Have you ever wondered if you have a much easier language to use than a regular language and can also somehow help in the programming language?

Then your search is over! Context-Free Language is the answer to your problem. We will learn all about this language in this blog, so let's proceed with our topic without wasting further time.
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What is Context-Free Grammar (CFG)?
A Context-Free Grammar (CFG) is a formal system used to define the syntactical structure of a language. It consists of a set of production rules, where each rule specifies how a symbol or group of symbols can be replaced by other symbols. CFG is widely used in computer science for programming language design and parsing, as it provides a way to describe the hierarchical structure of sentences in natural or programming languages. CFG ensures that a language can be generated by recursive patterns, making it easier to analyze and process syntactically.
G = (V, T, P, S)
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- G in the above expression stands for grammar. It consists of the set of all the production rules with the help of which we can generate the string of a language.
- T stands for the final set of the terminal symbol. We have to use the lower case alphabet to show them.
- V and T are somewhat opposite as V stands for the set of all non-terminal symbols, and we have to use capital letters to denote it.
- P is the collection of all the production rules used to replace all non-terminals symbols of a string with terminal or other non-terminal symbols.
- S stands for the start symbol, used for deriving string.
Example 1
Construct the CFG for having any number of b’s over the set ∑= {b}.
The regular expression for the above language is
r.e. = b*
Production rules are as given below:
S → bS rule 1
S → ε rule 2
Now, we will derive the string “bbbbbb.”
bbS rule 1
bbbS rule 1
bbbbS rule 1
bbbbbS rule 1
bbbbbbS rule 1
bbbbbbε rule 2
The r.e. = b* can generate a set of string {ε, b, bb, bbb,.....}
Example 2
Construct a CFG for the expression (0+1)*
Production rule (P):
S → 0S | 1S
S → ε
This will result in the set {ε, 0, 1, 01, 10, 00, 11, ....}.
Example 3
Construct a CFG for language L = {wcwR | where w € (a, b)*}.
The production rules can be
S → aSa rule 1
S → bSb rule 2
S → c rule 3.
Now, we can use it to derive different strings. Let’s take an example of the string “abbcbba”
S → aSa
S → abSba from rule 2
S → abbSbba from rule 2
S → abbcbba from rule 3
Example 4
Construct a CFG for the language L=anb2n
This can generate the following output {abb, aabbbb, aaabbbbbb....}.
The production rule is
S → aSbb | abb.
If we want to derive the string “aabbbb,” we will proceed like this.
S → aSbb
S → aabbbb
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