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Last updated: May 12, 2022

C# Methods

Method is a code of block that consists of a series of statements. Methods are declared in a class, record, or struct. Therefore, methods are very necessary in order to understand the certain advantages that we can achieve by using the methods in our code. Let's understand it more clearly through this section.
Method Overloading in C# EASY
This blog explains Method overloading in C#.
Method returning an object in C#
This blog will be containing a detailed discussion on how a Method returns an object in C# with the help of various examples.
C# Method Parameters EASY
In this article, we will learn about the method parameters of the C# language and its types.
C# Method Hiding EASY
In this article, we will learn about the C# language's method hiding concept w
Language Integrated Query (LinQ) in C# EASY
LINQ C# ( Language Integrate Query ) is specially designed to integrate querying capabilities into C# language.
Author Shiva
Method Overriding vs Method Hiding in C#
This blog will demonstrate Method Overriding and Method Hiding in C# and the difference between them.
Optional Parameters in C#
In this article, we shall discuss the optional parameters in C#, its uses, key points, and examples.
C# Out Parameter
In this article, we will be discussing the new features of the out parameter in C# 7.0, key points along with coding examples.
Anonymous Method in C#
In this article, we shall be discussing the Anonymous Method in C# along with examples, uses, and features.
Partial Method in C# EASY
In this blog, We will learn about the partial method in the C# programming language and also understand it in details with the help of examples.
Local Functions in C#
This article teaches you local functions in C#, you will also learn to create local functions with the help of examples.
Strings in C# EASY
This blog discusses the various String methods and String operations in C#.
C# Concatenate Strings MEDIUM
Learn how to concatenate strings in C# with examples. This article covers different ways to join strings together, including using the + operator, the String.Concat() method, and the StringBuilder class.
File Handling In C# EASY
In this article, we will guide you on File handling in C#. We will see different classes used to perform file handling operations. We will see some examples for a better understanding.
Dictionaries in C# EASY
Dictionaries in C# are key-value pairs, allowing efficient lookup and storage of data using unique keys for retrieval. In this article we will learn about Dictionaries in C# in detail.
C# Generics EASY
This article will discuss generics in C# and their importance. We shall also see various examples of the same.
Reflection in C# EASY
This article will discuss C# Reflection and learn about their uses, syntax, and examples.
Thread Synchronization
In this article, we will learn what thread synchronization is and why we use it. We will study various ways in which we can achieve thread synchronization.
Web Services in C#
This article will discuss the theory about Web Services in C# along with its implementation.