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In C++, we have classes that act as a blueprint from which objects are created. The process of creating and deleting objects in C++ is a vital task. C++ provides special member functions known as a constructor, which enables an object to be initialized at the time of its creation. A constructor is also called the automatic initialization of objects.
There is another member function called destructor, which is used to destroy the objects when they are no longer required. They are used to free or release the memory occupied by the objects.
A constructor is a special member function of a class, and they are used to initialize the objects of the class. Constructors are called each time an instance of a class is created. It is known as a special member function of a class as the name of the constructor is the same name of the class. A constructor basically gives value to data members of the class, these initial values can be passed as arguments to the constructor when an object is declared.
Special Characteristics of Constructors
Constructors should be declared under the public access specifier.
Constructors don't have any return type.
They can have default arguments.
Constructors get invoked automatically when objects are created.
Constructors do not get inherited, but the derived class can call the base class constructor.
Types of Constructors
There are three types of constructors in C++:
Default constructor
A constructor is said to be a default constructor if it doesn't take any arguments, that is, it has no parameter. A default constructor is automatically provided by the compiler if we do not provide it explicitly.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class student
int age;
string name;
// Default Constructor
age = 10;
name = "xyz";
int main()
// Default constructor called automatically
// when the object is created
student std1;
cout << "age: " << std1.age << endl
<< "name: " <<;
return 1;
A constructor is called a parameterized constructor if that constructor can accept arguments. Arguments help to initialize the objects when they are created. Like we pass arguments to a normal function the same way arguments are passed to the parameterized constructor. The arguments passed are used to initialize the objects in the constructor’s body.
When an object is declared using the parameterized constructor, the initial values have to be passed as arguments to the constructor. Constructors can be called implicitly or explicitly.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class student
int age;
string name;
// Parameterized Constructor
student(int x,string y)
age = x;
name = y;
int main()
//Constructor called
student std1(10,"xyz");
cout << "age: " << std1.age << endl
<< "name: " <<;
return 1;
age: 10
name: xyz
Copy constructor
A constructor is called a copy constructor, which initializes an object using another object of the same class. We need a copy constructor when an object of the class is returned by values, or it is passed by value as an argument. If we don't define a copy constructor explicitly, then the C++ compiler creates a default constructor for each class which does a memberwise copy between objects.
using namespace std;
class Student
int age, marks;
Student(int x, int y) { age = x; marks = y; }
// Copy constructor
Student(const Student &std1) {age = std1.age; marks = std1.marks; }
int getAge() { return age; }
int getMarks() { return marks; }
int main()
Student std1(10, 85); // Normal constructor is called here
Student std2 = std1; // Copy constructor is called here
// Let us access values assigned by constructors
cout << "Student-1 age = " << std1.getAge() << ", Student-1 marks = " << std1.getMarks();
cout << "\nStudent-2 age = " << std2.getAge() << ", Student-2 marks = " << std2.getMarks();
return 0;
Student-1 age = 10, Student-1 marks = 85
Student-2 age = 10, Student-2 marks = 85
What is a Destructor?
A destructor is a member function which is used to destroy the objects created by constructors. Destructor has the same name as the class name preceded by ‘~’ tilde operator. It deallocates the memory of the object. A destructor is usually called when the object of the class is freed or deleted. A destructor can not be overloaded. They are always called in the reverse order of the constructor, that is, if a class is inherited by another class, then first the destructor of the child class is called and then the destructor of the parent class. A destructor doesn't take any argument or return any value.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class X
// constructor
cout<<"Constructor called"<<endl;
// destructor
cout<<"Destructor called"<<endl;
int main()
X x; // Constructor Called
} // Destructor called for x
Difference between Constructor and Destructor in C++
A constructor is a special member function that is automatically called when an object of a class is created.
A destructor is a special member function that is automatically called when an object of a class is destroyed.
The purpose of a constructor is to initialize the object's data members and perform any necessary setup.
The purpose of a destructor is to clean up and release any resources allocated by the object during its lifetime.
A constructor has the same name as the class it belongs to.
A destructor has the same name as the class it belongs to, preceded by a tilde (~).
A constructor can have parameters to initialize the object with specific values.
A destructor does not have any parameters.
A class can have multiple constructors with different parameters (constructor overloading).
A class can have only one destructor.
Constructors are called when an object is created, either statically or dynamically using the new keyword.
Destructors are called automatically when an object is destroyed, either when it goes out of scope or when delete is used on a dynamically allocated object.
If no constructor is explicitly defined, the compiler provides a default constructor.
If no destructor is explicitly defined, the compiler provides a default destructor.
Frequently asked questions
Can a constructor be overloaded?
In C++, we can have more than one constructor in a class with the same name, as long as each has a different list of arguments, which is known as constructor overloading.
Is destructor overloading possible in C++?
No, it is not possible to overload destructors in C++.
What happens if we don't explicitly define a constructor and a destructor?
If we don't explicitly define a constructor and a destructor, then the compiler automatically defines a constructor and destructor for the user automatically.
In this blog, we discussed constructors and destructors in C++. We began by understanding what constructors are, their purpose, and the different types available, like default, parameterized, and copy constructors, with their examples. We then looked into destructors, their use, and how they complement constructors. Constructors and destructors play a crucial role in implementing object-oriented programming concepts in C++ classes, facilitating proper object initialization and cleanup.