Last updated: Aug 2, 2022

Binary Tree

A binary tree is another example of a data structure similar to a linked list, but instead of each node pointing to the very next node linearly, each node points to the two nodes, hence making this an example of a non-linear data structure. The tree structure is a way of representing the hierarchical nature of a structure in a graphical form. In the Abstract data type of trees, the order of the elements is not essential. If we need ordering information, linear data structures like a linked list, stacks, queues, etc., can be used.
Application of Tree in Data Structure
This article will provide an in-depth explanation of tree data structure applications, the numerous tree varieties, and their properties.
An Introduction to Binary Trees
This blog will see an introduction to binary trees’ data structure, properties, types, and representation.
Author Ranjul
Application of Binary Tree EASY
In this article, we will cover the application of binary trees and understand the fields in which they are helpful.
Author akscrv
Left View of a Binary Tree in Java
The article is based on the problem of printing nodes of the tree visible from the left view. We will discuss various approaches to the problem.
Types of Binary trees EASY
Explore different types of binary trees with examples. Understand their unique properties and how they differ from each other in structure and function.
Binary Tree using dstructure library in Python
In this blog, we will discuss the binary tree data structure in python which is implemented in the dstructure library. We will also see various pre-defined functions in the library.
Height of a Binary Tree in Data Structure
The height of a binary tree is the number of edges on the longest path from the root node to a leaf node. In this Article, we will learn to calculate a binary tree’s height in Data Structure.
Difference Between Full and Complete Binary Tree MEDIUM
In this blog, we will look at everything revolving around trees and binary trees. Finally, we will ponder upon the thought of the difference between full and complete binary trees.
Preorder Traversal of Binary Tree MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn about the algorithm for preorder traversal, how it works, & see a program to implement it using a recursive approach. We will also analyze its complexity & discuss some use cases.
Depth First Search MEDIUM
In this article, we will understand the introduction to depth first search concept, examples, its approach, algorithm, and implementation in c++ and Java languages in detail.
BFS vs DFS for Binary Tree MEDIUM
This article will discuss BFS vs DFS for Binary Tree. We will look at BFS and DFS in detail with the algorithm, followed by an example with implementation in C++.
N-Ary Trees HARD
This article covers N-ary tree implementation, various traversal techniques for N-ary tree and briefly touches on some of its applications using examples.
Enumeration of Binary Trees
This article will go through Enumeration of Binary Trees, which will help you learn the different sorts of trees and how to identify them using nodes.
Author akscrv
Handshaking Lemma MEDIUM
Handshaking Lemma: A graph theory theorem that states that the sum of the degrees of all the vertices in a graph is equal to twice the number of edges in the graph.
Author akscrv
Heavy-light Decomposition (HLD) EASY
Heavy-Light Decomposition is a technique in computer science and graph theory, primarily used in tree data structures.Read more to explore the efficiency of Heavy-Light Decomposition in data structures.
Foldable Binary Tree
We will understand the foldable binary tree as a topic related to tree.
Continuous Tree
This article will discuss what is a Continuous Tree and how to check the continuity of a tree.
Complete Binary Tree EASY
In this article, we will learn about the complete binary tree. Discover the properties, terminologies, applications, and examples of complete binary trees.
Perfect Binary Tree EASY
A Perfect Binary Tree is a type of binary tree in which every internal node has exactly two children, and all the leaf nodes are at the same level.
Threaded Binary Trees in Data Structure MEDIUM
Threaded Binary Tree, the nodes will store the in-order predecessor/successor instead of storing NULL in the left/right child pointers.
Balanced Binary Tree MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss the basic of balanced binary tree with their examples, applications, advantages, and implementation.
Conversion from a Binary Tree to a Threaded Binary Tree MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss different approaches and implementation to convert binary tree to a threaded binary tree.
Construct a Binary Tree from a given Preorder and Inorder Traversal MEDIUM
This article will brief you on constructing a binary tree from a given preorder and inorder traversal.
The Binary Lifting Technique EASY
In this blog post, we’ll learn one interesting technique Binary Lifting, which then we’ll use to improve the efficiency of the LCA problem.
