Table of contents
What is CSMA/CD?
How Does CSMA CD Work?
Algorithm of CSMA/CD
Advantages and Disadvantages of CSMA CD
Advantages of CSMA CD
Disadvantages of CSMA CD
What is CSMA/CA?
How Does CSMA CA Work?
Algorithm of CSMA/CA
Advantages and Disadvantages of CSMA CA
Advantages of CSMA CA
Disadvantages of CSMA CA
Difference between CSMA CA and CSMA CD
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the full form of CSMA CA?
Is CSMA CD wired or wireless?
Why is CSMA CA used?
What is the principle of CSMA CA?
What is the CSMA CD and CSMA CA protocol?
What is the difference between CSMA CA and CSMA CD?
Which is more efficient and why CSMA CD or CSMA CA?
Last Updated: Apr 3, 2024

Difference between CSMA/CA and CSMA/CD


CSMA stands for Carrier Sense Multiple Access. A Media Access Protocol that uses carrier-sense multiple access (MAC). A node must confirm whether or not there is any traffic on the shared transmission channel in this case. Even though they are relatively similar phrases, they are a few significant distinctions when examined attentively.


There are two forms of CSMA

  1. Collision Avoidance
  2. Collision Detection

In this article, we will discuss CSMA with Collision Avoidance and CSMA with Collision Detection and discuss the differences between CSMA CD and CSMA CA.

What is CSMA/CD?

Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) is a network protocol that operates on the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer for carrier transfer. It detects or listens to see if the shared transmission channel is busy or not, and defers transmissions until the channel is free. Collisions are detected using collision detection technology, which detects broadcasts from other stations. When a collision is detected, the station pauses transmitting, broadcasts a jam signal, and then waits a random time period before retransmitting. 

How Does CSMA CD Work?

CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection) is a network access method used in Ethernet networks. Devices listen to the network before transmitting to avoid collisions. If a collision is detected during transmission, devices stop transmitting, wait for a random time, and then retry.

Algorithm of CSMA/CD

The Algorithms of CSMA/CD are as follows −

  • Each node (computer) determines if the line is available for data transmission.
  • When a node detects an idle line, the data packets are released.
  • The state of collision occurs when two computers communicate data simultaneously.
  • When a node collides, it tries to deliver the data again with a configurable time interval (the process continues if the collision happens again).

Advantages and Disadvantages of CSMA CD

Advantages of CSMA CD

  • Easy to implement
  • Lower in cost
  • Self-correction ability
  • High Scalability

Disadvantages of CSMA CD

  • Low efficiency
  • High latency
  • Low bandwidth efficiency
  • Unstable performance

What is CSMA/CA?

Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) is a network protocol that operates on the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer for carrier transfer. In contrast to CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection), which deals with collisions after they happen, CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance) prevents collisions from happening.

You can refer to this link to learn more about CSMA CA.

How Does CSMA CA Work?

CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance) is a network access method used in wireless networks like Wi-Fi. Before transmitting, devices listen to the channel. If the channel is clear, they send a request-to-send (RTS) frame to reserve the channel. Upon receiving the clear-to-send (CTS) frame from the receiver, they transmit data. This method reduces collisions and improves efficiency in wireless environments.

Algorithm of CSMA/CA

The Algorithms of CSMA/CA are as follows −

  • Any other communication on the network is detected by a node first.
  • This approach tries to prevent collisions as much as possible.
  • If another broadcast goes on, it will wait a brief period before checking the channel again.
  • When the target device receives the data, it will acknowledge it.
  • If the sender's computer does not respond to the recipient, it will presume that the data was not received.

Advantages and Disadvantages of CSMA CA

Advantages of CSMA CA

  • Collision Avoidance
  • Stable performance
  • High Adabpatbility
  • High efficiency

Disadvantages of CSMA CA

  • Complex to implement
  • High in cost
  • Limited range
  • Inefficient for dense networks

Difference between CSMA CA and CSMA CD

1 This CSMA type is utilized to identify a shared channel collision.  It's a kind of CSMA used to keep a shared channel free of collision.
2 It's a mechanism for detecting collisions. It's a mechanism for avoiding collisions. 
3 In an Ethernet 802.11 network, CSMA/CA is employed.  In an Ethernet 802.3 network, cables have CSMA/CD. 
4 It works with both wired and wireless networks. It can connect to wireless networks.

After a network's collision detection, this

is effective.

This is helpful before a network's collision detection.
6 When a data packet on a shared channel collides, the data frame is resent. The CSMA CA, on the other hand, does not recover after a collision and waits until the channel is crowded.
7 It reduces the amount of time it takes to recuperate. It lessens the chances of a collision.
8 It has a larger user base than the CSMA CA. It's not as well-known as the CSMA CD.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the full form of CSMA CA?

CSMA CA stands for Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance.

Is CSMA CD wired or wireless?

CSMA CD is primarily used in wired Ethernet networks.

Why is CSMA CA used?

CSMA CA is used in wireless networks to minimize collisions and optimize channel utilization, enhancing network efficiency.

What is the principle of CSMA CA?

CSMA CA works by devices listening to the channel, sending request-to-send (RTS) frames, and awaiting clear-to-send (CTS) frames before transmitting data, thus avoiding collisions in wireless networks.

What is the CSMA CD and CSMA CA protocol?

CSMA/CD stands for Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection. CSMA/CD is an Ethernet protocol that controls the access to shared network channels. On the other hand CSMA/CA which stands for Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision avoidance is used in Wi-Fi networks to avoid collisions by reducing the interference.

What is the difference between CSMA CA and CSMA CD?

The CSMA/CD type is utilized to identify a shared channel collision. It's a mechanism for detecting collisions and works with both wired and wireless networks. While CSMA/CA is used to keep a shared channel free of collision. And it's a mechanism for avoiding collisions and can connect to wireless networks. 

Which is more efficient and why CSMA CD or CSMA CA?

For collision detection, CSMA CD is superior to CSMA. To prevent the transmission of trash in any way, CSMA CD is utilised. It is used to consume or share the same amount of bandwidth at each station as necessary. Compared to CSMA CA, it has lower CSMA CD overhead.


This article discussed CSMA and the different types of CSMA. We discussed CSMA/CA, and it's working, and CSMA/CD, and it's working. In the end, we discussed the difference between CSMA CA and CSMA CD. 

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