Table of contents
🌟Expectations from Infosys Exam
🌟How to Prepare?
📄Question Paper Format
⚙️Section 1
🧠Strategy for Section 1
⚙️Section 2
🧠Strategy for Section 2
⚙️Section 3
🧠Strategy for Section 3
💯Sectional Cutoff Marks
🌟Important Topics to Cover
🌟How to Crack Infosys Interviews?
💻Technical Interview
💻HR Interview
📄How to apply?
🌟Previous Year Papers
🌟Resources for Preparation
📚Interview Resources
📚Coding Resources
📚Aptitude Resources
📚Requirement Engineering Resources
📚Process Modelling Resources
📚Other Technical Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
What is HackWithInfy?
What is Infosys hiring process?
What is the salary of an Infosys fresher?
What actually does Infosys do?
What is the job role in Infosys?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Crack Infosys in a Week

Author soham Medewar
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Infosys Limited is a multinational information technology firm based in India that offers business consulting, information technology, and outsourcing services. Bangalore serves as the company's headquarters; it was established in Pune. 

Crack Infosys

🌐On August 24, 2021, Infosys crossed the $100 billion market value threshold, becoming the fourth Indian firm to do so.

For businesses in the banking, insurance, manufacturing, and other sectors, Infosys offers software development, maintenance, and independent validation services.

🌟Expectations from Infosys Exam


The written test is the first step in the placement process. The candidates will be put to the test in a variety of ways, including linguistic and thinking skills. The placement test won't go longer than two hours. Figure continuation, logical reasoning, data sufficiency, data interpretation, syllogism, and other topics will be covered in the problems for the reasoning section. Additionally, candidates must practice their fundamental maths skills. Candidates must respond to questions in the verbal abilities section such as sentence correction, theme detection, sentence completion, a reading passage, etc.

🌟How to Prepare?


Before going into the preparation strategy, we will be discussing the pattern of the question paper. 

📄Question Paper Format

🪶Online test. (95 minutes in length.)

🪶Sections in three.

🪶Applying a sectional cutoff with no negative marking.

🪶Each section must be finished in order; switching between them is not permitted.

🪶Autosaved, when each section's allotted time has passed.

🪶If the portion is finished before the allotted time, you can move on to the next one.

🪶Try your best on every question, and for unanswered or ambiguous ones, select the same response.




Time and Number of Questions

  1. Quantitative Ability

Mathematical Critical Thinking

35 minutes and 10 questions

  1. Analytical Ability


25 minutes and 15 questions

  1. Verbal Ability

English Communication

35 minutes and 40 questions

⚙️Section 1

🪶The higher difficulty, time-consuming questions. The emphasis is more on advanced mathematical topics like permutation, combination, and probability.

🪶A few queries on the subjects of time and work, speed, and distance.

🪶One or two questions about crypt math.

🪶Mensuration, Ration & Proportion, Percentage, Profit & Loss, Cube & Cuboid, and Analytical Puzzles are some less significant topics (like seating arrangement).

🧠Strategy for Section 1

🪶50% of the questions are challenging since they demand a thorough understanding of the concept. With enough practice, one can answer the remaining 50% of the questions.

🪶Select 6 questions that will take less time to complete, then try them within the first 15 minutes. Three to four of the six are quite simple and can be solved in about five minutes.

🪶The final four questions can be answered in more than 20 minutes. The expected cut-off is six to seven correct responses.

🪶Finding the six questions that take the least time is important.

⚙️Section 2

🪶Key areas are 

                     Data Interpretation (Bar Graph, Table Chart, etc.)

                     Syllogism/ Logically Following Questions.

                     Data Sufficiency,

🪶Other areas are 

                      Visual Reasoning

                      Data Arrangement.


🧠Strategy for Section 2

🪶Try individual questions first, such as those from the puzzles, syllogisms, and data sufficiency categories. The bulk of these questions may be answered in under a minute, and none of them requires the same information to be answered. Each question can be answered in a maximum of two minutes.

🪶In the first 15 minutes, 9 of these questions can be answered.

🪶After that, try Data Interpretation and solve Data Arrangement.

🪶The anticipated cut-off is 10–11 accurate responses.

⚙️Section 3

🪶It consists of two reading comprehension questions (two * five, for a total of ten questions). 

🪶The final 30 questions cover the subjects listed below.

🪶Sentence Improvement/Correction/Error Detection (Approx 10 questions).

🪶Filler for Completed Sentences (insert the proper phrase from a list of four alternatives into the underlined portion of a sentence) (Approx 7 questions).

🪶Critical Thinking and Theme Recognition (Approx 6 questions).

🪶Grammar, one-word substitutions, prepositions, idioms/phrases, etc., fill in the spaces (Approx 7 questions).

🧠Strategy for Section 3

🪶Try Vocabulary, Sentence Correction, or Error Spotting first. Take Reading Comprehension next.

