Table of contents
Why Should You Choose C++ for Projects?
Top 15 C++ Projects for Beginners with Source Code
1. Tic Tac Toe game
2. Login and Registration System
3. Bank Management System
4. Bookshop Management System Using C++
5. Currency Converter
6. ATM Machine System
7. Interest Calculator
8. Car Rental System
9. Employee Management System
10. Unit Converter
11. Sudoku Game
12. Payroll management system
13. Traffic management system
14. Billing system
15. Hospital Management System
Which C++ project is best to start with?
Which Industries Predominantly Use C++ Projects?
Game Development Companies
MYSQL Server
Operating Systems
Database Management System
C++ is also employed in the development of database administration applications. C is used to create the two most popular databases, MySQL and Postgres.
Importance of C++ in IT Industry
Frequently Asked Questions
Is C++ better than Python?
Do hackers use C++?
What is the easiest game to make in C++?
Which is harder to learn, C or C++?
Can I make a project using C++?
What is a good first C++ project?
Last Updated: Dec 3, 2024

Top C++ Projects for Beginners

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The more you do, the more you learn. We might read hundreds of books to gain knowledge, but we might not be able to make use of the skills in real time. The best way to learn something is to do it in the real world. And for C++, if we want to know the true potential of its features, the best place to get started is to do a few simple projects. In this article we will discuss the C++ Projects for Beginners as well as for intermediates.

C++ Projects for Beginners

Why Should You Choose C++ for Projects?

There are several reasons why we should start with a language as diverse and versatile as C++.

These are some of the reasons:

  • The advantage of C++ is that it has access to the Standard Template Library (STL). Libraries, as we all know, are simply enormous collections of compiled code. The STL has access to typical data structure definitions such as queue, linked list, stack, and many more.
  • C++ has the significant benefit of having features that allow for effective memory allocation and de-allocation. This enables it to be used in a wide range of software packages. These include browsers, word editors, spreadsheets, and even operating systems.
  • C++ is very near to hardware while yet it has modern capabilities. This makes it an upgrade over C. This enables C++ to be utilized in the development of compilers and interpreters. C++ is used to create JavaScript's V8 engine, the Python IDLE interpreter, and the Java interpreter. This is also known as the Java Virtual Machine.
  • The affinity of C++ with hardware has numerous applications in embedded system software. This enables it to be utilized in security cameras, smartwatches, drones, and other devices.
  • C++ is home to one of the world's largest and warmest communities.

You can also do a free certification of Basics of C++.

Top 15 C++ Projects for Beginners with Source Code

Let us take a look at some simple projects that Beginners can get started with. We can find an idea to start with below.

  1. Tic Tac Toe game
  2. Login and Registration System
  3. Bank Management System
  4. Bookshop Management System
  5. Currency Converter
  6. ATM Machine System
  7. Interest Calculator
  8. Car Rental System
  9. Employee Management System
  10. Unit Converter
  11. Sudoku Game
  12. Payroll management system
  13. Traffic management system
  14. Billing system
  15. Hospital Management System

1. Tic Tac Toe game

Tic Tac Toe is a classic two-player game played on a 3x3 grid. Players take turns marking spaces with their respective symbols, usually 'X' and 'O', with the objective of forming a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line of three symbols. The game ends when one player achieves this goal, resulting in a win, or when all spaces are filled without a winner, leading to a draw.

In C++, a Tic Tac Toe game can be implemented using arrays or other data structures to represent the game board. The program typically includes functions to display the board, accept player input, validate moves, and determine the winner. It may also incorporate algorithms to simulate opponent moves in a single-player mode. By leveraging C++'s features such as arrays, loops, and conditional statements, developers can create an interactive and engaging rendition of this timeless game.

Tic Tac Toe game

2. Login and Registration System

This is one of the most significant beginner C++ projects for learning about file systems and C++ file extensions. The project features a user registration mechanism that requires a username and password. After a successful registration, a user file containing the credentials is created. Upon login, if the user does not exist, an error message will be presented. You will also learn how to use Visual Studio to create a small project.

Login and Registration System

3. Bank Management System

Creating an online bank management system project in C++ is not only useful but also educational. It enables newcomers to delve into complexities of banking operations, covering key activities such as deposits, withdrawals, inquiries, and program exit procedures. This project gives you hands-on experience coding for banking apps, teaches you how to manage your source code effectively, and educates you about security and data handling in financial systems. 

Bank Management System

You can download the Source Code here.

