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Dec 2009 Paper II Part 1
What is the UGC NET exam?
What is the maximum number of attempts for the UGC NET examination?
What is the full form of UGC NET?
How can solving PYQs help in my exam preparation?
How many papers are there in the UGC NET exam?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Dec 2009 Paper II Part 1

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UGC NET Exam is a very popular exam in India for people interested in research. Previous Year Questions are an excellent option to learn about the exam pattern. By solving the PYQs, you will get a basic idea about your preparation. 

You can evaluate your weak areas and work on them to perform better in the examination. In this article, we have given the questions of UGC NET 2009 Dec Paper-II. We have also explained every problem adequately to help you learn better. Refer to the Dec 2009 Paper II Part 2 for more questions.

Dec 2009 Paper II Part 1

1. If she is my friend and you are her friend, then we are friends. Given this, the friend relationship in this context is …………...

(i) commutative

(ii) transitive

(iii) implicative

(iv) equivalence

(A) (i) and (ii)

(B) (iii)

(C) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)

(D) None of these

Answer: D

Let Consider, 

I am assigning A to myself, B to my friend, and You are C. 


(P, Q)

(P, Q) means P is a friend of Q. 


She is my friend means I am a friend of her i.e. (A, B).

You are her friend means (C, B). 

We are friend means I am your friend i.e. (A, C) 

Now Relation R = { (A,B), (C,B), (A,C) }

This relation has (A, B) but does not have (B, A) hence it can not be commutative. 

Since it is not commutative, hence it can not be equivalence. 

It's Transitive because the set has (A.C), (C, B) and also has (A, B).

And it is not Implicative also.

But there is no option only for transitivity. Hence answer will be D) None of the above


2. Circle has …………….

(A) No vertices

(B) Only 1 vertex

(C) ∞ vertices

(D) None of these

Answer: C

It will be C. Infinite vertices. Because if we draw a polygon of n vertices, From n=3, it'll start taking shape of a circle with increasing n.


3. If in an error detection and correction code a message M: “You are good students” is stored as M' : Youare areyou aregood goodare goodstudents studentsgood. What is the space required to store M' in general? (assume that ‘n’ is the length of M)

(A) 2n

(B) 3n

(C) 4n

(D) less than 4n

Answer: D

The total number of spaces required will be 2*(n-1)-1 < 4n.


4. P: “Program is a step by step execution of the instructions”. Given P, which of the following is true?

(A) Program is a subset of an instruction set.

(B) Program is a sequence of a subset of an instruction set.

(C) Program is a partially ordered set of an instruction set.

(D) All of the above

Answer: A

A program is a subset of an instruction set.  TRUE 

A program is a sequence of a subset of an instruction set.  FALSE {Subroutine is a sequence of a subset of an instruction set} 

A program is a partially ordered set of an instruction set.  FALSE

Ans: A


5. In an MIU puzzle, either of the letters M, I or U could go as a start symbol. Production rules are given below :

R1: U→IU

R2: M.x→M.x.x where ːˑ is string concatenation operator. Given this, which of the following holds for



(A) Either (i) or (ii) but not both of these are valid words.

(B) Both (i) and (ii) are valid words and they take an identical number of transformations for the production.

(C) Both (i) and (ii) are valid words but they involve different numbers of transformations in the production.

(D) None of these

Answer: C

Both the words can be generated from the given production rules. The number of transformations required for each of them will be different as they have different lengths.


6. The simplified form of the Boolean expression (X+Y+XY)(X+Z) is

(A) X + Y + ZX + Y

(B) XY – YZ

(C) X + YZ

(D) XZ + Y

Answer: C











7.       Identify the logic function performed by the circuit shown

(A) exclusive OR

(B) exclusive NOR



Answer: B



8. The highest noise margin is offered by





Answer: B

TTL outputs are typically restricted to narrower limits providing at least 0.4V of noise immunity.


9. The answer of the operation (10111)2*(1110)2 in hex equivalence is

(A) 150

(B) 241

(C) 142

(D) 101011110

Answer: C

(10111)2= (23)10

(1110)2= (14)10

(23)10 * (14)10=(322)10



10. How many 1’s are present in the binary representation of

3 × 512 + 7 × 64 + 5 × 8 + 3

(A) 8

(B) 9

(C) 10

(D) 11

Answer: B

1's are present in the binary representation of 3×512+7×64+5×8+3=9.

(3 × 512 + 7 × 64 + 5 × 8 + 3) = 1536 + 448 + 40 + 3 = 2027 (2027)10=(011111101011)2.


