Table of contents
Combine Katalon Studio with SAP Scripting Tracker for Windows
Build your test case
Add your login account to the test case.
Create a new test case based on the sample project
Record test script using SAP Scripting Tracker
Run the test script
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Katalon Studio for automation testing?
How to change the font size in Katalon Studio?
What is Katalon Studio?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Combine Katalon Studio with SAP Scripting Tracker for Windows

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Let's ensure we understand the foundational concepts before delving further into the subjects. Here is a brief introduction if you are unfamiliar with Katalon Studio.

Combine Katalon Studio with SAP Scripting Tracker for Windows

Katalon Studio is a tool that is developed by KM technology. It will also help you automate Web Based Applications, Mobile Applications, and API Testing. It increases the speed of delivery and time to market. Our organisation has become better. This product's recording feature is helpful for our testing needs. User-friendliness and AI smart healing capabilities are two of Its most valuable features.

This article explains how to combine katalon studio with SAP Scripting Trackers for windows and the requirements.

Without further ado, let's get started.

Combine Katalon Studio with SAP Scripting Tracker for Windows

The SAP GUI Scripting Development Tools have been replaced by a tool called Scripting Tracker. On the SAP GUI Scripting base, it is an SAP GUI analyzer and recorder.



 💁 Requirements.

      🎯 Katalon Studio version 7.0.0 .

      🎯 WinAPPDriver version 1.1.0.

      🎯 SAP Scripting Tracker 3.15.

Only Java created by SAP Scripting Tracker can be read by Katalon. Java COM Bridge is required in order to use SAP GUI Scripting in a Java environment (JACOB). you can install it from Java COM Bridge.

Build your test case

To help you get ready to execute your test script using SAP Scripting Tracker, this sample project offers you code samples, custom keywords, and sample test cases.

You can download the sample project Katalon SAP GUI sample.

Add your login account to the test case.

📲 Follow these steps to add your login account :

1️⃣ Open Profiles > default from the Test Explorer panel after downloading a sample project.

2️⃣ Double-click the username and password variables' Value cell.

step image
step image

3️⃣ In the opened Edit variables dialog, change the sample value to your SAP account.

Create a new test case based on the sample project

📲 Follow these steps to create a new test case based on the sample project :

  1. Build a new test case. Activate File > New > Test Case.
step image

2.Navigate to the Test Cases > Common folder in our sample project's Test Explorer panel. The following are three examples of test cases:

step image


☑️ StartSAPLogon: This example test scenario opens SAP Logon and then navigates to the sign-in page. 

☑️ Login: This example test case opens an SAP session and then logs in using the variables for the username and password. 

☑️ TestCaseTemplate: The SAP Scripting Tracker script can be read by Katalon once the StartSAPLogon and Login test cases are called in this example test case.

3.When creating the new test case from step 1, open the Script tab of the TestCaseTemplate test case, copy the content, and paste it there.

Record test script using SAP Scripting Tracker

📲 Follow these steps to record test script using SAP Scripting Tracker :

1️⃣ Open SAP Logon, then log in to SAP GUI using your SAP account.

2️⃣ Open SAP Scripting Tracker after logging in. To choose the current SAP session, click Refresh.

3️⃣ Select the Java language and then start recording.

4️⃣ Copy and paste the information from Scripting Tracker into your Katalon test script when you've finished recording.

Run the test script

Choose Windows from the selection list next to Run on the main toolbar to run the recorded test script.                                

run test script

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Katalon Studio for automation testing?

It gives automation testing teams access to a simpler and quicker method. With its straightforward deployment, extensive feature set, user-friendliness, and wealth of supplementary materials, Katalon Studio is making strides in the field of test automation. Download it free of charge to try out the solution.

How to change the font size in Katalon Studio?

For Katalon Studio: Access Colors and Fonts by going to Window> Preferences > General > Appearance. Choose Dialog Font, then change the font size. Activation dialogue first appears after the app has launched. To activate your licence, log into your account.

What is Katalon Studio?

It is a tool that is developed by KM technology. It will help you to automate Web Based Applications, Mobile Applications, and API Testing as well. 


Congratulations on finishing the blog! We have discussed how to Combine Katalon studio with SAP Scripting Tracker for windows and what are the requirements to combine Katalon Studio with SAP.

We hope this blog has helped you enhance your knowledge of Combine Katalon studio with SAP Scripting Tracker for windows If you'd like to learn more, Check out the following links:

🔥 Sample API Test Projects in Katalon

🔥 Library Management in Katalon Studio

🔥Ready API

Please refer to our guided pathways on Code studio to learn more about DSACompetitive ProgrammingJavaScriptSystem Design, etc. Enrol in our courses, and use the accessible sample exams and questions as a guide. For placement preparations, look at the interview experiences and interview package.

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