Construct a Complete Binary Tree from its Linked List Representation
In this blog, we will discuss how to Construct a Complete Binary Tree from its Linked List Representation.
Construct Binary Tree from String with bracket representation MEDIUM
This article will solve the question named construct binary tree from string with bracket representation. It will discuss the code for this question.
Convert a Generic Tree (n-ary tree) to Binary Tree MEDIUM
This blog will discuss the topic of Convert a Generic Tree to a Binary Tree, which includes a problem statement, example, approach and many more.
Convert a given Binary tree to a tree that holds Logical AND property MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss converting a given Binary tree to a tree that holds Logical AND property. We will also look at the problem statement in detail, followed by its various approaches, code, and complexities.
Convert left-right representation of a binary tree to down-right MEDIUM
In this blog, we discuss the problem of converting a given binary tree with left right representation to its down-right representation
Prufer Code to Tree Creation
This blog explains Prufer Code to Tree Creation in different programming languages. Example and program samples are presented in the blog to explain the concept in detail.
Author Aditi
Flip Binary Tree MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss an interesting problem in which we are given a binary tree, and we need to flip the binary tree in the right direction that is in a clockwise direction
Print Nodes between two given Level Numbers of a Binary Tree MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss a queue-based iterative level order traversal approach using which we can print nodes between two given level numbers of a binary tree.
Constructing a Binary Tree from two Traversal Sequences MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss different approaches to construct a binary tree from two traversal sequences. Then we will discuss the algorithms and approaches for the problem. Space complexity and Time complexity for the approaches will also be discussed.
Construct a special tree from given preorder traversal
In this blog, we will discuss different approaches to construct a special binary tree from a given preorder traversal. Then we will discuss the algorithms and complexities analysis for each of the approaches.
Construct a Complete Binary Tree from given Array in Level Order Fashion
This article discusses the problem: Construct a Complete Binary Tree from a given Array in Level Order Fashion
Construct Full Binary Tree using its Preorder traversal and Preorder traversal of its mirror tree
This article discusses the problem - Construct Full Binary Tree using its Preorder traversal and Preorder traversal of its mirror tree in detail
Modify a Binary Tree to get Preorder Traversal using Right Pointers only
This article covers the problem: Modify a binary tree to get preorder traversal using right pointers only in detail
Traversal of Binary Tree in Data Structure EASY
Tree Traversal is the process of visiting/accessing each node of the tree once in a particular order. In this article, we will learn about Binary Tree Traversal in Data Structure in detail.
How to Print a Binary Tree in Vertical Order | Part-1
This blog discusses the basic methods to print a binary tree in vertical order. Read further to see the detailed solution.
How to Print a Binary Tree in Vertical Order | Part-2
This blog discusses the map and preorder traversal-based methods to print a binary tree in vertical order. Read further to see the detailed solution.
How to Print a Binary Tree in Vertical Order | Part-3
This blog discusses the level order traversal-based method to print a binary tree in vertical order. Read further to see the detailed solution.
Density Of Binary Tree In One Traversal EASY
This article will discuss all the points associated with finding the density of a binary tree using one traversal. We will also look at an example of how to find the density of a binary tree in Java.
Double Order Traversal of a Binary Tree
This article will cover how the double order traversal of binary trees.
Diagonal Traversal of Binary Tree (Recursive and Iterative)
The blog discusses in detail about Diagonal Traversal of Binary Trees. We'll discuss many approaches to solve the problem, time and space complexity for each method.
Specific Level Order Traversal of Binary Tree
This article will discuss the solution to print a binary tree in a specific Level Order Traversal mentioned in the problem statement along with the solution will explore its time complexity and space complexity
Check if removing an edge can Divide a Binary Tree into Two halves. MEDIUM
In this Blog, we will discuss how to check if removing an edge can divide a Binary Tree.
Postorder Traversal of Binary tree MEDIUM
Learn postorder traversal of a binary tree with examples and algorithm. Explore how postorder works and different approaches to implementation using stacks.
Iterative Postorder Traversal of a binary tree
In this article, we will be looking at the alternative approach for traversing the tree using Iterative Postorder Traversal with a single stack.
