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Last updated: Feb 15, 2022


Django is a high-level web framework in Python, that allows fast and robust development of complex database-driven websites. Django enables hassle-free web development which allows us to focus on writing business logic for our website without reinventing the wheel. In this blog series, we have covered the basics to advanced Django concepts covering Django templates, forms, views, models, authentication, ajax requests.
Best Books to Learn Django for Beginners and Advanced

Django Basics

Django is one of the most used frameworks in modern web development. It is used by Instagram, Spotify, YouTube, Bitbucket, Pinterest, and many more giant websites. So, let's learn about creating our first project in Django, and reading about best practices for structuring our project folder. In this tutorial, we will also see its features along with a comparison between Django and other frameworks.
Basics of Django Framework EASY
This article is a basic overview of what Django is, how it works and how it helps developers increase their productivity during the development.
Advance Serializers HARD
Hi, in this blog, we will understand about the Advanced Serializers, and we will also see the implementation of the same.
Django Installation
This blog covers the introduction to Django and the features, advantages, and disadvantages in detail.
Getting started with Django
This blog covers the introduction to Django and the features, advantages, and disadvantages in detail.
Django Redirect MEDIUM
This article covers the concept of redirecting webpages using Django with an example.
When to use Django and comparison to other Development stacks
This blog will discuss when to use Django and compare it with the other development stacks available.
Project structure in Django
Django, a Python web framework that allows us to develop maintainable and secure websites. In this article, we are discussing the project structure in Django.
Create a basic Django Project using MVT
This blog covers the concept of creating a basic Django project using MVT.
How to create app in Django
This blog will look at what is Django and the pre-installed apps we need. Moreover, for creating an app in Django, what are methods we can follow. Then we will go through how to do the project.

Django Forms

Forms are the best way of interacting with user events, to make websites interactive. Django allows us to use a range of libraries and tools to build interactive forms for users. In this tutorial we will learn how to create web forms with different approaches, adding validations & different form fields and widgets. We will also see how to render forms in a better way and how to use FormSets and how to create forms using models.
Django Forms
In this blog, we will be discussing Django forms.
Create a Form using Django Forms
This blog covers the concept of Django forms, how to use them, and how to create a form in Django.
Render HTML forms in Django
This blog will discuss rendering HTML forms in Django.
Django forms fields
This article discusses the many fields that can be used in a form, as well as the various features and approaches associated with Django Forms
Django form field custom widgets
This blog will learn about Django form field custom widgets with a detailed example.
Initial form data in Django Forms
Initial form values – we may want to fill in some or all of the form fields with some data. In this blog, we are discussing initial form data in Django Forms.
Author Ranjul
Django Model Form
This blog explains the Django ModelForm helper class using an example project.
Render Django Form Fields Manually
We will see how to render Django form fields manually. We render Django form fields manually to make them beautiful, user-friendly, and more controlled.
Django Formsets
This blog looks into the advanced concept of Django formsets.
Django ModelFormSets
This blog will learn Django ModelFormSets with a detailed example.

Django Views

Views basically refer to a python function that takes a web request and gives a response in the form of an HTML web page, 404 error, XML document, or anything. In this tutorial, we will learn about creating views, CRUD operation, creating different views like list view, detail view, form view, class-based generic views.
Views in Django
This blog covers the concept of views in Django responsible for taking a Web request and delivering a Web response.
Django CRUD
In this blog, we will learn about all CRUD operations in Django.
Function-Based List View in Django
This blog covers the concept of the function-based list view in Django, which generates a list of model items from the database.
Function-Based Detail View in Django
This blog covers the concept of the function-based detail view in Django, which displays a particular instance of a database table with all the required details.
Function-based Detail Views in Django
In this blog, we will be discussing Function-based Detail View in Django.
Class-Based Generic Views Django MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss the class-based generic views of Django.
Class-Based List View in Django
This blog covers the concept of the class-based list view in Django, which generates a list of model items from the database.
FormView | Django
In this blog, we will be discussing FormView in Django.

Django Models

Models are the way of defining the source of information about the database schema, it includes all the important information about fields and behavior of data we are storing. Each model describes a single database table. In this tutorial we will learn about using Models, ORM, adding different fields into a schema, using different functions and validations on the schema.
Django ORM and Its Operations
In this blog, we will learn about ORM operations in the database.
Django Basic App Model
In this blog, we will learn how to create a Django app model and how makemigrations and migrate commands work.
Django Model Data Types and Fields List MEDIUM
This blog covers the Django model data types and field list concepts.
Add the SlugField inside Django Model
This blog will learn how to Add the SlugField inside Django Model.
Intermediate models in Django
This blog will learn about the intermediate models in Django with examples.
Rendering Django Model in the Admin Interface
This blog covers the concept of rendering Django Model in the admin interface of the Django web application.
Change Object Display Name using __str__ function
This blog will learn how to Change Object Display Name using __str__ function in Django Models.
Built-in Field Validations in Django models
Django is a high-level python web framework used to create and maintain secure websites. Built-in field validations in Django models are predefined in Django.
Author Ranjul
Custom Field Validations in Django Model
This blog will learn how to do custom field validations in Django Model.
How to use Django Field Choices?
In this blog, we are discussing Django field choices.
How to override the save method in Django Models
In this article, we will learn about override the save method in Django.


This category deals with the usage of some miscellaneous features of Django that we have studied so far.
Handling Ajax requests in Django
This blog will learn how to handle Ajax requests in Django.
Django User Groups With Custom Permissions
This blog will learn about Django user groups with custom permissions.
Django Admin Interface
In this article, we'll learn about the most potent development tool provided by the Django web framework, i.e. Admin interface.
Extending and Customizing django-allauth
In this blog, we will learn about customizing our signup forms using django-allauth.
Creating a project in Django
In this blog, we will discuss in detail about creating a project in Django and set up a basic project in Django.
Dealing with Warnings - Django
In this blog, we’ll learn about the warnings in Django and how to handle them.
Sessions framework in Django
In this blog, we are going to learn the Django sessions framework which is used to pass data across the web pages
Reasons To Choose Django Framework
This article is a basic overview of what Django is, how it works and how it helps developers increase their productivity.
Difference between Django vs Flask EASY
This article will contain all the key differences between Django vs Flask. We will further look at the various advantages and disadvantages of both Django vs Flask.