Table of contents
Example of DFA Minimization
Advantages of DFA Minimization
Disadvantages of DFA Minimization
Frequently Asked Questions
What is DFA minimization?
How to minimize DFA using table filling method?
What is the time complexity of DFA minimization using Moore’s Algorithm?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

DFA Minimization

Author Sanjana kumari
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DFA minimization is the process of converting a DFA D into its equivalent DFA D’ (where ‘D’ is the input DFA and ‘D’’ is the output DFA such that:

  1. If D accepts a string, D’ will also accept that string.
  2. If D rejects a string, D’ will also reject a string.
  3. D’ has the minimum number of states.

Also See, Moore Machine

DFA Minimization


Let the given DFA be D(Q, Σ, q0, δ, F). The output of DFA minimization D’(Q’, Σ, q0, δ’, F’) can be created by compressing equivalent states. Two states (p, q) are called equivalent if for every string w, either {δ(p, w), δ(q, w)} belongs to F or does not belong to F. We can find equivalent states using the following:

  1. Remove all the states that are unreachable from the initial start state.
  2. Create a table of pairs (p, q) where p, q denotes some two states of Q. Initially, all the table cells are unmarked.
  3. Mark all the pairs (p, q) such that p belongs to F and q does not belong to F, or vice versa. 
  4. If (p, q) is unmarked and there exists a symbol such that {δ(p, a), δ(q, a)} is marked, then mark p and q.
  5. Repeat step-4 until no new pairs get marked.
  6. After completing the above process, p is equivalent to q if and only if (p, q) is unmarked. The equivalent states can be compressed to get the minimum number of states.

After this, we will just compress the equivalent states into a single state to get the DFA with the minimum number of states. The above DFA minimization algorithm is called Moore’s Algorithm.

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Example of DFA Minimization

Consider the following DFA:

Example DFA


To do DFA minimization, we will create a table of pairs to mark and unmark them. Now mark the states (p, q) if p belongs to F and q does not belong to F or vice versa. 

For example,

  1. 1 does not belong to the final state while 2 belongs to the final state. Therefore we mark (1, 2).
  2. 1 does not belong to the final state, while 3 belongs to the final state. Therefore we mark (1, 3).
  3. 2 and 3 belong to the final state, so we don’t mark (2, 3) yet.

Similarly, we will check for every pair of states. The table after performing this step will look like:

X 2        
X   3      
  X X 4    
  X X   5  
X     X X 6

Now, we will check if there exist two states p and q such that (p, q) is unmarked and there exists a symbol such that {δ(p, a), δ(q, a)} is marked, then mark p and q. We have to perform this until no new pairs (p, q) get marked.

For example,

  1. δ(2, ‘a’) is 4, which is not in the final state, while δ(6, ‘a’) is 6, which is in the final state. Therefore, we will mark (2, 6).
  2. δ(3, ‘a’) is 5, which is not in the final state, while δ(6, ‘a’) is 6, which is in the final state. Therefore, we mark (3, 6).
  3. δ(2, ‘a’) is 4 and δ(3, ‘a’) is 5, both are not in the final state Therefore, we left them unmarked.

Similarly, check for every unmarked pair of states until no new pairs get marked.

Table after 1st iteration:

X 2        
X   3      
  X X 4    
  X X   5  
X X X X X 6

Table after 2nd iteration:

X 2        
X   3      
X X X 4    
X X X   5  
X X X X X 6

No more pairs can be marked any further, hence the algorithm terminates. From the final table, we can see that the states (2, 3) and (4, 5) are equivalent. Hence, the DFA with the minimum number of states can be formed by compressing these states. The output of the DFA minimization will have the following form:

Minimized DFA

The minimum number of states here is 4.

Also see, Turing Machine in TOC.

Advantages of DFA Minimization

Minimizing a Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA) in formal language theory andAutomata theory offers several advantages:

  • Reduced State Space: Minimization simplifies the DFA by reducing the number of states, leading to smaller and more efficient automata.
  • Saves Memory: A minimized DFA requires less memory and storage, making it more space-efficient.
  • Faster Processing: Smaller DFAs result in faster state transitions, improving runtime performance.
  • Easier Maintenance: Minimized DFAs are easier to comprehend, maintain, and debug due to their simpler structure.
  • Optimized Software: Minimized DFAs can lead to more efficient and optimized software, especially in lexical analysis and pattern matching tasks.
  • Reduced Complexity: Minimization eliminates unnecessary states and transitions, reducing the overall complexity of the automaton.
  • Improved Testing: Smaller automata are easier to test, increasing the reliability of the implemented algorithms.
  • Optimized Finite State Machines: In applications like regular expression matching and network protocols, minimized DFAs are essential for efficient processing.
  • Reduced Computational Complexity: Minimizing DFAs can reduce computational overhead, benefiting applications where processing speed is critical.

Disadvantages of DFA Minimization

While DFA (Deterministic Finite Automaton) minimization offers several advantages, it also has some disadvantages:

  • Complexity of the Algorithm: The minimization algorithm can be complex, especially for larger DFAs, leading to increased computational requirements.
  • Resource Intensive: The minimization process may demand significant CPU and memory resources, which can be a concern for resource-constrained systems.
  • No Further Reduction Possible: In some cases, a DFA may already be minimal, and attempting to minimize it further could be unnecessary and computationally expensive.
  • Trade-Off with Speed: Minimizing a DFA may lead to a smaller automaton but could require additional processing time, potentially affecting performance.
  • Limited Applicability: Minimization is most beneficial for DFAs representing certain regular languages; for some other languages or specific tasks, the effort may not be justified.
    Also read - Arden's theorem

Frequently Asked Questions

What is DFA minimization?

DFA (Deterministic Finite Automata) is a machine that reads an input string, one symbol at a time. A DFA has a single start state and only one path for every input string. However, there can be multiple final states in a DFA.

How to minimize DFA using table filling method?

To minimize a DFA using the table-filling method: initialize a table, mark equivalent state pairs, update transitions, and create a minimized DFA.

What is the time complexity of DFA minimization using Moore’s Algorithm?

The maximum number of states in a minimized DFA depends on the complexity and redundancy of the language it recognizes. Minimization can potentially reduce states significantly, but it varies by specific language and DFA characteristics.


In this article, we learned DFA minimization using Moore’s Algorithm. If you want to learn more about such topics, you can visit Coding Ninjas Studio.

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