🪶If you are given a short passage, you should attempt it last because the questions will be more difficult.

🪶Try reading a long chapter first.

🪶Avoid attempting to read and comprehend the passage’s entirety.

🪶Since there are no negative marks, you can confidently attempt only the direct questions within 5 minutes and take a chance on the other types of questions.

🪶The final question type is a critical reasoning test, and you should attempt five to six of these within ten minutes.

🪶The anticipated cut-off is 20 accurate responses.

💯Sectional Cutoff Marks

🪶During any training, Infosys maintains a standard cut-off score of 65%.

🪶The same can be anticipated for Sections I and II.

🪶The institute, which is chosen by Infosys itself, determines the actual cut-off.

🌟Important Topics to Cover

In this section, I will be discussing all the important topics that you must study before you take the Infosys exam.

Subject Topics
  • Percentages
  • Data Interpretation
  • Permutation and Combination
  • Probability
  • Areas, Shapes, and Perimeter
  • Speed Time and Distance
  • Time and Work
  • Profit and Loss
  • Problems on Ages
  • Divisibility
  • Number Decimal and Fractions
  • Series and Progression
  • LCM and HCF
  • Arrangements
  • Puzzles
  • Syllogisms
  • Coding-Decoding
  • Number Series
  • Cryptarithmetic
  • Clocks and Calander
  • Data Sufficiency
  • Most Logical Choice
  • Logical Deduction
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Sentence Correction
  • Sentence Selection
  • Sentence Completion
  • Para Jumbles
  • Spotting error
  • Analogy
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • One Word Substitution
Pseudo Code

🌟How to Crack Infosys Interviews?


There are two interviews held after the online assessment. One is the technical interview, and the other is the HR interview.

💻Technical Interview

You will be scheduled for a technical interview if you pass the online assessment test. During this stage, questions based on the candidates' resumes and areas of interest are typically asked. Computer foundations, including operating systemsdata structures, and algorithms, as well as an understanding of the most recent emerging technologies, are some other factors that could help you earn a decent score in this round. You are expected to have some solid knowledge of at least one programming language. You must decide on and get ready for a subject of interest that is directly relevant to the position. Your ability to solve problems will occasionally be evaluated in this round, possibly through puzzles and aptitude tests.

💻HR Interview

If you pass the technical interview, you will be scheduled for the HR interview stage. Essentially, the goal of this evaluation is to determine if you are the greatest candidate for the firm. Your history, education, hobbies, and even your outlook on life are all up for questioning in this situation. Some queries about the Infosys corporation must be anticipated. Be prepared to answer any inquiries meant to gauge your sincerity in your application for the position.

📄How to apply?

You can visit the official website of infosys and navigate to the careers page to apply. For more updates visit the linked page.

🌟Previous Year Papers

You can also refer to this interview question that has been asked in previous years.

🪶Interview Questions1

🪶Interview Questions2

🪶Interview Questions3

🪶Interview Experience

🌟Resources for Preparation


Here are the resources to help you prepare for your recruitment exam and interview.

📚Interview Resources

📚Coding Resources

📚Aptitude Resources

📚Requirement Engineering Resources

📚Process Modelling Resources

📚Other Technical Resources

“It's what you practice in private that you will be rewarded for in public.”

Watch this video to know the best strategy to get placed in 21 days:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is HackWithInfy?

A coding competition called HackWithInfy is open to students in India's second to pre-final years. Participants in this competition must answer coding questions within a set amount of time, and the top finishers will be invited to an Infosys interview.

What is Infosys hiring process?

The eligible candidates must proceed through Infosys' three-round hiring procedure, which includes an online assessment test. Technical Interrogation and HR interview

What is the salary of an Infosys fresher?

For those with fewer than one to two years of experience, the average Infosys Fresher salary in India is 3.4 Lakhs. At Infosys, the starting compensation for new hires ranges from 1.5 to 4.5 lakhs.

What actually does Infosys do?

Business consulting, information technology, and outsourcing services are all offered by Infosys Limited, a multinational information technology firm based in India. Bangalore serves as the company's headquarters; it was established in Pune.

What is the job role in Infosys?

You will recognize commercial possibilities, support substantial bids, and oversee the delivery of substantial portfolios. A team of project managers, their teams, and the deliverables for your set of accounts will fall under your purview.


In this article, we have discussed the strategy to crack Infosys within a week and also have discussed the paper pattern along with its syllabus.

For insights about Infosys and preparations, please refer to our blog:

Infosys Preparation Guide

About HackWithInfy

About InfyTq

Job Opportunities at Infosys

Ways to join Infosys

Check out Infosys Interview Experience to learn about their hiring process.

Refer to our guided paths on Coding Ninjas Studio to learn more about DSA, Competitive Programming, JavaScript, System Design, etc. Enrol in our courses and refer to the mock test and problems available. Take a look at the interview experiences and interview bundle for placement preparations.

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