11. Recursive functions are executed in a

(A) First in first out-order

(B) Last in first out-order

(C) Parallel fashion

(D) Load balancing

Answer: B

Because for each function call an entry is created in stack frame( known as Active Record Instance) and is executed in a LIFO manner.


12. What would be the output of the following program, if run from the command line as “myprog 1 2 3”?

main (int argc, char * argv[ ])

{  int i ;

i = argv[1] + argv[2] + argv[3] ;

printf (“% d”, i) ;


(A) 123

(B) 6

(C) Error

(D) “123”

Answer: C

The relative path of the file is passed as the first argument for main method by default.then followed by others.


13. A …………….. is a special method used to initialize the instance variable of a class.

(A) Member function

(B) Destructor

(C) Constructor

(D) Structure

Answer: C

A constructor is a special method used to initialize the instance variable of a class.


14. Encapsulation is

(A) Dynamic binding

(B) A mechanism to associate the code and data.

(C) Data abstraction

(D) Creating new class

Answer: B

Encapsulation is a mechanism to associate the code and data.


15. Which of the statements are true?

I. Function overloading is done at compile time.

II. Protected members are accessible to the member of derived class.

III. A derived class inherits constructors and destructors.

IV. A friend function can be called like a normal function.

V. Nested class is a derived class.

(A) I, II, III

(B) II, III, V

(C) III, IV, V

(D) I, II, IV

Answer: D

Function overloading is done at compile time.  TRUE

Protected members are accessible to the member of the derived class.  TRUE

We can summarize the different access types according to - who can access them in the following way −

Access public protected private
Same class yes yes yes
Derived classes yes yes no
Outside classes yes no no


A derived class inherits constructors and destructors.  FALSE

A derived class inherits all base class methods with the following exceptions −

  • Constructors, destructors and copy constructors of the base class.
  • Overloaded operators of the base class.
  • The friend functions of the base class.

Following are the things which a derived class inherits from its parent.

1) Every data member defined in the parent class (although such members may not always be

accessible in the derived class!)

2) Every ordinary member function of the parent class (although such members may not always be

accessible in the derived class!)

3) The same initial data layout as the base class.

A friend function can be called a normal function.  TRUE

The function that is declared with the keyword friend is said to befriend function. It can be invoked like a normal function without using any objects.  a friend function, which is a "friend" of a given class, is a function that is given the same access as methods to private and protected data.

A nested class is a derived class.  FALSE


16. The E-R model is expressed in terms of

I. Entities

II. The relationship among entities.

III. The attributes of the entities.

IV. Functional relationship.

(A) I, II

(B) I, II, IV

(C) II, II, IV

(D) I, II, III

Answer: D

Option D is the correct answer. We have functional dependency as a term which means it defines the constraints among entities. For the above question, l, ll, lll are correct.


17. Specialization is …………… process.

(A) top-down

(B) bottom-up

(C) both (A) and (B)

(D) None of these

Answer: A

Specialization is a top-down approach while generalization is a bottom-up approach. So option A is correct.


18. Match the following:


(1) Determinants

(2) Candidate key

(3) Non-redundancy

(4) Functional dependency


(a) No attribute can be added

(b) Uniquely identified a row

(c) A constraint between two attribute

(d) Group of attributes on the left hand side of arrow of function dependency.

(A) 1 – d, 2 – b, 3 – a, 4 – c

(B) 2 – d, 3 – a, 1 – b, 4 – c

(C) 4 – a, 3 – b, 2 – c, 1 – d

(D) 3 – a, 4 – b, 1 – c, 2 – d

Answer: A

a) No attribute can be added - Non-redundancy

b) Uniquely identified a row  - Candidate key

c) A constraint between two attribute - Functional Dependency

d) Group of attributes on the left hand side of arrow of function dependency. - Determinants


19. A function that has no partial functional dependencies is in ……………. form.

(A) 3 NF

(B) 2 NF

(C) 4 NF


Answer: B

Second Normal Form (2NF)

As per the Second Normal Form there must not be any partial dependency of any column on the primary key. It means that for a table that has concatenated primary key, each column in the table that is not part of the primary key must depend upon the entire concatenated key for its existence. If any column depends only on one part of the concatenated key, then the table fails the Second normal form.


