Table of contents
Design System Publisher
Starting with Design System Publisher
Creating a New Project
Folder Structure
Development Build
Production Setup
Frequently Asked Questions
What are your views on Vaadin as a framework?
What is your take on Vaadin’s scalability?
List the best security practices offered by Vaadin.
Why would anyone prefer Production Mode?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Design System Publisher

Author Rupal Saluja
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Nowadays, every business in the digital market is targeting a greater reach. The primary goal is to create user-friendly interfaces and engage your users. An interactive and strong user experience (UX)  website is a must.

Vaadin, the Java framework, encourages developers to use Java as their programming language. The platform includes:

  • Many web components.
  • A Java-based web framework.
  • A few tools enabling the implementation of modern web Graphical User Interfaces (GUI).

The implementation can be done using Java only, TypeScript only, or both.

context of introduction

There are several tools of Vaadin which make it quite easy to operate. Therefore, it is now one of the most preferred platforms used for web development. In this blog, we will discuss one such tool of Vaadin, Design System Publisher, in detail.

logo of vaadin

Design System Publisher

Design System Publisher is a tool of Vaadin that let users generate their documentation website. The documentation website will be based on their design system consisting of the components, theme features, UI patterns, and guidelines.

notion of design system

A self-documented website makes it easier for designers and developers to keep note of the features available in their interface. That is, how they look like, how they would perform, and why they are used.

Starting with Design System Publisher

Before starting with the design system publisher tool, you must set up some mandatory environment requirements for pre-preparation.

  • Development Tools
    The documentation created using Design System Publisher tools contains a project showing UI examples. Thus, installing the same development tools while developing applications is necessary.
  • Git
    The CLI tool requires Git to clone an immediate copy of the documentation you create. So, make sure you have Git installed in your system before you start.
  • Node.js
    The Design System Publisher tool uses Node.js to carry out its process. So, make sure you have Node.js installed in your system before you start. It is recommended to use Node.js version 16.
three modules of design system publisher

Creating a New Project

Run the following command in the console window to create a new website project using the Design System tool.

npx @vaadin/cli@2.7.0 dsp-init

You will be redirected to a page where you must enter your design system's name. This name is used in several instances, such as page title, folder name, etc. 

example screenshot

The initialization script will take about a minute to finish. Once done with the process, you will have your project stored in your current working directory. Git manages the version control for the project.

You can refer to the image below to look into the directory's path. You can also get a brief idea of each step using the description.

path directory to create a new project

After the initialization process ends, you are required to make some file changes. Once satisfied with the changes, do not forget to commit them.

Folder Structure

The Folder Structure of a project is generated by its initialization script. An example of folder structure, along with a brief description, is given below.

path directory for folder structure

Development Build

Once you finish the initialization and learn about its aspects, you must transfer the project to development or authoring mode. Execute the following command inside the project folder to start with the development build.

npm run dspublisher:start

three modules of design system publisher

The Design System Publisher is downloaded, and many dependencies (Maven and npm) are installed during the first run. So, the first run might take quite a long time to complete and be fully functional. The start-ups after that are much quicker. This is because dependencies are already installed.

After a certain number of runs, the project gets started. The browser opens automatically at http://localhost:8000. Use it to access the URL to view your documentation page in development mode.

Production Setup

We are done with the appearance part of our design system site. Now, it is time to set up the production part. Use the following command to start with the production setup of the documentation site. 

npm run dspublisher:build

three modules of design system publisher

After the command has completed running, build a few artifacts under the dspublisher/out directory. 

The documentation site consists of two types of data, static and dynamic.

🍎 Static Data

The type of data that does not change at every instance is known as static data. There are multiple ways in which you can host the static content of the website. The most common way is to look for the dspublisher/out/public folder that contains the output of the build process. The output comprises static content such as CSS, JavaScript, HTML, images, and other content mandatory to view the documentation site. 

🍎 Dynamic Data

The type of data that is flexible and can change with instance is known as dynamic data. You need to add some extra details for the dynamic content, such as live examples for Java code. The documentation server should be running in the background and respond to incoming requests from the client.

The artifacts built earlier are stored in the directory, including the dspublisher/out/docs.jar file. It is the executable server-side counterpart for the site project. You can begin it using the following command.

java -jar docs.jar

The server only responds to requests on port 8080 by default.

two types of data

We have already defined the setup for hosting the static and data. Now, we will set up a reverse proxy server to connect these two. You can refer to the request examples given below.

  • ROOT/vaadin/* → docs:8080/vaadin
  • ROOT/connect/* → docs:8080/connect

As a precautionary measure, configure your server to respond with an ‘error 404’ page if a request for a non-existing page has been made. Add the 404/index.html file in the root of the static content directory to complete the configuration.

You can use Docker to test the build output with a simplified example. After successfully completing the build process and installing build artifacts, run the command given in the dspublisher/deployment-example-docker directory.

docker-compose up

To view the design system site created by you, open the http://localhost:80 directory.

Check out most important Git Interview Questions here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are your views on Vaadin as a framework?

Vaadin is a reliable web framework used for creating excellent internet applications. Creating web-based interfaces is easy, furious, and like creating desktop applications. Still, there arise certain situations where Vaadin does not work.

What is your take on Vaadin’s scalability?

Vaadin applications do scale well. Mistakes are possible with every framework. However, by considering standard Java best practices, it is simple and familiar to create applications with Vaadin. These applications not only scale well but also appear great and interact well, connecting more users.

List the best security practices offered by Vaadin.

The best security practices offered by Vaadin are Releasing Security patches, Redressal Mechanisms, Internal Security Practices, and Third-Party Libraries.

Why would anyone prefer Production Mode?

This is because, in Production Mode, development-mode JavaScript functions are not exported. That means the push is taken as a minified JavaScript file, unlike full, static resources that are cached later. Also, logged information doesn’t appear on the console. These are a few reasons why we prefer the production mode.


To cut short, we understood what is Design System Publisher and learned about its various aspects. This includes pre-preparation, creating a new project, and folder structure. We also learned about Development Build and Production Setup.

We hope the above discussion helped you understand Design System Publisher clearer and can be used for future reference whenever needed. To learn more about Vaadin and its components, you can refer to blogs on Vaadin-Design System ResourcesVaadin-Core ElementsConfirm Dialog, System Design Books and Combo Box.

You can also consider our System Design Course to give your career an edge over others.

Happy Coding!

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