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Table of contents
Testing Resources
Testing Client Implementations
Testing Database Interactions
DAO Test Extension
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Dropwizard use Jetty?
What is managed in Dropwizard?
What is a Dropwizard bundle?
What is the difference between Dropwizard and spring boot?
What distinguishes Jetty and Tomcat from one another?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Dropwizard-Testing Representations


An open-source Java framework called Dropwizard is used to quickly create high-performance RESTful web services. It puts a few well-known libraries together to create a little package. It primarily uses the JettyJerseyJacksonJUnit, and Guava libraries. It also uses a library of metrics that it has created.

We'll learn about Dropwizard's testing implementation in this article.



Instead of deploying your apps to an application server or web server, Dropwizard specifies a primary method that starts the Jetty server as an independent process. To run the application, Dropwizard only advises using Jetty; Tomcat and other web services are not supported.

With the aid of Dropwizard, developers can quickly bootstrap their projects and package their software as standalone services that are simple to set up and deploy. It is also relatively easy to utilize and put into practice.


Testing Resources

Some resources are better suited to a more comprehensive strategy. However, many resource classes can be tested simply by calling the methods on the class in a test. Use ResourceExtension to load a specified resource instance into an in-memory Jersey server for these:

//must to import
import io.dropwizard.testing.junit5.DropwizardExtensionsSupport;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
import io.dropwizard.testing.junit5.ResourceExtension;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.*;

class PersonResourceTest {
private static final ResourceExtension Extens = ResourceExtension.builder()
           .addResource(new PersonResource(DAO))
   private static final PersonDAO D_A_O= mock(PersonDAO.class);
   private Person find_person;

   void setup() {
       find_person = new Person();

   void tearDown() {

   void getPersonSuccess() {

       Person find ="/people/1").request().get(Person.class);


   void getPersonNotFound() {
       final Response finalres ="/people/2").request().get();



Create a ResourceExtension using its Builder, then populate it with the various resource instances you want to test. Builder#addResource(Object). To instruct Dropwizard to look for any fields of ResourceExtension, annotate the class with the @ExtendWith(DropwizardExtensionsSupport.class) annotation.

Use #target(String path) in your tests to initialize a request to communicate with and test your instances.

ResourceExtension testing will handle all serialization, deserialization, and validation within the HTTP process, so opening a port is unnecessary.

Testing Client Implementations

Testing Client Implementations

You may test your HTTP client code by creating a JAX-RS resource as a test double and using the DropwizardClientExtension to start and stop a straightforward Dropwizard application containing your test doubles. This can help you eliminate circular dependencies in your projects or speed up test runs.

class Client_Test {
   public static class Ping_Resource {
       public String ping() {
           return "ppong";

   private static final DropwizardClientExtension Extern = new DropwizardClientExtension(new PingResource());

   void shouldPing() throws IOException {
       final URL URL = new URL(Extern.baseUri() + "/ping");
//take input for the response
       final String finalres = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(URL.openStream())).readLine();
       assertEquals("ppong", finalres);


Specifically, the DropwizardClientExtension handles:

  • Making a straightforward default configuration.
  • Creating a specific application.
  • Modifying the application removes a fake health check to disable the startup warning.
  • Your test duplicates for JAX-RS resources should be added to the Dropwizard application.
  • Picking a random free port number (necessary for running tests in parallel).
  • Launching the Dropwizard program that contains the test duplicates.
  • Putting an end to the Dropwizard program that contains the test doubles.

Testing Database Interactions

Testing Database Interactions

In Dropwizard, the @UnitOfWork annotation used on resource methods is used to control database access. A DAOTestExtension is offered that creates a Hibernate SessionFactory in case you want to test database-layer code independently.

public class Testing_DataBase{

   public DAOTestExtension DB= DAOTestExtension.newBuilder().addEntityClass(FooEntity.class).build();

   private FooDAO foo_DAO;

   public void setUp() {
       foo_DAO = new FooDAO(DB.getSessionFactory());

   public void createsFunc() {
       FooEntity foo_Entity = new FooEntity("bar");
       long id_new = database.inTransaction(() -> {

       assertThat(foo_Entity.getId_new, notNullValue());

   public void roundtripsFoo() {
       long id_new = database.inTransaction(() -> {
           return FooEntity("baz"));

       FooEntity foo_Entity = fooDAO.get(id);

       assertThat(foo_Entity.getFoo(), equalTo("baz"));

DAO Test Extension

  • Use an H2 in-memory database to create a straightforward default Hibernate configuration.
  • Provides a function for carrying out database operations during a transaction and a SessionFactory instance that may be provided to, for example, a subclass of AbstractDAO

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Dropwizard use Jetty?

Because HTTP is essential to being a web application, Dropwizard uses the Jetty HTTP framework to integrate a highly optimized HTTP server into your project.

What is managed in Dropwizard?

Dropwizard offers a Managed interface. You can either construct a wrapper class that implements the #start() and #stop() methods or have the type in question do so. An object's lifecycle is connected to your application's HTTP server when a Managed instance is added to your application's environment.

What is a Dropwizard bundle?

When defining the building blocks of an application's behavior, a Dropwizard Bundle is a reusable collection of functionality (sometimes provided by the Dropwizard project itself).

What is the difference between Dropwizard and spring boot?

While Spring Boot uses the embeddable version of Tomcat by default but offers an alternative if you prefer Jetty or even RedHat's Undertow, Dropwizard goes the convention over configuration approach a little further and is entirely built on Jetty.

What distinguishes Jetty and Tomcat from one another?

Jetty is run by the Eclipse Foundation, while Tomcat is an Apache project. When it comes to licensing, Jetty and Tomcat both have dual licenses under the Apache 2.0 License and the Eclipse Public License 1.0. Tomcat is available under the Apache 2.0 Open Source License.


So that's the end of the article. Dropwizard-Testing Representations

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