Author Alisha
Iterative Preorder Traversal of Binary tree MEDIUM
In this article, we’ll look at how one can perform the Preorder Traversal of a Binary Tree iteratively along with its implementation.
Create a tree with Left-Child Right Sibling MEDIUM
In this article, we learn how to create a tree from left-child Right-Sibling Representation.
Clockwise Triangular Traversal of a Binary Tree
In this blog, we’ll see how to do clockwise triangular traversal of a binary tree.
Level Order Traversal of a Binary Tree EASY
In this blog, we are going to learn about the level order traversal of a binary tree. Level Order Traversal of a binary tree is also known as Breadth-First Search.
Morris Traversal MEDIUM
This article discusses the Morris Traversal Inorder which utlizes the temporary links between the nodes to save the memory consumption.
Author Alisha
Level Order Traversal in Spiral Form MEDIUM
This article explains the problem level order traversal in spiral form with an example. It is the upgraded version of the problem level order traversal.
Level order traversal line by line MEDIUM
In this blog, we have printed elements of a binary tree level by level. We have started from the root (node Level 0 )and traversed to the last level of the tree.
Level order traversal with direction change after every two levels
In this article, we are going to print the level order traversal with direction change after every two levels.
ZigZag Traversal of Binary Tree
The blog discusses in detail about ZigZag traversal of Binary Tree. We'll discuss many approaches to solve the problem and time and space complexity for each method."
Boundary Traversal Of Binary Tree (Recursive and Iterative) MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss a new way of traversing a binary tree known as the boundary traversal of a binary tree.
Reverse alternate levels of a perfect binary tree
In this article, we will reverse alternate levels of a perfect binary tree.
Iterative Inorder Traversal of Binary tree MEDIUM
This article discusses the inorder traversal of a Binary Tree in an iterative manner along with the implementation in Java and its complexities.
Author Yogi21
Morris Traversal Postorder HARD
This article discusses the Morris Traversal Postorder in detail illustrated with examples.
Author Alisha
Bottom-left to upward-right Traversal in a Binary Tree
This article explains the Bottom-left to upward-right Traversal in a Binary Tree.
Check if given inorder and preorder traversals are valid for any Binary Tree without building the tree HARD
This article contains information on how to check preorder and inorder are valid to make a binary tree without making it.
Construct A Perfect Binary Tree From A Preorder Traversal MEDIUM
This article will discuss the Construct of a perfect binary tree from a preorder traversal and will learn about the preorder traversal.
How to Count the Number of Nodes in a Complete Binary Tree MEDIUM
This blog discusses the different methods to count the total numbers of nodes in a complete binary tree. Read the whole blog for the detailed solution.
Morris Traversal Preorder MEDIUM
This article discusses the Morris Traversal Preorder in detail illustrated with examples. It also covers the major differences between the traditional Preorder and Morris Preorder Traversal.
Author Alisha
Find n-th node of the inorder traversal EASY
In this blog, we will Find the n-th node of the inorder traversal of a Binary Tree. We will loop and print values in the left, node, and right pattern.
Number of Binary Trees for given Preorder Sequence length
In this blog, we will discuss approaches to find the number of binary trees for a given preorder sequence length. Then we will discuss their algorithms, implementations, and complexities analysis.
Print Right View of A Binary Tree MEDIUM
The set of nodes that are visible to someone standing to the right of any given binary tree is known as the right view.
Top view of a binary tree MEDIUM
In this blog discusses the basic method we can use to print the top view of a binary tree. Read further to know more.
Top View of A Binary Tree | Part-2
This blog discusses the maximum distance-based method to print the top view of a binary tree. Read further to know more
Bottom View of a Binary Tree
In this blog, we discussed the implementation of the bottom view of a binary tree using queue and Hash map. The entire blog is written in C++.
Check if Binary Tree Is BST or Not
This blog will cover the brute force approach to check if a binary tree is BST or not and take you to the efficient approach to solve this problem.
Check for Children Sum Property in a Binary Tree
This article discusses a problem related to the binary tree: Check for Children Sum Property in a Binary Tree in detail.
Check if all leaves are at the same level
This article will brief you on how to approach the problem Check if all leaves are at the same level.
