A Linked List is a container called a data structure that stores the elements at non-contiguous memory locations. It works with the help of the next pointer. Each node has a next pointer that holds the address of the next node. To understand Linked List, visit our site, Linked List | Learn & Practice from Coding Ninjas Studio.
Delete Alternate Nodes of a Linked List
The problem is removing or deleting the alternate occurring nodes of a Linked List. Suppose you are given a linked list 7->5->3->1, then after removing the alternate nodes from the second node, you would get 7 -> 3. Also, if you are given 1->2->3->4->5->6->7, then the output after removing alternate nodes would be 1->3->5->7.
The steps of implementation to solve the above problem are:
Create a struct variable node that has data and a next pointer.
Initialize the linked list by setting the head variable to NULL, indicating an empty list.
Write an insert method to insert elements or nodes in the list. ‘
Write a delete function to remove alternate elements from the list. This function will iterate through the list and skips one item, and delete every other alternating item from the list.
- Write a function to display the elements of the list at any time to print output and verify results.
C++ Implementation
using namespace std;
/* Declaring Struct variable Node to represent a node in the Linked List. */
struct Node {
int data;
Node *next;
/* A function to delete alternative nodes from the Linked List */
void DeleteAlternativeNodes(Node *head) {
/* Check for empty List*/
if(head == NULL)
Node *current_node = head;
Node *next_node = head->next;
/* Loop to iterate over the complete list*/
while(next_node != NULL && current_node != NULL){
current_node ->next = next_node->next;
/* Removing the alternative node*/
/*Updating current_node*/
current_node = current_node ->next;
if (current_node != NULL) {
next_node = current_node ->next;
/* A function to display the given linekd list*/
void DisplayLinkedList(Node *node) {
/* Loop to iterate over the list and printing each element*/
while (node != NULL) {
cout << node->data;
node = node->next;
if(node != NULL)
cout<<" -> ";
/* An insert function to insert an item with value temp_data in the Linked list*/
void NodeInsert(Node** head_ref, int temp_data) {
Node* temp_node = new Node();
temp_node->data = temp_data;
temp_node->next = (*head_ref);
(*head_ref) = temp_node;
/* Driver function*/
int main() {
/* Initializing an empty Linked List*/
Node* head = NULL;
/* Inserting Sample elements*/
NodeInsert(&head, 5);
NodeInsert(&head, 4);
NodeInsert(&head, 3);
NodeInsert(&head, 2);
NodeInsert(&head, 1);
/* Displaying nodes before deletion*/
cout << "Before Deletion:\n";
/* Displaying nodes after deletion*/
cout << "\nAfter Deletion:\n";
return 0;
Before Deletion:
1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5
After Deletion:
1 -> 3 -> 5
Time complexity
O(n), where n denotes the number of nodes in the linked list.
Reason: To remove the alternate nodes of a Linked list, we must iterate through the entire list. Hence, the complexity of O(n) for n nodes.
Space complexity
O(n), where n denotes the number of nodes in the linked list.
Reason: To store the list elements, we require O(n) space complexity. Other than the list itself, the space required is constant.