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Comment Screen
Enable or Disable Comments
In settings
On a page or a post
On Multiple Posts or Pages
Allow only registered users. 
Frequently Asked Questions
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Comments in WordPress

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Blog comments are written responses to your blog postings that readers can leave. Commenting is a simple method for visitors to interact with you and other readers.

The commenter's name, the time, and the date they submitted the remark usually appear on your site right after the blog post text.

A dynamic comment section can help you and your readers form a sense of community around your blog. Visitors can provide feedback, ask questions, and express their own opinions on the topic, among other things.

If you opt to allow comments, WordPress posts, pages, and other posts will accept them. Now we will learn about the different views on the WordPress comment screen.

Comment Screen

The Comments dashboard in your WordPress admin area displays all comments on your website. By default, it shows all comments.

You can see Pending, Approved, Spam, and Trash comments by changing the view:

  • Pending: comments left by visitors that will not appear on your blog entries until you approve them.
  • Approved: comments are published and visible to all visitors to your website on your blog entries.
  • Spam: comments that have been recognised as potentially undesired or irrelevant and are hidden from your site's visitors.
  • Trash: comments that have been tagged as undesirable and will be permanently deleted after 30 days.


You may also respond to other people's comments. When you respond to a specific comment, your response will appear directly beneath that comment. This is referred to as "nested" or "threaded" comments.

On your site, you can also choose to modify anyone's comments. The Quick Edit option displays a text field where you can make changes to the remark without reloading the page. On the other hand, Edit gives you more options for changing the user's name, email address, and other details.

Now, we will learn about enabling or disabling comments on WordPress Website.

Enable or Disable Comments

There are various ways to enable or disable comments. A few of them are listed below. 

In settings

You can enable or disable comments on all future posts by going to Settings → Discussion.

Under "Default Article Settings," toggle the option. Allow people to post comments on new articles to enable comments or disable comments.


On a page or a post

On a particular post, you've already published, you can enable or disable comments by taking Take the following steps:

  • In your dashboard, go to Posts or Pages.
  • Click the post or page's title to allow or deactivate comments on a post or page.
  • Locate and open the Discussion tab in the right-hand options sidebar.
  • Select Allow Comments to enable comments, or deselect the option to disable comments.


On Multiple Posts or Pages

Check the boxes next to the posts or pages you want to allow comments on from the Posts/Pages screen. Click Apply after selecting "Edit" from the "Bulk Edit" dropdown box. Then, under the Comments dropdown box, select "Allow" and click "update."

Now, we will learn how to allow only registered users to comment under a WordPress Website.

Allow only registered users. 

You can restrict comments on your website to only registered users if you want. To do so, first, create a registration page on your WordPress site. Go to Settings » General and check the box next to "Anyone can register."

If you don't want new users to be able to write posts on your site, make sure that Subscriber is the default role for new users before saving the modifications.

We are done with the blog. Let's move to faqs.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are the comments?
    Blog comments are written responses to your blog postings that readers can leave.
  2. Why are comments important?
    Comments serve as a conduit between blog owners/writers and users/readers. Furthermore, comments are the primary means through which readers/users engage with one another and with the site's owner or authors.
  3. What is meant by Approved?
    Approved means the comments published and visible to all visitors to your website on your blog entries.
  4. What is meant by pending?
    Pending means comments that are left by visitors that will not appear on your blog entries until you approve them.
  5. Can we allow only registered users to Comment in WordPress?
    Yes, we can allow only registered users to Comment in WordPress.


This article extensively discussed comments and how to enable and disable comments in WordPress.

We hope that this blog helped you improve your knowledge regarding WordPress Comments, and in case you like to learn more, check our articles in the code studio library. Do upvote our blog to help other ninjas grow. Happy Coding!

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