This article will teach to solve a question where given a linked list and two integers M and N, solve the following problem. Continue traversing the linked list in this manner: keep M nodes, then delete the following N nodes, and so on until you reach the end.
Recommended Topic, Floyds Algorithm
Steps to Solve
For the linked list node, create a struct Node.
Use the dummy data to populate the linked list.
Create a method that deletes N nodes after M.
Use the head pointer to create a pointer.
Iterate until you've reached the end of the linked list.
Continue moving the pointer to the next node until M nodes have been reached.
N nodes should be removed.
- Navigate to the next node with the cursor.
Implementation in C++
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// linked list node
class Node
int val;
Node *next;
void push(Node ** headnode_refer, int new_val)
/* allocating node */
Node* new_node = new Node();
new_node->val = new_val;
/*the old list is linked to the new node */
new_node->next = (*head_refer);
/* Point to the new node with your head. */
(*head_refer) = new_node;
/* Printing a linked list function */
void printList(Node *headnode)
Node *tp = headnode;
while (tp != NULL)
cout<<tp->val<<" ";
tp = tp->next;
// N nodes in the connected list should be removed..
void delMN(Node *headnode, int M, int N)
Node *curr = headnode, *t;
int ct;
// traverses whole list
while (curr)
for (ct = 1; ct < M &&
curr!= NULL; ct++)
curr = curr->next;
//Return if we've reached the end of the list.
if (curr == NULL)
//Begin with the next node and work your way through the list, deleting N nodes at a time.
t = curr->next;
for (ct = 1; ct<=N && t!= NULL; ct++)
Node *tp = t;
t = t->next;
// Connect the nodes in the previous list to the ones that remain.
curr->next = t;
// Set the current pointer to the next iteration's value.
curr = t;
int main()
/* Creating linked list */
Node* headnode = NULL;
int M=2, N=3;
push(&headnode, 10);
push(&headnode, 9);
push(&headnode, 8);
push(&headnode, 7);
push(&headnode, 6);
push(&headnode, 5);
push(&headnode, 4);
push(&headnode, 3);
push(&headnode, 2);
push(&headnode, 1);
cout << "M = " << M<< " N = " << N << "\nLinked list is :\n";
delMN(headnode, M, N);
cout<<"\nAfter deletion is :\n";
return 0;
Implementation in Java
import java.util.*;
class DeleteMN
static class Node
int val;
Node next;
static Node push( Node head_refer, int new_val)
/* allocate node */
Node new_node = new Node();
/* put in the val */
new_node.val = new_val; = (head_refer);
(head_refer) = new_node;
return head_refer;
/* Printing a linked list function */
static void printList( Node headnode)
Node tp = headnode;
while (tp != null)
System.out.printf("%d ", tp.val);
tp =;
//The function skips M nodes in the linked list and then deletes N nodes.
static void delMN( Node headnode, int M, int N)
Node curr = headnode, t;
int ct;
// The main loop that iterates across the entire list
while (curr!=null)
for (ct = 1; ct < M && curr != null; ct++)
curr =;
// Return if we've reached the end of the list.
if (curr == null)
//Begin with the next node and delete N nodes.
t =;
for (ct = 1; ct <= N && t != null; ct++)
Node tp = t;
t =;
// Connect the nodes in the previous list to the ones that remain. = t;
// Set the current pointer to the next iteration's value.
curr = t;
public static void main(String args[])
Node headnode = null;
int M=2, N=3;
headnode=push(headnode,10);headnode=push(headnode, 9);
headnode=push(headnode, 8);headnode=push(headnode, 7);
headnode=push(headnode, 6);headnode=push(headnode, 5);
headnode=push(headnode, 4);headnode=push(headnode, 3);
headnode=push(headnode, 2);headnode=push(headnode, 1);
System.out.printf("M = %d, N = %d \n" +
"Linked list is :\n", M, N);
delMN(headnode, M, N);
System.out.printf("\nAfter deletion is :\n");
M = 2, N = 3
Linked list is :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
After deletion is :
1 2 6 7
Time Complexity:
O(N) Where N stands for the length of the Linked list.
Reason: O(N) time, this is because we have to iterate from start to end. The program deletes N nodes after skipping M nodes in the linked list. Begin with the next node on the list and work your way down, eliminating N nodes at a time.
Auxiliary Space Complexity:
O(1) as stored in the single data structure which is defined in the pre-built class in the collection.
Reason: Here we have used a pre-defined data structure from the collection. As a function of input attributes, the amount of memory space required to solve an instance of the computational problem is set to one.
Recommended Topic, Floyds Algorithm