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Constructors and methods are two important concepts in object-oriented programming. Both are used to perform different tasks in a class and help in creating and manipulating objects.
A Constructor helps in the initialization of the Object. Whereas a method is defined within a class used in manipulating the particular properties inside the Object.
In this article, we will compare and contrast the difference between constructor and method, their syntax, purpose, and usage.
What are Constructors?
Constructors are special methods in object-oriented programming languages like Java, C++, and Python that are automatically called when an object is instantiated. Their primary purpose is to initialize the newly created object, setting initial values for its fields and performing any setup procedures required for the object to function correctly. Constructors have the same name as the class and do not have a return type.
Example in Java:
public class MyClass {
int value;
// Constructor
public MyClass(int initialValue) {
value = initialValue;
public static void main(String[] args) {
MyClass obj = new MyClass(10); // Calls the constructor
System.out.println(obj.value); // Output: 10
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The constructor is executed whenever we create new objects of that class.
Also, it is important to note that a constructor needs to have the exact same name as the class, and it does not have any return type.
The Constructor does not return anything. That’s why you do not need to give any return type to the constructor.
Constructors are very important because they are responsible for the proper initialization of objects.
They can also be overloaded with different parameter lists; this allows us to provide different initial states for our object of that class depending on our needs.
What are the Methods?
A method is what we refer to as a function that is defined within a class, and like any other function, we can pass different parameters to it.
They are integral for manipulating the properties of the class because, when invoked, they can be used to make the required changes.
Basically, a method is the equivalent of a function in object-oriented programming.
In methods, we usually operate on the various attributes of the class.
Constructors vs. Methods
Let us take an example to illustrate the difference between Constructor and Method in detail:
We have a Person class that has two instance variables, name and age, which are declared as private to ensure encapsulation.
As soon as we create the object of the Person class, the constructor gets invoked. On the other hand, the method needs to be invoked using the object.
Code in Java
/* Java program to illustrate the difference between Constructor and Method */ public class Person { private String name; private int age;
// constructor public Person(String name, int age) { = name; this.age = age; }
// method public void sayHello() { System.out.println("Hello, my name is " + name + " and I am " + age + " years old."); }
// main method public static void main(String[] args) { Person p = new Person("Ninja", 20); p.sayHello(); } }
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This code demonstrates the difference between constructors and methods, where the constructor is used to initialize the state of an object, and the method is used to perform operations on the object.
Difference between Constructor and Method
Below are some main differences between the constructor and method:
Constructors are used to create and initialise an Object.
A Method is a set of instructions that returns a value after the execution.
A constructor is invoked implicitly by the system.
A method is invoked during the program code.
A constructor is invoked when the new keyboard is used to create an object.
A method is invoked when it is called.
A constructor cannot have any return type.
A method should have a return type.
A constructor must have the same name as the class.
A method name can not be the same as a class name.
A constructor cannot be inherited by a subclass.
A method is inherited by subclass as well.
A constructor initialises an object which is not existent.
A method can be invoked only by an existing object.
Let us discuss an example of a constructor vs method with output:
// This code prints the message "I love coding ninjas" // and changes the name of the person to "Dhruv"
class Person { private String name;
public Person() { = "Dhruv"; System.out.println("Creating a new person named Dhruv"); }
public void setName(String name) { = name; }
public String getName() { return; }
public void sayHello() { System.out.println("Hello, my name is " +; } }
public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Person person = new Person(); System.out.println(person.getName()); // Dhruv person.setName("Dhruv"); System.out.println(person.getName()); // Dhruv person.sayHello(); // Hello, my name is Dhruv } }
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The Person class contains a constructor that initializes the name property to the value "Dhruv". It also has methods to set and get the value of the name property and a method to print a greeting message.
The Main class creates a new Person object and prints the name of the object. After that, it changes the name of the object and prints the name again. Finally, it calls the sayHello() method to print a greeting message.
Hello, my name is Dhruv
Frequently Asked Questions
Can a method have the same name as the constructor?
Yes, a method can have the same name as the constructor, but it should have a different attribute list; this is called method overloading.
What is the difference between the constructor and the main method?
A constructor initializes an object when it is created, while the main method is the entry point of a Java application, used to run the program.
What is the difference between a constructor and an object in Java?
A constructor is a special method used to initialize an object, while an object is an instance of a class, representing a specific realization of the class blueprint.
What is the difference between a constructor and a method signature?
A constructor has no return type and shares the class name, while a method signature includes the method's name and parameter list, optionally with a return type.
What is the difference between constructor and method overloading in Java?
A constructor initializes new objects, while method overloading allows multiple methods with the same name but different parameters within a class, enabling different implementations.
To summarize the discussion, we have discussed the difference between Constructor and method in detail. We have also discussed the types of constructors along with various examples.
After reading about the key difference between constructor and method, if you feel like going in-depth and knowing more about each of them, Don't worry, refer to our recommended articles :