Every application we use stores our data and shows our progress always. The online banking and transaction applications store our transaction details and display them. Did you ever wonder how the application shows details even from the past years? Where do they store the details? Yes, you guessed correctly. They store all the details in a “cloud”.
Cloud Computing is a technology that uses remote servers to store, access, and manage data online. The data can be audio, video, files, images, text, etc. Cloud computing is highly reliable as we can access the data on the cloud from anywhere and any device. The cloud offers us services based on our requirements and our purpose. In this article, let’s learn about a service provided by cloud DaaS - Desktop as a Service.
DaaS - Desktop as a Service
DaaS is a service offered by the cloud to the users where the virtual desktops are provided with a licensed subscription. The service provider handles the backend, including maintenance, backup, storage, security, and updates. There are two types of desktops available in DaaS; persistent and non-persistent.
Persistent Desktop
The persistent desktop allows users to customize and save a desktop. The permanent desktops require more storage than non-permanent desktops and are more expensive.
Non-persistent desktop
The desktop is erased whenever the user logs out to access shared cloud services. Cloud providers can allow customers to access both permanent and non-permanent desktops.