Last updated: Mar 4, 2022

Digital Components

It is natural to come across various digital components while learning about computer architecture and its organization. These components are constructed using a variety of logical circuits and chipsets. These components carry out specific tasks such as memory storage, multiplying or dividing lines, and much more. This section will go over components such as encoders, decoders, multiplexers, RAM, and ROM.
This article discusses an overview of an encoder and their types and their truth table, the boolean functions using different types of gates and their advantages and disadvantages.
Sampling Theorem MEDIUM
The sampling theorem plays an important role in digital signals and processing along with advanced control operations.
Author Nitika
Seven Segment Display EASY
A seven segment display is an LED(light emitting diode) based display that can be used to show numbers or alphabets.
Multiplexers (MUX)
In this blog, we will learn about multiplexers and the types of multiplexers, along with their boolean expression and logic circuit.
What is Demultiplexer (DEMUX)? EASY
The objective of this article is to teach you what a Demultiplexer is and what several standard Demux configurations are there, along with the corresponding truth table and logic circuits.
his blog will learn about Registers and their different types.
In this article, we will learn about different types of RAM and ROM.
Difference between 8085 and 8086 Microprocessor EASY
The 8085 Microprocessor, created by Intel in 1976, preceded the 8086 Microprocessor. It utilized NMOS technology.
Author Nitika
Difference Between EPROM and EEPROM
In this article, we will discuss the difference between EPROM and EEPROM. ROM stands for Read-Only Memory, EPROM, and EEPROM are types of ROM memory chips.
Difference Between Hard copy and Soft copy MEDIUM
A hard copy is a physical form of data, like printed documents or photos, while a soft copy is digital, stored on a computer or drive.