4. Bookshop Management System Using C++

This is an excellent project to improve your C++ skills. All you need to do is create an application that allows clients to add and display books. Furthermore, it will assist clients in changing their books by modifying them or adding or deleting pages. Create a user-friendly application that is simple to access and use. It also allows customers to check out and buy their favorite books with a single click at any time and from any location. However, because graphics are such an important aspect of your bookshop management system program, you must exercise extreme caution.

Bookshop Management System Using C++

You can download the Source code here.

5. Currency Converter

Building a simple project, such as a converter, is one of the finest ways to start with the basic principles. All we have to do is take the needed currency as input and display the output. There should also be a possibility to customise the currencies via a menu or dropdown. Data for the conversion can be read from an external file or saved as a separate module.

Currency Converter

A converter should include some validation to verify that it only works on numerical data. Incorrect data should result in an error message.

We can see the source code below.

  • C++


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int new_option;

// Function for operations in Currency Converter

void currency_converter(){

   cout << "Available options for currency conversion are:" << endl;

   cout << "1. Convert to USD" << endl;

   cout << "2. Convert to Euro" << endl;

   cout << "3. Convert to Japanese Yen" << endl;

   cout << "\n";


       Take an appropriate option to select which operation

       you want to be performed by the currency converter.



   int option;

   cout << "Your option: ";

   cin >> option;

   float inr;



       // Case for Converting INR to USD(US Dollar)

       case 1:

           cout << "\nEnter the INR amount to convert into USD: ";

           cin >> inr;

           inr *= 0.012;

           cout << "The converted USD amount: " << inr << endl;

           cout << "Do you want to convert to a new currency?\nPress 1 to 'proceed' and 2 to 'exit' from here\n" << endl;

           cout << "Your option: ";

           cin >> new_option;

           if (new_option == 1){





       // Case for Converting INR to EUR(Euro)

       case 2:

           cout << "\nEnter the INR amount to convert into EUR: ";

           cin >> inr;

           inr *= 0.011;

           cout << "The converted EUR amount: " << inr << endl;

           cout << "Do you want to convert to a new currency?\nPress 1 to 'proceed' and 2 to 'exit' from here\n" << endl;

           cout << "Your option: ";

           cin >> new_option;

           if (new_option == 1){





       // Case for Converting INR to JPY(Japanese Yen)

       case 3:

           cout << "\nEnter the INR amount to convert into JPY: ";

           cin >> inr;

           inr *= 1.61;

           cout << "The converted JPY amount: " << inr << endl;

           cout << "Do you want to convert to a new currency??\nPress 1 to 'proceed' and 2 to 'exit' from here\n" << endl;

           cout << "Your option: ";

           cin >> new_option;

           if (new_option == 1){






int main()



   cout << "Thank you!";

   return 0;

You can also try this code with Online C++ Compiler
Run Code
Output Currency Converter

You can practice by yourself with the help of online c++ compiler.

6. ATM Machine System

The ATM system is based on the idea of generating the user's total sum amount. This mechanism allows the user to deposit, withdraw, and pay bills. This method reveals the actual amount after each transaction. The project gets designed in our programming language of choice, 'C++'. We should note that several variables and strings are employed in its creation. The users who are just starting can find this project simple to use, build and understand.

ATM Machine System

We can see the Source code below.


  • C++


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int new_transaction;

// Initialising the balance amount as 0.

float balance_amount = 0.0;

// Function for operations in ATM Machine

void atm_machine_transaction(){

   cout << "Choices Available in the ATM Machine" << endl;

   cout << "1. Deposit Money" << endl;

   cout << "2. Withdraw Money" << endl;

   cout << "3. Balance Amount" << endl;

   cout << "\n";


       Take an appropriate option to select which operation

       you want to be performed by the ATM Machine.



   int option;

   cout << "Your option: ";

   cin >> option;

   float withdraw_amount;

   float deposit_amount;



       // Case for Depositing money

       case 1:

           cout << "\nEnter the amount to deposit: ";

           cin >> deposit_amount;

           balance_amount += deposit_amount;

           cout << "Your current balance is Rs. " << balance_amount << ". Thanks for depositing!" << endl;

           cout << "Do you want a new transaction?\nPress 1 to 'proceed' and 2 to 'exit' from here\n" << endl;

           cout << "Your option: ";

           cin >> new_transaction;

           if (new_transaction == 1){





       // Case for Money Withdrawal

       case 2:

           cout << "\nPlease enter amount to withdraw: ";

           cin >> withdraw_amount;

           if (withdraw_amount > balance_amount)


               cout << "Insufficient fund! Please proceed to deposit money." << endl;