Check if a given binary tree is a subtree of another binary tree or not
In this blog, we will discuss the approach to checking if a given binary tree is a subtree of another binary tree or not.
Check if a Binary Tree has Duplicate Values EASY
In this article, we will discuss a binary tree problem, to check if a binary tree has duplicate values or not by using a hash table approach.
Print Binary Tree in 2D EASY
In this article, we are going to discuss a problem to print binary tree in 2D using a reverse in-order approach to print the binary tree.
Print nodes at k distance from root EASY
In this blog, we will discuss a recursive approach using which we can print all nodes in a binary tree that are at k distance from the root.
Given a Binary Tree, Print All Root-to-Leaf Paths EASY
This blog will cover the problem of printing all the paths from the root node to each leaf node of the given binary tree and its time and space complexities.
Author coldz
Diameter of Binary Tree
This article will discuss the Diameter of a Binary Tree. We will look at its basic concepts, definitions, algorithms, and implementation in C++.
Author Yogi21
Morris Traversal for Inorder MEDIUM
This article explains Morris (InOrder) traversal, a tree traversal method that avoids recursion and stacks. It includes a step-by-step algorithm, implementations, and limitations.
Sum of All the Parent Nodes Having Child Node X EASY
In this article, we will discuss how to find the sum of all the parent nodes having child node X.
Sum of all nodes of the given perfect binary tree EASY
This article will demonstrate how to calculate the total sum of all nodes of the given perfect Binary tree.
Find Sum of All Left Leaves in a Given Binary Tree EASY
In this article we are going to discuss a coding problem involving the pre-order approach to Find the sum of all left leaves in a given binary tree
Find the sum of all right leaves in a given Binary Tree EASY
This article will demonstrate how to calculate the total number of right-leaf nodes in a given Binary tree.
Sum of all numbers that are formed from root to leaf paths EASY
This blog will cover a problem where we will calculate the sum of all the numbers which are formed while traversing the root-to-leaf paths of a given binary tree. We will also discuss the time and space complexity of the solution approaches.
Print all Prime Levels of a Binary Tree
This article discusses the problem of how to print all prime levels of a given binary tree.
Exponential Levels of a Binary Tree MEDIUM
In this blog, we will see a variation of the classic level order traversal problem and discuss the exponential levels of a binary tree.
Subtree with given sum in a Binary Tree
In this blog, we will discuss different approaches to find subtree with a given sum in a binary tree. Then we will discuss their algorithms, implementations, and complexities analysis.
Symmetric Binary Tree EASY
In this blog, we will learn about what is a symmetric binary tree and how to check whether a tree is a symmetric binary tree or not.
Depth of a full Binary tree from Preorder
In this article, we will calculate the depth of a full binary tree from preorder.
Construct a Binary Tree from a given Preorder and Inorder traversal
This article will brief you on constructing a binary tree from a given preorder and inorder traversal.
Construct a Binary Tree from a given Postorder and Inorder Traversal MEDIUM
This article is to construct a binary tree from a given postorder and inorder traversal.
Construct a Binary Tree from the given Parent Array Representation
This blog contains different ways to Construct a Binary Tree from a given Parent Array in the C++ programming language.
Replace each node in a binary tree with the sum of its inorder predecessor and successor
This article will discuss the problem of replacing each node in a binary tree with the sum of the node's inorder predecessor and successor.
Replace Every Node of an N-ary Tree with the Sum of all its Subtrees
Every node of a given N-ary tree has to be replaced with the sum of all its subtrees.
Perfect Binary Tree Specific Level Order Traversal
In this article, we are going to print the perfect binary tree specific level order traversal
Construct an Ancestor Matrix from the given Binary Tree EASY
In this blog, we have discussed Binary Tree Question which is simply based on traversal and storing the data into the Matrix.
Diagonal Sum of a Binary Tree EASY
This article will demonstrate how to calculate the diagonal sum of a Binary tree.
Sum of heights of all individual nodes in a binary tree MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss the problem of the sum of heights of all individual nodes in a binary tree
Sum of subtree depths for every node of a given binary tree MEDIUM
This article will discuss the problem of finding the sum of subtree depths for every node of a given tree
Sum of Distance of All Nodes From a Given Node
This article will discuss the Sum of the distance of all Nodes from a given node problem and various ways to solve this problem, from the brute force approach to the efficient approach.