20. Which of the following statement is wrong?

I. 2-phase locking protocol suffer from dead lock.

II. Time stamp protocol suffer from more aborts.

III. A block hole in a DFD is a data store with only inbound flows.

IV. Multivalued dependency among attribute is checked at 3 NF level.

V. An entity-relationship diagram is a tool to represent event model.

(A) I, II, II


(C) III, IV, V

(D) II, IV, V

Answer: C

2-phase locking protocol suffers from deadlock.  TRUE

Time stamp protocol suffers from more aborts.  TRUE (suffer from cascading rollback)

A block hole in a DFD is a data store with only inbound flows.  TRUE

Multivalued dependency among attributes is checked at the 3 NF level.  FALSE  (checked at 4 NF level)

An entity-relationship diagram is a tool to represent the event model.  FALSE  (tool to represent data model)


21. If the number of leaves in a strictly binary tree is an odd number, then what can you say with full conviction about the total number of nodes in the tree?

(A) It is an odd number.

(B) It is an even number.

(C) It cannot be equal to the number of leaves.

(D) It is always greater than twice the number of leaves.

Answer: A

A binary tree is a strictly binary tree if each node in the tree is either a leaf node or has exactly two children. There is no node with one child. According to its property, a strictly binary tree with n leaf nodes always has 2n-1 nodes. Let us consider n to be an odd number and give it a value of 3. So, the number of nodes in the tree would be 2n - 1 which is 2 X 3 -1 = 5. So that is also an odd number. So, the answer is A.


22. The number of edges in a complete graph of n vertices is

(A) n

(B) n(n – 1)/2

(C) n(n + 1)/2

(D) n2/2

Answer: B

A complete graph means that every vertex is connected with every other vertex. If you take one vertex of your graph, you, therefore, have n−1 outgoing edges from that particular vertex.


23. At a hill station, the parking lot is one long drive way snaking up a hill side. Cars drive in and park right behind the car in front of them, one behind another. A car can’t leave until all the cars in front of it have left. Is the parking lot more like

(A) An array

(B) A stack

(C) A queue

(D) A linked list

Answer: C

It is queue as it follows the First in First out principle.


24. With regard to linked list, which of the following statement is false?

(A) An algorithm to search for an element in a singly linked list requires 0(n) operations in the worst case.

(B) An algorithm for deleting the first element in a singly linked list requires 0(n) operations in the worst case.

(C) An algorithm for finding the maximum value in a circular linked list requires 0(n) operations.

(D) An algorithm for deleting the middle node of a circular linked list requires 0(n) operations.

Answer: B

We know that in order to search for an element we have to compare each element until not found and in the worst case, it would be last so o(n)is true (we cannot apply binary search on linked list /unsorted list so complexity cannot be reduced).

Now in order to delete the first element, we have to modify head(start) and it will only take some constant time so o(1).

Again for option c, we have to search for the maximum element and that will take o(n).

Again for going to the middle we will have to go one after other nodes to reach the middle and for a large value of n, we assume complexity o(n).

So option b is false.


25. A hash function f is defined as f(key) = key mod 7, with linear probing used to resolve collisions. Insert the keys 37, 38, 72, 48, 98 and 11 into the table indexed from 0 to 6. What will be the location of 11?

(A) 3

(B) 4

(C) 5

(D) 6

Answer: C

Hash function = f(key) = key mod 7

insertion order= 37, 38, 72, 48, 98, 11, 56

Insert 37: 37 mod 7 = 2

Insert 38: 38 mod 7 = 3

Insert 72: 72 mod 7 = 2, but already occupied, so after linear probing it would occupy index 4.

Insert 48: 48 mod 7 = 6

Insert 98: 98 mod 7 = 0

Insert 11: 11 mod 7 = 4, but already occupied, after linear probing it would get into index 5.

So, option (C) is correct.


What is the UGC NET exam?

UGC NET is a national-level exam organized by UGC to determine the eligibility of the candidates for lectureship and JRF.

What is the maximum number of attempts for the UGC NET examination?

There is no bar on the number of attempts of this examination. Candidates can appear for the examination as long as they are eligible.

What is the full form of UGC NET?

UGC stands for University Grants Commission, and NET stands for National Eligibility Test.

How can solving PYQs help in my exam preparation?

Solving PYQs will give you a good idea about the exam pattern and help you identify your weak topics to prepare them better for the examination.

How many papers are there in the UGC NET exam?

There are two papers, and the candidates get 3 hours for both papers. There are 150 questions in UGC NET combining both papers.


In this article, We have extensively discussed the Dec 2009 paper-II. We hope that this blog has helped you understand the UGC pattern. You can refer to this article for more details on UGC NET 2022.

Refer to the Dec 2009 Paper II Part 2 for more questions.

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