               cout << "Do you want a new transaction?\nPress 1 to 'proceed' and 2 to 'exit' from here\n" << endl;

               cout << "Your option: ";

               cin >> new_transaction;

               if (new_transaction == 1){






               balance_amount -= withdraw_amount;

               cout << "You have withdrawn Rs. " << withdraw_amount << " and your balance is Rs. " << balance_amount << endl;

               cout << "Do you want a new transaction?\nPress 1 to 'proceed' and 2 to 'exit' from here\n" << endl;

               cout << "Your option: ";

               cin >> new_transaction;

               if (new_transaction == 1){






       // Case for checking current bank amount

       case 3:

           cout << "Your current bank balance is: " << balance_amount << endl;

           cout << "Do you want a new transaction?\nPress 1 to 'proceed' and 2 to 'exit' from here\n" << endl;

           cout << "Your option: ";

           cin >> new_transaction;

           if (new_transaction == 1){






int main()



   cout << "Thank you for the visit!";

   return 0;

You can also try this code with Online C++ Compiler
Run Code
Output ATM MAchine

7. Interest Calculator

The Interest Calculator project is one of the most basic C++ programming language projects to start with. The goal of this project is to find out the approximate monthly payments for a basic loan. To find the amount, simply input the loan amount, length (years), and interest rate. The user must enter the numbers here, and the system will display the results. Furthermore, this little project is simple for people to operate and comprehend.

Interest Calculator

8. Car Rental System

Ola and Uber are the best examples of car rental system present today. Such apps have made our lives easier. There is no doubt that these systems are operating admirably, however, these applications may benefit from some improvements. Improving and changing those apps with the same idea and using top-level coding can be a wonderful C++ project that will undoubtedly lead you to learn many new things. Format text files in C++ can be used to collect Cab and the customer's GPS coordinates within a defined radius.

Car Rental System

You can download the Source Code here.

9. Employee Management System

Employ management system in C++ is a menu-driven application that lets us to add, amend, delete, and search employee information in an organization. The program employee management system saves the employee's ID, name, position, department, and compensation. It starts with no data. As a result, we must enter employee records into this software by selecting appropriate options. Users can enter employee records by selecting the appropriate options, making it a useful tool for HR departments and companies wishing to accelerate employee data administration.

Employee Management System

You can download the source code here.

10. Unit Converter

Unit Converter is a basic project to start with. A unit can be something like temperature, currency, volume, mass and even more. Basically, any unit that we can think of. So this project converts different units into one another. The user puts the type of unit and then adds the type of unit they want to convert to. After this, we finally find the value. The application we make will then convert the unit.

We should take note that: to run the project, users must have Dev C++, or Code Blocks installed on their computers.

Unit Converter

Also check out this article - Pair in C++,  Abstract Data Types in C++

11. Sudoku Game

The majority of games are created with the assistance of game engines. The framework available in all programming languages is the game engine.  Sudoku is available on every phone and laptop and is regarded as one of the most popular games, particularly among those who enjoy solving numerical riddles. The concept of backtracking is used in this game. The only goal of this project is to learn how to use backtracking to find rows and columns that are initially blank. 

Sudoku Game

You can download the Source Code here.

12. Payroll management system

The project provides a comprehensive payroll system developed in C++ that calculates salaries, deductions, and benefits for both employees and employers. It helps in managing employee records, tracking hours spent, and generating reports. The system is intended to be user-friendly and efficient, with features such as an intuitive user interface and an automated data entry system.

Payroll management system

You can download the Source Code here.

13. Traffic management system

In C++, a traffic management system is a software program that simulates and regulates traffic flow. It creates simulations of automobiles, traffic lights, and road intersections. Algorithms are used in the application to manage traffic, prevent collisions, and optimize vehicle movement. It can be a useful tool for traffic engineers and local planners to examine and improve the efficiency and safety of road networks. A traffic management system written in C++ can also provide real-time data on traffic conditions, reducing congestion and improving overall transportation infrastructure design.

Traffic management system

You can download the Source Code here.

14. Billing system

In C++, a billing system is a software application that calculates and manages bills for products or services. Users can enter item details, quantities, and prices. The application computes the overall cost, applies any appropriate taxes or discounts, and generates invoices. Businesses benefit from streamlining billing operations, keeping accurate financial records, and providing customers with transparent billing information. Payment processing and invoice generation are frequently included in such systems.

Billing system

You can download the Source Code here.