Find the Sum of Nodes on the Longest Path from the Root to the Leaf Node EASY
In this article, we will discuss a binary tree problem of finding the sum of nodes on the longest path from the root to the leaf node.
Calculate the Dot Product of Ancestors of Two Given Nodes
In this blog, we’ll be solving a tree problem, calculate the dot product of ancestors of two given nodes using Backtracking.
Maximum spiral sum in Binary Tree MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss the problem of the Maximum spiral sum in Binary Tree.
Maximum average of subtree values in a given Binary Tree
This article covers the implementation of the maximum average of subtree values in a given binary tree with a complete explanation and its C++ code.
Count subtrees that sum up to a given value x only using a single recursive function MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss Count subtrees that sum up to a given value x only using a single recursive function using a binary tree.
Count Number of Nodes MEDIUM
In this blog we will discuss different approaches to counting the number of nodes in a complete binary tree.
Count of leaf nodes required to be removed at each step to empty a given Binary Tree MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss the problem to determine the count of leaf nodes required to be removed at each step to empty a given Binary Tree.
Iterative Approach to Check if a Binary Tree is BST or Not
This blog will discuss how we can solve a famous interview question check if a binary tree is BST or not. We will see how we can solve it iteratively.
Find if there is a pair in root to a leaf path with a sum equal to the root's data MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss the problem of finding a pair in root to a leaf path with a sum equal to the root’s data.
Print all Root-to-Leaf Paths with Maximum Count of Even Nodes
This blog will discuss how we can solve one of the most asked questions based on tree traversals, i.e., Print all root-to-leaf paths with maximum count of even nodes.
Print all root leaf paths with their relative positions MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss tree data structure in brief, horizontal distances, and how to print all root leaf paths with their relative positions.
Print all full nodes in a Binary Tree EASY
This article will discuss the problem of printing all full nodes in a binary tree.
Print All Leaf Nodes of a Binary Tree from Left to Right MEDIUM
This blog will cover the problem of printing all the leaf nodes of a binary tree in a left-to-right manner and its time and space complexities.
Author coldz
Print Levels of all Nodes in a Binary Tree MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss an approach using which we can print levels of all nodes in a binary tree.
Author Harsh
Print middle level of perfect binary tree without finding height MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss perfect binary tree data structure in brief and how to print middle level of perfect binary tree without finding height.
Print all nodes that are at distance k from a leaf node MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss a coding problem in which we have to print all the nodes that are K distance away from a leaf node.
Author Harsh
Print all nodes that don’t have sibling MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss a coding problem in which we have to print all the nodes that don’t have siblings.
Print Ancestors of a Given Node MEDIUM
This article will discuss finding the ancestor of a given node in a binary tree; we will see some programs to find the ancestor of a given node in a binary tree in different languages.
Print longest leaf to leaf paths in a binary tree MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss binary tree data structure in brief, the diameter of a tree, and how to print the longest leaf to leaf paths in a binary tree.
Count Nodes having the Highest Value in the Path from the Root to itself in a Binary Tree
This blog covers problem counting nodes having the highest value in the path from the root to itself in the Binary Tree.
Author Jay
Check if the leaf traversal of two Binary Trees is same? MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss the problem of checking the leaf traversal of two Binary Trees.
Check if a binary tree contains node values are in strictly increasing and decreasing order at even and odd levels EASY
In this article, we will discuss how to check if a binary tree contains node values in strictly increasing and decreasing order at even and odd levels
Maximum Level Sum in N-ary Tree
This article will discuss the problem "Maximum Level Sum in N-ary Tree", the solution approach for this problem, its C++ implementation, and its time and space complexity.
Author Riya
1 upvote
Number of siblings of a given Node in n-ary Tree MEDIUM
This article will brief you on how to find the number of siblings of a given Node in n-ary Tree
Kth ancestor of a node in a binary tree MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss how to find the kth ancestor of a node in a binary tree, in detail.
Print all K-sum levels in a Binary Tree EASY
This article explains the solution to the problem to print all K-sum levels in a binary tree.
