Table of contents
Comparing Results
Creating Load Test Printable Reports
Create Reports
Fonts in Linux
Backup Reports
Creating Statistics Reports
Printing the Report
Saving the Report
Known Issues
Exporting Test Results in the CSV Format
Exporting Statistics for the Latest Test Run
Exporting Statistics From The Statistics Page
Frequently Asked Questions
What is ReadyAPI?
What is the function of LoadUIBottomTestCases?
What is the function of LoadUITestStepsHistory?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Comparing the rests and then exporting them in ready API - performance test results

Author Nagendra
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ReadyAPI helps Agile, and DevOps development teams improve API quality by allowing them to manage and run automated functional, security, and performance tests through a single centralised interface. 

This article explains the details of comparing the rests along with the details of creating Load Test Printable Reports, creating Statistics Reports, and then exporting them in ready API - performance test results.

Without further ado, let's get started.

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Comparing Results

You need a licence for ReadyAPI Performance to compare test results.

To see how your server performance changed from one test run to the next, compare the results of two tests.

The following are the steps to compare results:

  • Click on the toolbar. It displays the Compare Runs window.
  • Choose the two outcomes you want to contrast.
  • Select OK.

The Statistics page will show the outcomes of both test runs. Follow the guidelines for the Statistics page topic if you didn't add any graphs or tables to the page. To facilitate comparison, the vertical axis for each statistic in the graphs will be set to its maximum value.
The same method you use to export other test results also applies to exporting the comparative results.

Let's look at the details of creating Load Test Printable Reports.

Creating Load Test Printable Reports

For a load test, ReadyAPI allows for the creation of printable reports. You can decide to add further details on the outcomes of the most recent test run. You'll always find an overview graph for the most recent test run in your reports.

By default, ReadyAPI generates a load test report using the Load test printable report template.

Create Reports

Click on the ReadyAPI toolbar to get a printable report for a load test. Dialog for creating reports will appear. Follow the following steps to create reports:

  • Choose the printable load test report option. This is the default report-creation template that comes with ReadyAPI. The chart from the Load page and execution metrics are included in the report by default.
  • To add more information to your report, select one or more options.
  • To generate a report, click OK.

Fonts in Linux

Some of the Microsoft core fonts are used in load test reports. These typefaces are not included in all Linux distributions. Install the ttf-mscorefonts-installer package, then copy the font files from /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts to JAVA HOME/jre/lib/fonts if you're having trouble creating reports.

Backup Reports

When you open ReadyAPI the following time, you can still write a report for this run even if your ReadyAPI instance breaks for any reason while a load test is in progress.

The following conditions must be satisfied for ReadyAPI to effectively generate such a report:

  • ReadyAPI version 2.5 or later is required.
  • You must use ReadyAPI version 2.5 or later to execute the load test for which you want to generate a report.
  • ReadyAPI must gather the data regarding the test run.
  • You ought to save the project that houses the load test.

You will be able to create a report for the interrupted load test run if all of these conditions are satisfied.

The following steps create a report for the load test run:

  • Launch the load testing editor.
  • Select the interrupted run from the Run drop-down list on the Statistics tab.
  • Click Report.

You can set the report options as usual in the Create Report window that will then display.

Let's look at the details of Creating Statistics Reports.

Creating Statistics Reports

You require a ReadyAPI Performance licence in order to view the Statistics page.

The following procedure can be used to generate a report using the information shown on the Statistics page:

  • Set up the page to display the metrics you require.
  • Select the Statistics page toolbar.
  • In the Type drop-down menu, choose the load test statistics Printable report.
  • To eliminate page breaks between report sections, choose Flow Layout. Each section of the report will be on a different page if this option is not chosen.
  • Select OK. If the test overview option was chosen, ReadyAPI will generate a report with all metrics shown on the Statistics page.

Printing the Report

Click on the print button to print the report.

Saving the Report

Click on the save button to save the report.

Known Issues

Some of the standard fonts from Microsoft are used in these reports. These typefaces are not included in all Linux distributions. Install the mscorefonts package for your Linux distribution if it isn't already installed, and then copy TTF files from /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts to {ReadyAPI Installation}/jre/lib/fonts directory if it isn't already there.
Make sure that the Custom Reports Library field in the File > Preferences > ReadyAPI window contains the value {ReadyAPI Installation}/bin/reports.

Let's dive into the details of Exporting Test Results in the CSV Format.

Exporting Test Results in the CSV Format

Following the test run, you may export the responses to the simulated queries to a separate file or web page and use them in other applications other than ReadyAPI.

Exporting Statistics for the Latest Test Run

Every time you run a test, you have the option to export the runtime results in CSV format:

  • Select the toolbar for ReadyAPI.
  • Choose Data export for automation as the Type option.
  • The following data sets can be chosen for reports:
Data Set Table
  • Choose either the XML or CSV report format.
  • Select Generate Header Row to include a header row in the exported data.
  • Click Save after choosing the directory where you wish to save the information.

For each simulated scenario, ReadyAPI will generate a CSV file including data from the Test Step Metrics table and an additional CSV file containing data from the Global Metrics chart.

Exporting Statistics From The Statistics Page

You need a licence for the ReadyAPI Performance to view the Statistics page.

From the Statistics page, you may customise and export statistics about your tests. It allows you to select exactly what data you need and export just that data:

  • Include a table or graph as indicated in the Statistics Page topic. Choose the graph or table you want to export if you have several.
  • Use the Run drop-down list to select the test run whose findings you wish to export.
  • The Statistics page toolbar should be selected.
  • Click Save after choosing the directory where you wish to save the information.

With the specified graph or table, ReadyAPI will generate a CSV file containing all of the data seen there. To export other metrics, simply repeat these procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ReadyAPI?

ReadyAPI is a user-friendly tool for no-code API testing that is intended to make your testing processes more efficient.

What is the function of LoadUIBottomTestCases?

LoadUIBottomTestCases assembles data about the five longest-running tests into a file.

What is the function of LoadUITestStepsHistory?

The LoadUITestStepsHistory creates a file containing data on each test step's performance during the test run.


In this article, we have extensively discussed the details of comparing the rests along with the details of creating Load Test Printable Reports, creating Statistics Reports, and then exporting them in ready API - performance test results.

We hope that this blog has helped you enhance your knowledge regarding Comparing the rests and then exporting them in Ready API, and if you would like to learn more, check out our articles on ReadyAPI. You can refer to our guided paths on the Coding Ninjas Studio platform to learn more about DSADBMSCompetitive ProgrammingPythonJavaJavaScript, etc. To practice and improve yourself in the interview, you can also check out Top 100 SQL problemsInterview experienceCoding interview questions, and the Ultimate guide path for interviews. Do upvote our blog to help other ninjas grow. Happy Coding!!

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