Last updated: Jan 24, 2022

Database Design and Normalisation

Database Design involves defining how data needs to be stored in the database and how that data is interrelated. Normalization helps in making an optimal and more managed design for data storage.
Inference Rule in DBMS
In this article, we will learn about inference rules in DBMS and the six most essential inference rules for functional dependency. Also. learn about Armstrong's axioms and their importance.

Functional Dependencies

Functional dependency refers to the relationship between two attributes of a table. This relationship can be used to find the value of one attribute when that of the other is given. It can be mathematically represented as FD: X -> Y. Here, the values of Y are determined by the values of X. X and Y, being the attributes of the table.
Functional Dependencies and Attribute Closure EASY
Learn about functional dependencies and attribute closure, including their validation, types, advantages, disadvantages, and properties, in this comprehensive article.
Transitive Dependency in DBMS EASY
In this article, we will discuss about transitive dependency in DBMS. We will also see its drawbacks and how to avoid dependency.
Derived Attributes in DBMS MEDIUM
Derived attributes are attributes whose values are derived from other attributes in the database.
Finding Attribute Closure and Candidate Keys
In this blog, we will learn about attribute closure and candidate key and how to find attribute closure and candidate key with an example.
Object Database Conceptual Design
In this article, we will learn what a database and object databases mean. We will also be discussing the Object Database Conceptual Design.
Armstrong’s Axioms in DBMS EASY
Armstrong's axioms are a set of references (or, more precisely, inference rules) for inferring all of a relational database's functional dependencies.
Canonical Cover In DBMS MEDIUM
In DBMS, a canonical cover is a set of functional dependencies that is minimal, irreducible, and equivalent to the original set of dependencies. Read on to learn more!


Normalization is the process of removal of data redundancy from a relation or set of relations which may cause insertion, deletion, and update anomalies.
Need for Normalization
This article will discuss the need for normalization in databases. We shall analyze the reason and also see various types of normal forms.
The Problem of Redundancy EASY
In this article, we will discuss the anomalies associated with data redundancy using various examples.
2NF-Second Normal Form
This article explains the Second Normal Form (2NF) in database normalization using examples.
Normalization in DBMS EASY
The article will discuss the normalization in the dbms and how it helps to minimize the redundant data by decomposing the tables.
3NF-Third Normal Form
This article covers the Third Normal Form (3NF) in database normalization using several examples.
Boyce-Codd Normal Form
This article will discuss and explain the Boyce Codd Normal Form (BCNF) in database normalization using examples.
This article will discuss and explain the Boyce Codd Normal Form (BCNF) in database normalization using examples.
Author Akash
Fourth Normal Form
This article will discuss the fourth normal form used in database normalization. We shall also see an example of the same.
Fifth Normal Form
In this post, we will learn what the Fifth Normal Form is and how it is achieved. We will also discuss Prerequisites and examples of the Fifth Normal Form.
Highest Normal Form of a Relation
In this article, we will learn how to find the highest normal form of a given relation.
Difference Between 3NF and BCNF EASY
Normalization makes the data in our database non-redundant. In this article, we will learn the difference between 3NF and BCNF normal forms.
Domain Key Normal Form EASY
This article will cover detailed analysis about domain key normal form(DKNF). We will see how to make a relation into DKNF.
Data Replication
In this post, we will cover the concept of Data Replication. We will learn about Data Replication, its types, advantages, and disadvantages.
Denormalization in Databases
This article will discuss denormalization in databases.