Palindromic Levels Of a Binary Tree
In this blog, we will see a variation of the classic level order traversal problem and discuss the palindromic levels of a binary tree.
Convert the Given binary Tree into a Symmetric Tree by adding a minimum number of nodes
This article will discuss the problem of converting the given binary tree into a symmetric tree by adding a minimum number of nodes.
Convert an arbitrary Binary Tree to one that holds the Children Sum Property in its nodes
In this blog, we have discussed a question based on Binary Tree that includes an essential concept from the topic, which we will explore through the explanation and the solutions and algorithms with their program implementations.
Convert a given tree to its Sum Tree MEDIUM
In this blog, we discuss the problem of converting a given binary tree to its corresponding sum tree.
Check Whether a Binary Tree is Full Binary Tree or Not. EASY
In this Blog, we will have some discussion on how to check whether a Binary Tree is a Full Binary Tree.
Check if two trees are mirror EASY
In this article, we will discuss an interesting problem: we are given the root of two binary trees, and we need to check if one tree is a mirror of the other tree.
Check if two nodes are cousins in a Binary Tree. MEDIUM
In this Blog, we will have some discussion on how to check whether two nodes are cousins in a Binary Tree.
Check if Two Binary Trees are Identical
This blog will give you detailed explanation and implementation of the approach to Check if Two Binary Trees are Identical.
Check if a given Binary Tree is SumTree
n this blog, we will discuss different approaches to find if a given binary tree is a SumTree or not. Then we will discuss the algorithms and complexities analysis for each of the approaches.
Maximum Level Sum in Binary Tree
This blog demonstrates how to solve the problem of maximum level sum in Binary Tree.
Check Sum of Covered and Uncovered nodes of Binary Tree
In this blog, we will discuss different approaches to check the sum of the covered nodes and the uncovered nodes of a given binary tree. Then we will discuss the algorithms and complexities analysis for each of the approaches.
Print Cousins of A Given Node in a Binary Tree
This blog discusses the idea, code implementation of Print Cousins of a given node in a Binary Tree.
The Maximum Cost of Splitting Binary Tree into Two Halves HARD
In this blog, we will learn to solve a problem based on a Binary tree. After splitting the binary tree into two halves, we will find its maximum cost.
Smallest Subtree with all the Deepest Nodes
In this article, we will learn how to find the root of the smallest subtree with all the deepest nodes
Check if all the Nodes in a Binary Tree having Common Values are at most D Distance Apart MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn to check if all the nodes in a Binary Tree having common values are at most D distance apart.
Find Maximum GCD Value from Root to Leaf in a Binary Tree
In this article, we will learn how to find the maximum GCD value from root to leaf in a binary tree
Creating a Binary Tree From Inorder And LevalOrder Traversal MEDIUM
This blog contains different ways to Construct a Binary Tree from a given Parent Array in the C++ programming language.
Construct the Full K-ary Tree from its Preorder Traversal MEDIUM
The aim is to construct the same k-ary tree and output the post-order traversal from it. In this blog, we will discuss the question which is based on the Tree and includes an important concept from the topic.
Find K Smallest Leaf Nodes from a given Binary Tree
In this blog, we will discuss finding the K smallest leaf nodes from a given Binary Tree. Read further to learn the solution in detail.
Minimize the Sum of Node Values by filling a given empty Tree such that each node is GCD of its children EASY
This article will discuss how to fill the given empty Tree with nodes that are GCD of their offspring to minimize the total of node values.
Author akscrv
Minimum Value to be Added at every Binary Tree Level to make the Sum at all Levels Equal EASY
In this article, we will learn to calculate the minimum value needed to be added at every level in a binary tree to equal the sum at all levels with its C++ code.
Author Spider
How to Remove Subtrees Containing Zeroes in a Binary Tree
In this blog, we will discuss how we can remove subtrees containing zeroes in a binary tree. Please read the blog to learn it in detail.
Change a Binary Tree so that every node stores sum of all nodes in left subtree
This blog discusses the approach to convert a binary tree so that every node stores the sum of all nodes in the left subtree.