15. Hospital Management System

Any hospital or healthcare facility can benefit from the Hospital Management System by increasing productivity, reducing paperwork, and improving patient care. The Hospital Management System in C++ streamlines the process of managing medical information, billing, and appointments in hospitals and other healthcare organizations. Symptoms, medical history, medication details, laboratory findings, and billing information are among the data maintained in the system. A hospital administration system that uses object-oriented programming and File Handling in C++ to keep track of doctors, their appointments, patients, personnel, and other information.

Hospital Management System

You can download the Source Code here.

Which C++ project is best to start with?

Choosing the "best" C++ project to start with depends on your interests, skill level, and goals. Here are a few project ideas suitable for beginners:

  • Simple Console-based Games: Create simple games like Tic Tac Toe, Hangman, or a text-based adventure game. These projects help you practice basic programming concepts like control flow, input/output, and data structures.
  • To-Do List Application: Build a command-line to-do list application where users can add, delete, and update tasks. This project introduces file I/O, string manipulation, and basic data structure operations.
  • Calculator: Develop a basic calculator application that performs arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This project reinforces concepts such as functions, user input validation, and mathematical operations.
  • Student Record System: Design a program to manage student records, including information such as names, grades, and subjects. This project involves data structures like arrays or vectors, as well as file handling for data storage.
  • Simple Web Server: Create a basic HTTP server that serves static web pages and handles simple requests. This project introduces networking concepts, socket programming, and handling HTTP requests/responses.

Which Industries Predominantly Use C++ Projects?

Here are some of the most important industries, along with examples of C++ program applications.

Game Development Companies

C++ is fast and close to the hardware, allowing for easy resource manipulation and procedural programming over CPU-intensive procedures. It is also capable of handling the complexities of 3D games and provides multilayer networking. Because of these benefits, C++ is a good choice for designing gaming systems and game development suites.

MYSQL Server

MySQL, a popular database tool that is widely used in many real-world applications, is written in C++. This is the world's most popular open-source database. The majority of businesses rely on this database, which was created in C++.

Operating Systems

C is a good choice for designing operating systems since it is a properly written and fast programming language. Furthermore, C++ includes a broad set of system-level functions that aid in the development of low-level C++ project structure applications.


In C++, browsers are used for rendering. Rendering engines must be faster in execution because most users dislike waiting for a web page to load. Because of C++'s exceptional efficiency, most browsers' rendering software is written in C++.

Database Management System

C++ is also employed in the development of database administration applications. C is used to create the two most popular databases, MySQL and Postgres.

Importance of C++ in IT Industry

  • C++ has the advantage of having access to the Standard Template Library (STL). As we all know, libraries are massive collections of compiled code. The STL has access to common data structure definitions like as linked lists, queues, stacks, and so on.
  • C++ has a big advantage in that it allows for flexible and effective memory allocation and de-allocation. This enables it to be used in a wide range of software applications, including browsers, word processors, spreadsheets, and even operating systems.
  • C++ is very near to hardware while still having current capabilities, which is an improvement above C++. This allows C++ to be used in the development of compilers and interpreters.
  • C++ knowledge of hardware has several applications in embedded system software. As a result, it can be used in security equipment.
  • C++ is one of the largest and friendliest communities on the planet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is C++ better than Python?

C++ is excellent at making things run quickly and controlling details, but it is more difficult to use. Python is simpler and better suited for quick work and simpler jobs. Which is better depends on what you need.

Do hackers use C++?

Yes, C++ programming language is used by hackers.  C++ is used by hackers because it is a programming language that is simple to learn and use while yet allowing for advanced coding. As a result, hackers can create code that is both simple and powerful. 

What is the easiest game to make in C++?

A text-based game such as "Guess the Number" or "Tic-Tac-Toe" is one of the simplest games to design in C++. These games need basic input/output and simple logic, making them suitable for beginners.

Which is harder to learn, C or C++?

C++ is often considered to be more difficult to learn than C. While both are advanced, C++ has additional features such as classes and objects that make it more difficult for beginners than C's basic structure.

Can I make a project using C++?

Yes, you can. C++ is versatile for projects ranging from games and applications to system-level programming and more, making it suitable for various software development endeavors.

What is a good first C++ project?

A simple game like Tic Tac Toe or Hangman, a to-do list application, or a basic calculator are excellent choices for beginners learning C++.


In the article, we have discussed top C++ projects for beginners. These projects offers a rich learning experience and a practical way to master programming concepts of C++. Whether creating games, applications, or utilities, these projects foster problem-solving skills and confidence, laying a solid foundation for further exploration and growth in C++ programming.

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