Last updated: Feb 14, 2022

Control Flow in Python

A structured control flow of code is always required to reduce extra load and lines of code. Control statements help to simplify the code by allowing you to run multiple operations in just a few lines of code. In this section, you'll learn about control flow statements in Python.
Conditional Statements in Python
In this post, With the help of examples, we will learn how to make decisions and control the flow of our python program using conditional statements.
Switch Case in Python EASY
In this post, we will learn to implement the switch case functions in the Python programming language. Along with this, we'll look at how to work a loophole in Python switch case functions.
Flowchart in Python MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn about flowcharts, their symbols, uses in programming, types, advantages & disadvantages.
While Loop in Python EASY
In this article, we will learn the syntax of while loops, their flowchart, the difference between for loops and while loops, and how to use while loops with control statements and single statement blocks.
Do While Loop in Python EASY
Learn about the do-while loop in Python with examples and syntax. Master its usage to write efficient code for repeated tasks with ease.
Implementing Switch Case functions in Python EASY
In this blog, we will discuss Implementing Switch Case functions in Python.
Short-Circuiting in Python
This article shall discuss the concept of short-circuiting in Python. We shall also look into the examples of the same.
Loops in Python EASY
This article will discuss the different types of loops in the Python programming language. We shall see examples of each type of loop.
Break, Continue, Pass in Python MEDIUM
Break statement in Python lets you terminate the current loop and resume the program. Read more about the break, continue, and pass in Python and its examples.
Author Nitika
Pattern in Python
This article will discuss the various types of pattern problems which can be solved using loops in Python.