Check Whether Every Node of the Binary Tree has a Value K on itself or its any Immediate Neighbours MEDIUM
This blog will discuss how to check that every node of the binary tree has a value K on itself or any of its neighbors.
Check if a Binary Tree Contains Duplicate Subtrees of Size 2 or More HARD
In this article, we are going to discuss a binary tree problem, to check if a binary tree contains duplicate subtrees of size 2 or more by using a tree serialization and hashing approach.
Maximum Absolute Difference between any Two Levels of Binary Tree
In this article, we will discuss the problem to find the maximum absolute difference between any two levels of binary tree
How to Find the Maximum Value of Bitwise AND from Root to Leaf in a Binary tree?
This article covers the implementation of the maximum value of Bitwise AND from root to leaf node.
Author Spider
Print the Longest Path from the Root to Leaf in a Binary Tree
This article covers the implementation of the longest path from the root to leaf in a Binary tree with a complete explanation and its C++ code.
Print the node values at odd levels of a Binary tree MEDIUM
This blog will discuss the problem of printing the nodes at odd levels of a binary tree.
Sum of Leaf Node at each Horizontal Level of Binary Tree
In this blog, we will find the sum of leaf nodes at every horizontal level of the Binary Tree.
Author Yogi21
Check if a Binary Tree is an Even-Odd Tree or Not MEDIUM
This article covers checking whether a binary tree is an even-odd tree.
Difference between Sums of Odd Level and Even Level Nodes of a Binary Tree
This article covers the question: Difference between Sums of Odd Level and Even Level Nodes of a Binary Tree in detail.
Print Alternate Nodes from all Levels of a Binary Tree
This article will discuss the solution of the problem “Print alternate nodes from all levels of a Binary Tree” along with the discussion on time complexity and space complexity for the solution
Print path from root to a given node in a binary tree
This blog will give you detailed explanation and implementation of the approach to Print path from root to a given node in a binary tree.
Find the Maximum Path Sum Between Two Leaves of A Binary Tree
In this blog, we will discuss a quite popular interview problem: finding the maximum path sum between two leaves of a binary tree. Here we will discuss two approaches for solving this problem.
Find Distance Between two Nodes of a Binary Tree
The blog discusses how to "find the distance between two nodes of a Binary Tree." We'll discuss an approach to solve the problem, time and space complexity.
Mirror Tree from the given Binary Tree
In this article, we will create a mirror tree from the given binary tree. This is a common tree question that can be solved with the recursive algorithm.
Maximum Width of a Binary Tree MEDIUM
The maximum width of a binary tree is the count of nodes without children. It represents the minimum nodes that must be traversed before needing to decide on the next node to visit.
Author Alisha
Find the Increasing subsequence of length three with maximum product
In this article, we will understand how to find the Increasing subsequence of length three with maximum product in a given array.
Find the Sum of nodes at maximum depth of a Binary Tree
In this blog, we will discuss different approaches to find the sum of the leaf nodes at the maximum depth of a given binary tree. Then we will discuss the algorithms and complexities analysis for approach.
Clone a Binary Tree with Random Pointers
In this blog, we will solve the problem of Cloning a binary tree with random pointers with various approaches.
Expression Tree in Data Structure MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss the expression tree in data structure. How we can generate an expression tree from a given expression.
Deletion in Threaded Binary Search Tree MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss the Deletion in the Threaded Binary Search Tree.
Converting Binary Tree to Binary Search Tree MEDIUM
In this article we discuss on the topic name Converting Binary Tree to Binary Search Tree in a detailed manner.
Convert Ternary Expression to a Binary Tree MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss converting a given Ternary Expression to a Binary Tree. We will also look at the problem statement in detail, followed by its various approaches, code, and complexities.
Check whether the given Preorder, Inorder and Postorder traversals are of the same tree or not EASY
In this blog, we will discuss the approach to check whether the given preorder, inorder and postorder traversals are of the same tree or not.
Given level order traversal of a Binary Tree, check if the Tree is a Min-Heap
This blog discusses the approach to checking whether a binary tree is a min-heap or not.
Sum of Leaf Nodes at Minimum Level
In this blog, we will find the sum of leaf nodes at minimum level in a binary tree.