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Table of contents
Defining Methods with define_method
Defining Methods with class_eval and instance_eval
Frequently Asked Questions
What is define_method Ruby?
What is metaprogramming in Ruby?
What is method_missing in Ruby?
Is Ruby dynamic typed?
What is monkey patching in Ruby?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Dynamically Creating Methods in Ruby

Author Abhay Trivedi
0 upvote


We use def keywords to describe methods, which is acceptable in most situations. However, if you have to develop several techniques, each with the same fundamental structure and logic, it looks repetitive and not at all dry. Ruby allows for the instant creation of methods due to its dynamic nature.

Dynamically Creating Methods in Ruby

Let's take an example for better understanding:

class A
    define_method :a do
      puts "hello"

    define_method :greeting do |message|
      puts message
  end #=> hello 'Ninja' #=> Ninja
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The above code gives the following output:

Dynamically Creating Methods in Ruby example code output

Defining Methods with define_method

We can use “define_method” for dynamically creating methods in ruby. The define_method defines a receiver-based instance method. A Proc, a Method, or an UnboundMethod object can be used as the method argument.

Let's see an example of define_method for dynamically creating methods in ruby.

Here is an example of code without define_method.

class User
    ONLINE = 0
    OFFLINE = 1
    PENDING = 2

    attr_accessor :status

    def online?
      status == ONLINE

    def offline?
      status == User::OFFLINE

    def pending?
      status == User::PENDING

  user =
  user.status = 1

  puts user.offline?
  #=> true
  #=> false
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The above code gives the following output:

define_method output


Using the define_method, the above code can be written as:

class User

    ONLINE = 0
    OFFLINE = 1
    PENDING = 2

    attr_accessor :status

    [:online, :offline, :pending].each do |method|
      define_method "#{method}?" do
        status == User.const_get(method.upcase)


  user =
  user.status = 1

  puts user.offline?
  #=> true
  #=> false
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The output of the code above where define_method is used is shown below.

define_method output

Defining Methods with class_eval and instance_eval

Additionally, there are instance eval and class eval, which can be used to create methods in ruby dynamically. These techniques enable the evaluation of any piece of code inside the context of a particular class or object. Using class_eval like this becomes liable to the slight overhead of parsing the code string. However, the benefit is that the methods we define need not use reflective APIs; they can query or set the value of an instance variable directly.

Let’s see an example of how class_eval and instance_eval can be used.

Foo =
  Foo.class_eval do
    def class_bar
      "This class_bar"
  Foo.instance_eval do
    def instance_bar
      "This instance_bar"
puts   #=> "For class_bar"
puts   Foo.instance_bar       #=> "For instance_bar"
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The above code gives the following output:

class_eval output

Frequently Asked Questions

What is define_method Ruby?

You may utilize the define method_method in the Module class to dynamically generate methods. When using define_method, you use it with the name of the new method and a block, and the block's parameters become the new method's parameters.

What is metaprogramming in Ruby?

When using metaprogramming, code interacts with other code instead of data. It may be used to create programs that generate code as needed during execution. Ruby can open and change classes, make methods on the fly, and do much more thanks to metaprogramming.

What is method_missing in Ruby?

method_missing is a means to manage circumstances when you call a method that doesn't exist that Ruby gives you access to the inside of your objects. Like a Begin/Rescue for method calls, kind of. It provides one final opportunity for you to handle that method call before an exception is triggered.

Is Ruby dynamic typed?

Because Ruby is a dynamic language, types are verified as the code is executed. The compiler won't alert you if you attempt to call a method on an object that doesn't exist; instead, you'll learn about the issue when the code is run and receive a NoMethodError.

What is monkey patching in Ruby?

A Monkey Patch (MP) is a term used in Ruby to describe a dynamic alteration to a class, which may introduce new methods or replace existing ones. Ruby offers this capability to provide programmers additional freedom.


In this article, we have discussed Dynamically Creating Methods in ruby. We saw how we can use define_method and class_eval methods for dynamically creating methods in Ruby.

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