Last updated: Jun 13, 2022

Big Data Solutions in the Real World

If data is not usable in the real world, then what is the use, and why are we spending tons of money and time, and effort in collecting and processing data. That is why we need to know its applications in practical scenarios and use cases and how to even use it. Let's see what we can get here and might you also give some ideas.
The Importance of Big Data to Business EASY
In this blog, we will learn about the importance of Big Data to business, Big Data as a business planning tool and transforming business processes with Big Data.
Analysing Data In Motion
This article deals with the data in motion and their maintenance.
Healthcare Analytics in Big Data
In this blog, we will discuss the examples of Healthcare Analytics in Big Data and list down the respective benefits and challenges.
Improving Business Processes with Big Data Analytics EASY
In this article, we'll discuss how companies and whole industries are altering how they handle and analyze structured and unstructured data that are growing in volume.
Time Series Forecasting Methods
This article discusses the various methods for time series forecasting along with their formulas.
ARIMA Model for Time Series Analysis EASY
The article gives a detailed description of the ARIMA Model for Time Series Analysis.
Author Komal
Augmented Dickey Fuller Test for Time Series Analysis
This article gives a detailed overview of the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for time series analysis.
Author Komal