Compiler Design is a world of programming language creation and machine code generation. It is important to learn this because it gives you a different perspective while writing code. One understands how things work under the hood. In this article w have categorised the compiler design interview questions based on the following:
- Compiler design interview questions for freshers
- Compiler design interview questions for experienced
In this article, we'll go through some commonly asked Compiler Design Interview Questions.
Compiler Design Interview Questions for Freshers
1. What is a compiler?
A compiler is a software designed to read a program written in one language and change it to another. The translated program is equivalent to the original program. A compiler also throws errors, if there are any, present in the code.
2. What is compiler design?
Compiler Design focuses on the creation of programming language compilers. A compiler is software that is designed to read a program written in one language and change it to another language. It also covers error detection and recovery.
3. Briefly explain parts of the compilation.
The compiler consists of several phases:
Lexical Analysis: This phase is also known as scanning. The source code is broken down into a sequence of tokens.
Syntax Analysis: This phase checks the grammar of the code. A parser reads the token generated by the scanner and builds an abstract syntax tree.
Semantic Analysis: It is also known as context analysis. The semantic analyzer reads the AST produced during syntax analysis. Then it performs type checking, scope analysis, and other error.
Code Optimization: This involves improving the final code, which is done by reducing file size, increasing speed, reducing power consumption, etc.
Code Generation: It involves generating machine code from the intermediate after all the phases.
4. What is an Assembler?
An assembler is a software program that converts assembly code to machine-readable code. Assembly language is a low-level programming language. It uses symbolic representations of machine instructions to make programming easier for programmers to write and comprehend. The CPU can directly execute the code generated by the assembler.
5. Name some compiler construction tools.
The following is a list of some compiler construction tools:
- Parser generators
- Scanner generators
- Syntax-directed translation engines
- Automatic code generators
Data-flow engines
6. What is lexical analysis?
Lexical analysis is also known as scanning. The compilation process begins by performing a lexical analysis. It collects updated source code from the language preprocessor that is written as sentences. A lexical analyser converts the source code into a list of tokens.
7. What is Linker in Compiler Design?
Linker is also known as a link editor or binder. It is a utility program in a system. Depending on the compiler, it takes single or multiple files and converts them into an executable file. Linking is the process of combing multiple object modules into a single object file.
8. What is Garbage Collection?
Using garbage collection, a program can automatically release no longer required memory. It is crucial to the design of compilers since it can aid in preventing memory leaks and other memory-related mistakes.
9. Name various storage allocation strategies.
There are name 3 storage allocation strategies:
- Static allocation
- Stack allocation
Heap allocation
10. What is loop unrolling?
Loop unrolling is used to reduce the overhead caused by loop control structures. It entails repeating a loop's body a predetermined number of times, enhancing performance by limiting the number of instructions the loop executes.
11. What is tail recursion, and how is it optimised in compilers?
Tail recursion occurs when the function's final action is the recursive call. Using a process known as tail call optimisation, which substitutes a jump to the function's beginning for the recursive call, it is possible to speed up the execution of the function in compilers.
12. What is the difference between a compiler and an interpreter?
A compiler goes through the entire source code at once and only executes in case of no error. In comparison, the interpreter executes the source code statement line by line. Another major difference is that the compiler links various files into an executable file. In comparison, the interpreter doesn’t require any linking.
13. What is the difference between a front-end and a back-end compiler?
A back-end compiler converts the intermediate representation of the source code into machine code after a front-end compiler performs lexical, syntactic, and semantic analysis to create an intermediate representation of the source code.
14. Explain the backend phases of a compiler.
A compiler's backend phase converts a program's intermediate representation, commonly expressed as an abstract syntax tree or three-address code, into machine code that the target machine can execute. Each stage in the backend phase of the translation process—which comprises numerous stages—performs a particular function.
15. What is just in time compiler?
The JIT compiler transforms the translated code into executable machine code for the processor. Generated code can outperform interpretation alone because it can employ processor-specific optimisations like instruction pipelining or register allocation.
16. Name all error recovery strategies.
There are namely 5 error recovery strategies:
Panic Mode Recovery: This method is known as "panic mode" because the parser effectively panics and attempts to recover by tossing out input until it can locate a suitable point to restart parsing from.
Statement Mode recovery: In this approach, the parser looks for the shortest phrase or subexpression that can be changed to fix the problem before re-synchronizing the parsing at that location. Compared to panic mode recovery, this approach is more targeted and specific and may allow for more effective error recovery.
Error Productions: This method involves adding more errors to the grammar, allowing the parser to carry on even in the face of an error. The error productions specify the appropriate action for the parser to do in response to the error and often generate a synthesis or default value to replace the incorrect input.
Global Correction: With this approach, the parser tries to fix the issue by making broad adjustments to the input code, such as adding or removing tokens or switching the sequence of operations. Although this method is less accurate than phrase-level recovery, it can work well for some problems.
Using Symbol Table: The associated identifier is found in a symbol table when there are semantic errors. The compiler automatically performs type conversion if the data types of the two operands are incompatible.
17. What is an operator precedence parser?
An operator precedence parser is a form of the bottom-up parsing approach used in compiler design to examine and produce the intermediate representation of the input program. The parser scans the input from left to right while keeping a stack of terminals and non-terminals. Each token is scanned, pushed onto the stack, and the parser decides what to do next by looking at the top of the stack.
18. Define ambiguous grammar.
A Grammar G is called ambiguous grammar if a language sentence has more than one parse tree. That means both derivations are the same for the given sentence leftmost and rightmost.
19. What is profile-guided optimisation, and how is it used in compilers?
Profile-guided optimisation is a compiler optimisation approach where the compiler uses data about the program's behaviour during runtime to make optimisation decisions. To optimise the code for performance, this method entails executing the program while using a profiler to gather information about the sections of the code that are executed the most frequently.
20. What is a compiler front-end, and what are some of its key components?
The compiler front-end is the compiler part that examines the input program and generates a rough approximation of the program's syntax. The front end includes crucial components such as the lexer, parser, semantic analyzer, and type checker.