Table of contents
Basic Crontab Syntax
List Crontab Entries
Edit Crontab Entries
Remove Crontab Entry
Scheduling cron jobs
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the use of crontab?
How do I run crontab?
Do cron jobs run when the computer is sleeping?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Crontab in Linux

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Operating Systems


Crontab is a boon for system admins who have to wake up all night to run some tasks. It is a savior for those who manually run the frequent jobs in the system. Crontab can automatically schedule tasks, and we don't have to stay up late. It will automatically perform the task at the scheduled time with the help of a cron daemon in Linux without any human effort.

For example, we can automate Linux system backup, schedule updates, synchronization of files, and many more using Cron daemon, which runs scheduled tasks from the command line.

Cron wakes up every minute and checks scheduled tasks in countable – Crontab (Cron Table) is a table where we can schedule such repetitive tasks.

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Basic Crontab Syntax

Linux crontab has six fields. The first five fields define the date and time of execution. The last field is used for the command or script to be executed. The Linux crontab syntax is as follows:


[Minutes] [Hours] [Day_of_the_Month] [Month_of_the_Year] [Day_of_the_Week] [command]
  • Minute: A minute value can be between 0-59
  • Hour: A hour value can be between 0-23
  • Day_of_the_month: This can be between 1-31. For the months having fewer days will ignore the remaining part
  • Month_of_the_year: This can be between 1-12. You can also define this value with the first three alphabets of the month like Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, etc.
  • Day_of_the_Week: This can be between 0-7 where 0 and 7 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, etc. You can also use the first three alphabets of days like Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, etc.

Now, the below statements will describe how to define multiple values or ranges. Read below and understand.

  • Asterisk (*) – to match anything.
  • Multiple values – Use comma (,) to write multiple values like 2,4,8 or Sun, Wed or Jan, Feb, Nov, etc.
  • Define range – We can define range using the hyphen like 1-10 or 20-30 or Sun-Fri or Feb-apr.
  • Define multiple ranges – You can define various ranges with commands separated like Jan-mar, and Jul-sep.

List Crontab Entries

We use the following command to see the crontab entries of current users.

crontab -l

We can use -u followed by the username to view the crontab entries of the specified user.

crontab -u username -l

Edit Crontab Entries

We use the following command to add or update jobs in crontab. This command will open a crontab file in the editor where a job can be added/updated.

crontab -e

It will edit crontab entries of currently logged-in users by default. To edit another user's crontab, use the command below.

Crontab -u username -e

Remove Crontab Entry

We use the command given below to remove complete scheduled jobs without confirmation from crontab. Use -i option before deleting the user's crontab.

crontab -r

Scheduling cron jobs

​​Here are some important examples of Crontab

0 7,17 * * * /scripts/ This command executes at 7 AM and 5 PM daily.
*/5* * * * *  /scripts/ This command executes a cron after every 5 minutes.
0 5 * * mon  /scripts/ Cron scheduler command helps you execute the task every Monday at 5 AM. This command helps do weekly tasks like system clean-up.
*/3 * * * * /scripts/ This command runs our script in 3 minutes interval.

* * * feb,jun,sep *  /script/


This command schedules a cron to which executes for a specific month.

This command run tasks run in Feb, June, and September months. Sometimes we need to schedule a job to execute a select monthly task.

0 17 * * mon,fri  /script/ This command executes on selected days. This example will run each Monday and Friday at 5 PM.
0 */6 * * * /scripts/ This command runs a script for 6 hours intervals,.
0 4,17 * * tue,sat /scripts/ This command schedules a task to execute twice on Tuesday and Saturday. 

* * * * * /scripts/

* * * * *  sleep 15; /scripts/

This command schedules a cron for executing after every 15 Seconds.

@yearly /scripts/


This command schedules tasks every year.

@yearly timestamp is= to “0 0 3 1 *”. This executes the task in the third minute of every year. We can use it to send new year greetings.

@monthly /scripts/


Command tasks to execute every month.

@monthly timestamp is similar to “0 0 2 * *”. This command allows the execution of a task in the second minute of the month.

@weekly /bin/


This command schedules tasks to execute every week.

@weekly timestamp is similar to “0 0 5 * sun”. We can use this to perform the weekly tasks like the system cleanup etc.

@daily /scripts/


The command schedules task to execute daily.

@daily timestamp is similar to “0 3 * * *”. It executes the task in the third minute of every day.

@hourly /scripts/

This command executes tasks hourly.

@hourly timestamp is similar to “0 * * * *”. This command will execute a task in the first minute of every hour.

@reboot /scripts/


This command allows tasks to execute on system reboot.

@reboot expression is helpful for those tasks that the system wants to run on our system startup. This is helpful to begin tasks in the background automatically.

You can also read about the Multilevel Queue Scheduling And Open Source Operating System.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the use of crontab?

The crontab is a list of commands that we want to run on a regular schedule and the name of the commands is used to manage that command list. 

How do I run crontab?

We use the crontab -e command to open a user account's crontab file. The command in this file will run with the user account's permissions. If we want a command to run with system permissions, we should use the sudo crontab -e command to open the root account's crontab file.

Do cron jobs run when the computer is sleeping?

Cron jobs will not execute; when the system is sleeping or turned off. If we schedule a launch job by setting the StartCalendarInterval key and the computer is asleep when the job should have to run, our job will run when the computer wakes up.


In this article, we learned how crontab could schedule tasks. We learned about basic crontab syntax for scheduling tasks. We also get to know how to edit and remove crontab entries. This article gave a basic overview of dealing with cron commands to avoid performing tasks manually.

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