Table of contents
About the job📽️
Salary and Perks💸
Skills, Qualifications, and Experience required🤹
Responsibilities as DevOps Engineer⛑️
Roadmap and Career map for the job🛣️
Preparation Tips and Resources💡
Frequently Asked Questions
What do DevOps actually do?
Do DevOps Engineers Need Coding?
Is DevOps Easy to Learn?
Can I Learn DevOps Online?
What Capgemini is famous for?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

DevOps Engineer at Capgemini

Author Shiva
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With its headquarters in Paris, France, Capgemini SE is a global provider of IT services and consulting. Serge Kampf established Capgemini in 1967 as enterprise management and data processing business.

Capgemini logo

With the help of companies like Capgemini Invent, a design and consulting brand of the Capgemini Group, Capgemini Engineering, Capgemini Q-Lab, and Sogeti, a fully-owned subsidiary of the Capgemini Group, the company offers a wide range of services to its clients. It is a consulting firm for information technology that specializes in engineering and technology-related professional services.

About the job📽️

A company's ability to deliver services and applications at high speed is improved by the DevOps combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools. As a result, products evolve and improve more quickly than they would in organizations using traditional software development and infrastructure management processes. This speed enables businesses to deliver better customer service and engage in more lucrative market competition.

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Under a DevOps strategy, development and operations teams are no longer separate from one another. In some cases, these two teams come together, and the engineers work across the whole application lifecycle—from development and test to deployment and operations—acquiring a variety of skills that are not particular to any one role.

Salary and Perks💸

Employees with experience between two and six years can expect to make an average pay of ₹6.4 lakh rupees per year as a Capgemini DevOps Engineer in India. At Capgemini, the compensation for a DevOps Engineer ranges from ₹4.5 to ₹10 lakhs per year.

Experience in years

Annual Salary Range

4 - 6 yrs exp

₹ 4.0Lakhs   -   ₹ 9.0Lakhs

6 - 8 yrs exp

₹ 6.0Lakhs   -   ₹ 14.3Lakhs

8 - 10 yrs exp

₹ 8.0Lakhs   -   ₹ 19.0Lakhs

10 - 11 yrs exp

₹ 20.0Lakhs   -   ₹ 20.0Lakhs

 ** Above salary figures are subject to change

salary image

It's always a good idea to include the perks of the job the company will provide, such as:

  • Health Care & Insurance
  • Performance Bonus
  • Maternity & Paternity Leave
  • Reduced or Flexible Hours
  • Educational resources
  • Opportunities to network and connect
  • Job Training & Tuition

Skills, Qualifications, and Experience required🤹

The Skills, Qualifications, and Experience required by a DevOps Engineer at Capgemini are the following:

  • Bachelor’s / Master’s or Doctorate in Related Field like B.E/B.Tech/MCA/M.E/M.Tech.
  • A DevOps Engineer at Capgemini must have a number of popular skills, including DevOps, Python, Linux, Jenkins, and SQL.
  • A great deal of expertise building libraries, templates, and fully automated scripting pipelines.
  • Understanding of building customized pipeline scripts to implement sophisticated build and release processes.
  • Understanding of deployment and configuration management tools like Puppet, Ansible, Chef, etc.
  • A team player with the capacity for high performance, adaptability in a changing workplace, and leadership skills.

Responsibilities as DevOps Engineer⛑️

A DevOps engineer's roles and responsibilities mix management and technical obligations. Excellent communication and coordination skills are essential to successfully integrate various operations in a coordinated manner and complete the tasks to the satisfaction of the client.

devops responsibilities

The following are some of the primary duties of a DevOps Engineer:

  • Knowing project KPIs and customer requirements
  • implementing various IT infrastructure, development, testing, and automation technologies
  • Organizing the team's composition, activity, and participation in project management tasks.
  • Managing external interfaces and stakeholders
  • setting up the equipment and infrastructure needed
  • establishing and defining development, test, release, update, and support procedures for DevOps operations
  • possess the technical expertise necessary to examine, confirm, and validate the software code created for the project.
  • Techniques for troubleshooting and eliminating issues in the code
  • Monitoring the processes for compliance throughout the whole lifecycle and updating or developing new procedures for improvement and waste reduction
  • Whenever possible, promoting and developing automated processes
  • the identification and implementation of cybersecurity measures through ongoing vulnerability assessment and risk management

Roadmap and Career map for the job🛣️

In order for you to become a DevOps Engineer at Capgemini, here are the things that should be at your fingertips:

roadmap image
  • Learn a programming Language
  • Master Operating System concepts
  • Learn about managing servers preferably with any Linux distro.
  • Networking & Security Protocols
  • Concepts and experience in reverse proxy, load balancer, caching server, firewall, etc.
  • Learn the infrastructure as code like containers, service mesh, and configuration management.
  • Learn some CI/CD tools like Jenkins, Circle CI, etc.
  • Learn how to monitor software and infrastructure using Jaegar, Prometheus, Datadog, New Relic, etc.
  • Cloud Providers like Google Cloud, AWS, Digital Ocean, etc.
  • Cloud Design Patterns like Data Availability, Data Management, Design, Implementation, and Monitoring.

Careers in DevOps, for a fresher, usually starts from DevOps Engineer all the way to VP of Technology!!, just like shown in the image below: 

careermap of devops engineer

Preparation Tips and Resources💡

To prepare, we must have a collection of good resources. As for DevOps Engineer at Capgemini, refer to these resources given below: 

To prepare for these interview rounds, here we have a few more resources for you 

resources image

Also, prepare yourself with attractive answers to the below-mentioned questions:

  • The time you disagree with the team and how you dealt with that.
  • Explain a situation when you were leading a group.
  • In a situation where your client has unreasonable demands, how do you respond to them?
  • Where you take a leadership role formally or informally.
  • The time you were at risk for any particular challenging project. 

While giving your interview, just be relaxed and give answers calmly and confidently.

We wish you all the very best.🤗

Frequently Asked Questions

What do DevOps actually do?

Engineering tools and expertise in the software development process are used by DevOps engineers to manage the operations of software development and speed up software creation.

Do DevOps Engineers Need Coding?

Yes, DevOps engineers do need coding. Usually. Applications carry out the instructions provided by the code. There is no application without code. That code must be written and revised in order for the program to adapt to new requirements. Even though, there is a fine line between customizing software and writing. Perhaps something could be given by purchased software.

Is DevOps Easy to Learn?

DevOps is simple to learn, but it can take some time to master because it requires a change in mindset and behavior. You can become familiar with the technical methods, such as continuous integration, delivery, release, deployment, monitoring, and configuration management tools, as well as the vocabulary, such as the three ways, agile manifesto, and others. 

Can I Learn DevOps Online?

Yes, it's probably the most effective approach right now. Online training is available from all of the top training providers. There are many options available if you simply conduct an online search. Consider what, when, and how you want to study as you would with any course to begin to focus your search. of course and you can be a DevOps engineer.

What Capgemini is famous for?

A global leader in consulting, engineering, technology, and digital transformation services is Capgemini. In the rapidly changing world of cloud, digital, and platforms, The Group is at the forefront of innovation to serve the whole spectrum of customer prospects.


This article covers everything you need to know about DevOps Engineer at Capgemini. Here are more articles for rescue.

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