Last updated: Jan 24, 2022

Entity-Relationship Diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram or ER Diagram is a type of structural diagram used in database design. An ER Diagram contains different symbols and connectors to visualize the major entities within the system scope, and the inter-relationships among these entities.
Entity and Attributes
This article covers what entity and attributes are and how it contributes to the ER model with its types and sets.
Weak Entity in DBMS EASY
In this article, we will be discussing what is a weak entity.
Composite Attribute in DBMS EASY
Composite attribute is one of the types of attributes used in ER modeling. The attributes that cannot be divided into smaller parts are called simple attributes.
Specialization in DBMS MEDIUM
Specialization is a powerful tool because it helps organise the database and hence reduces redundancy and improves the way the database works.
Aggregation in DBMS MEDIUM
The process of combining two entities is known to be aggregation in DBMS. It is used to simplify data modeling and make it easier to query and analyze. Read on to learn more about aggregation in DBMS in this article.
Generalization in DBMS EASY
In this article, we will discuss about Generalization in DBMS. Generalization is a process in which a new entity is formed using the common attributes of two or more entities.
Keys in DBMS
In this blog, we will discuss Keys - a  fundamental topic of DBMS(Database Management System). Read the blog till the end to understand Keys in-depth.
​​Types of Relationship in DBMS EASY
Types of Relationship in DBMS 1. One-to-One Relationship 2. One-to-Many or Many-to-One Relationship 3. Many-to-Many Relationship
What is Super Keys in DBMS? EASY
Super keys in DBMS are unique identifiers for database records, ensuring each entry has a distinct identification. In this article, we will explore Super Keys in DBMS in detail.
Multivalued Attributes in DBMS EASY
This article provides an overview of multivalued attributes with the help of examples, along with pros, cons and how it works.
Difference between Generalisation and Specialization in DBMS MEDIUM
In this article we will learn about the difference between generalization and specialization in DBMS with the help of comparison and examples.
Minimization of ER Diagram
In this blog, we'll learn the minimization of an ER diagram. Also, we will look at what cardinality is and three kinds of cardinalities in relationships with feasible examples.
Recursive Relationship in DBMS EASY
In this blog, we will learn about recursive relationships and we will understand this with some easy-to-understand illustrations.
Impedance Mismatch
In this blog, we will learn about object-relational impedance mismatch, and we will try to understand it with the help of some examples.
Convert the ER Diagram into a Table
This blog introduces the ER diagram(Entity Relationship diagram), entity and relationship set, and how to convert the ER diagram into a table. We will study all the cases conversions of ER diagram to a table.
Mapping ER to Relational Model
In this article, we will map ER diagrams to a relational model for different cases. This will help us in the easy implementation of relational models.