big Data uses and examples
Challenges associated with Big Data Analytics
What is a data warehouse?
Write in brief about Hadoop.
List some tools used for Big Data.
What is Clustering?
Last Updated: Oct 29, 2024

Big Data Analytics

Author Rupal Saluja
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In this blog, we will be discussing Big Data, its analysis, the benefits offered by analytics, and at the same time, what disadvantages come along with it. It has been a long struggle for businesses to find an approach that captures and analyzes their customers, products, and services. This approach comes as a competitive advantage for those who know how to utilize analytics properly. Not only for businesses, but Data analytics has also done wonders for Research and Development organizations. 

Big Data Analytics is a thing of the present and future. But before indulging much into this, we need to understand the whole process of evolution in the history of Data Management.

Data Management

Most of the new stages of managing data are built on their predecessors. It is a holistic approach toward data that includes technological advances in hardware, software, networking, and computing models. Each management wave has evolved out of the necessity as a solution for a particular problem. These waves are, namely-

Creating Manageable Data Structures

The traditional way of storing data in flat files with no structure was of zero value. Data structures were introduced so that some detailed understanding could be made possible. It became easier to organize data, compare transactions, and use it for specific purposes.

Relational data model and a tool to manage it: Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) imposed structure and improved performance. Then, there arises another issue of Duplication. To solve this, ER Model was developed that added additional abstraction. New relationships could be created between data sources without any complex programming.

Still, the volume of data was not under control. This resulted in the formation of Data Warehouses that created subsets of data, each for a particular purpose. But, that did not offer much speed and agility. Therefore, Data marts had to be created.

That was all about the structured form of data, but where will unstructured data go?

With the rise of the web in the 1990s, there was a need among organizations to move beyond documents and sort something out for unstructured data. This led to another wave of Data Management: Web and Content Management.

Web & Content Management

As the amount of unstructured data expanded so much in volume, companies began to store it in Binary Large Objects, known as BLOBs. In these, a relational database would be used to store an unstructured data element as a chunk of data. It was not suitable for coming growth in the amount of data.

Object Database Management System, known as ODBMS, includes a programming language and a structure.

A more unified model for a set of disconnected data. A platform that took care of business process management, version control, information recognition, text management, and collaboration.

Managing Big Data

Big data Management is built on top of the evolution of data management practices. But for the first time, the cost of computing cycles and storage has reached a tipping point. This has helped organizations that would typically compromise by using snapshots or subsets just because of storage cost and limitations in processing to store and analyze data.

No technology transition happens in isolation. Technologies that revolve around Big Data are Parallel processing, Distributed Systems, Virtualization, Cloud Computing, and many more.

What is Big Data?

Any data source with at least three characteristics, the 3V’s - Extremely high Volumes, Extremely high Velocity, and Extremely wide Variety of data, can be considered Big Data.

Big Data should not be confused as a single technology, but, it is a combination of old and new technologies. It can be said as the capability to manage enormous amounts of data, at the right speed and within the right timeframe. Thus, allowing to perform real-time analysis.

Big Data Analytics

Gathering, Storing, Managing, and Manipulating massive amounts of data at the right place, at the right time, to gain the right insights is Big Data Analytics.

It is a complex process that involves uncovering hidden patterns and helping firms to make informed decisions that result in commendable outcomes. Competitive advantage is why Big Data Analytics has gained popularity among various departments.

Working on Big Data Analytics

The three classes of tools that can be used collectively or individually for Big Data Analysis are described in the table below.

The steps involved in the process of Big Data Analysis are-

1. Data Collection from numerous sources, can be a mix of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data.

2. Data Processing in a data warehouse or a data mart. Here, data is organized, configured, and partitioned.

3. Data Cleansing by professionals using data quality software. This improves data quality.

4. Data Analyzation with various analytics software available. 

Types of Big Data Analytics

Majorly, there are four types of Big Data Analytics which are described below in the table.

Big Data uses and examples

1. Targeted Ads compelling consumers based on past purchases, search histories, and viewing histories.

2. Improved and informed decision-making is something that has led to a competitive advantage for companies with excellent data management capabilities.

3. Risk Management is yet another use of Big Data Analytics. New risks are identified from previous data patterns.

4. Big Data Analytics also helps with product development by providing insights on development decisions and progress measurement.

5. Consumer data help companies design their marketing strategies, which can act on trends and lead to customer satisfaction.

Challenges associated with Big Data Analytics

1. A lot of data comes unstructured in pictures, videos, etc., making it difficult for analyzers to manage.

2. Creation of new sources such as sensors, click-stream, smart devices, etc., now and then requires an evolution of technology, which takes time.

3. Huge amount of data in a variety of forms, requires extremely good data quality maintenance.

4. Complexity of the Big Data ecosystem leads to several security concerns which need to be addressed appropriately.

5. High cost of hiring experienced data analysts and engineers and the lack of potential analytical skills in every other individual, make it difficult for some firms to go with the pace.


What is a data warehouse?

A repository that stores massive amounts of data collected from different resources is known as a data warehouse. They typically store data using already defined frames.

Write in brief about Hadoop.

An open-source framework capable of storing and processing big data sets in Hadoop. It can handle any form of data, structured or unstructured. Hadoop allows forming of clusters of multiple computers that are efficient in analyzing giant datasets.

List some tools used for Big Data.

Some of the most commonly used tools for Big Data are MongoDB, MapReduce, Cassandra, Apache Hadoop, Apache Pig, Apache Spark, and many more.

What is Clustering?

Grouping of similar kinds of objects into a set, known as a cluster. It is one of the essential steps in the process of data mining. Popular clustering methods are hierarchical, partitioning, density-based, model-based, etc.


In this article, we have extensively discussed Big Data Analytics, its Management, its working, its benefits, and some challenges associated with it.

We hope that this blog helped you enhance your knowledge regarding Big Data Analytics and if you would like to learn more, check out our articles here. To know more about Big DataHadoop and Databases, click on the links. Do upvote our blog to help other ninjas grow.

For peeps out there who want to learn more about Data Structures, Algorithms, Power programming, JavaScript, or any other upskilling, please refer to guided paths on Coding Ninjas Studio. You can also consider our Data Analytics Course to give your career an edge over others.

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